Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

:lol: Mindboggling stupid ..

You and your klan are going to lose BIG TIME, then spend the rest of your miserable lives whining about it.
I don't have klan race baiter. Blm thug.

You don't have klan. :lol:

Klan has you.
View attachment 96433

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Interesting question , where do they go what will they do?

There simply are not enough angry white people in America to elect him president. Where will all that anger, which has been slowly building among America’s white working class for half a century, go once it is left without a viable political outlet?

In the months since Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has shifted from amusing diversion to cold political reality, the narrative favored by America’s political and media elite has been one of chickens coming home to roost.

Trump is the P.T. Barnum of 21st-century American politics, a gifted impresario able to spot a sucker a mile off

Uh Oh: Where Does All the White Rage Go When Donald Trump Loses?

Meanwhile your witch and her coven have done a pigeon-drop con on America for the past 30 years.....you're the sucker, Guano.
I don't have klan race baiter. Blm thug.

You don't have klan. :lol:

Klan has you.
View attachment 96433

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.

Yeah, right. supreme court justices don't need to be lawyers? Come on. Can you name one that wasn't a lawyer?
prisonmike is klan boy, while gipper and redfish are alt right fascists.
I don't have klan race baiter. Blm thug.

You don't have klan. :lol:

Klan has you.
View attachment 96433

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.

Yeah, right. supreme court justices don't need to be lawyers? Come on. Can you name one that wasn't a lawyer?
It is not a requirement to be appointed to the SC.

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.

True. but why would he want it? he doesn't like to actually work, he thinks he is a celebrity,

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.

Yeah, right. supreme court justices don't need to be lawyers? Come on. Can you name one that wasn't a lawyer?
It is not a requirement to be appointed to the SC.

technically it isn't, practically it is.

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.
Comey said she was guilty as hell but because she was a rich power elite Democrat Presidential candidate he would wouldn't indict the scumbag.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Feel free to quote the man where he calls her guilty as hell.

Here is what he said they were guilty of.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

But I think should she win and the GOP does as promised, such as deny her the appointment of a SC justice and obstruct like they have been for the past 8 years now, The Dems will achieve a true super-majority in the Senate and control of the House in 2018.

People go to jail for being "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information".

That is unless you are a rich powerful political elite Democrat Presidential nominee. Then the rules don't apply to you. Only to the peons. Then the political appointees make up lame excuses like "no intent" to cover your sorry corrupt ass.

Nope. If he has said grossly negligent you might have a point. He didn't.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."

Sorry but he let her off the hook because of of her power and the fact that she was part of Obama's administration and the Democrat Presidential nominee.. Anybody else would have been charged.

It is amazing how far you Moon Bats will go to justify the corruption and dishonest of a piece of shit like Crooked Hillary. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.
I do not believe a divided senate would nominate him. You disagree. Then somehow Ginsberg the Jew is a nazi. You are as stupid as TomHorm.

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.

all the more reason to get the establishment out of DC
:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.
I do not believe a divided senate would nominate him. You disagree. Then somehow Ginsberg the Jew is a nazi. You are as stupid as TomHorm.

splitting hairs, but the president nominates, the senate confirms. But I agree that obozo would not get either.
:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.
I do not believe a divided senate would nominate him. You disagree. Then somehow Ginsberg the Jew is a nazi. You are as stupid as TomHorm.
As usual you don't know anything.

Ginsberg is a renowned eugenicist and baby murderer...so naturally she has much in common with the Nazis....just as you do.
Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?
I am not sure that is correct and besides one does not need a law license to be appointed to the SC.
Does not matter. He can be nominated. I don't think a divided Senate will ratify him.
Bullshit. The Rs would roll over like they always do...but you keep believing the lie that Rs are different from Ds.

Hell the Rs voted for several LWNJs for the SC including Nazi Ginsberg and Obama's two unqualified ladies.
I do not believe a divided senate would nominate him. You disagree. Then somehow Ginsberg the Jew is a nazi. You are as stupid as TomHorm.
As usual you don't know anything. Ginsberg is a renowned eugenicist and baby murderer...so naturally she has much in common with the Nazis....just as you do.
Continue to demonstrate your stupidity. You are bound by word meanings and definitions. You don't get to change them without being laughed at.
:lol: Mindboggling stupid ..

You and your klan are going to lose BIG TIME, then spend the rest of your miserable lives whining about it.
I don't have klan race baiter. Blm thug.

You don't have klan. :lol:

Klan has you.
View attachment 96433

:lol: Cartoons always work with the uneducated .. don't do much for people with brains.

I explain hpow Obama is headed to the Supreme Court .. you come back with cartoons. :0)

Obama to the supreme court is the most stupid thing ever posted on this message board, and that says a lot. You do know that his law license was revoked don't you?

I love it when right-wingers prove how utterly ignorant they are.

A. If democrats win the Senate, republicans will be reduced to being spectators on who gets to serve on the SC.

B. If the Senate is split 50-50 .. democrats will control it.


D. After this election, republicans will be desperately trying to remake themselves and court non-white voters to their rapidly sinking party.

E. You're stupid.
Meanwhile your witch and her coven have done a pigeon-drop con on America for the past 30 years.....you're the sucker, Guano.

Thereby proving the misogyny at the root of the Hillary Clinton hatred. You didn't want a black man in the White House, and you sure as hell don't want a woman running things. You'd rather elect a incompetent, racist, flim-flam man, than a smart, honest, hard working woman, or an intellectually superior and extraordinary black man.

The Democrats have saved the country from the economical damage done by Republican economic policies, including NAFTA, which was part of Reagan's plan to keep Mexicans in Mexico. In that regard, it is working. Jobs are keeping Mexicans in Mexico - read the statistics on Mexican immigration.

Clinton cleaned up the Reagan/Bush mess, balanced the budget, got unemployment down, kept the country at peace, or close to it for 8 years. (I'll give you Bosnia and Mogadishu, but I consider those UN police actions, not actual wars.) And Republicans attacked him and Hillary every step of the way.

Bush came in with a super majority, cut taxes, declared the two most expensive wars in human history, in terms of American tax dollars expended, while Cheney looted the treasury with his ownership of Halliburton and their untendered contracts to supply the troops in those wars, and Bush's housing policies created and fuelled the housing bubble, which Wall Street exploited through subprime lending, until the whole house of cards collapsed and took the world's economy with it.

Obama slowed and then stopped the freefall. Bailed out the auto industry, and helped those companies get back on their feet. In the end, he created more jobs than Reagan, but not as many as Clinton, who had a super-majority for longer, and didn't not face the most obstructionist Congress and Senate in the history of the Republic.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to the economy back over to the party, whose taxation policies have transferred all of the wealth of the country from the bottom 47% to the top 10%. Now that the bottom half of the country has so little, the middle class is seeing their wealth headed to the top as well.

While would anyone who has read the economic history of the world for the past 200 years ever vote for the Republicans?

But keep voting for the party of trickle down. Keep letting them piss all over you and tell you it's raining.
Thereby proving the misogyny at the root of the Hillary Clinton hatred. You didn't want a black man in the White House, and you sure as hell don't want a woman running things. You'd rather elect a incompetent, racist, flim-flam man, than a smart, honest, hard working woman, or an intellectually superior and extraordinary black man.

The Democrats have saved the country from the economical damage done by Republican economic policies, including NAFTA, which was part of Reagan's plan to keep Mexicans in Mexico. In that regard, it is working. Jobs are keeping Mexicans in Mexico - read the statistics on Mexican immigration.

Clinton cleaned up the Reagan/Bush mess, balanced the budget, got unemployment down, kept the country at peace, or close to it for 8 years. (I'll give you Bosnia and Mogadishu, but I consider those UN police actions, not actual wars.) And Republicans attacked him and Hillary every step of the way.

Bush came in with a super majority, cut taxes, declared the two most expensive wars in human history, in terms of American tax dollars expended, while Cheney looted the treasury with his ownership of Halliburton and their untendered contracts to supply the troops in those wars, and Bush's housing policies created and fuelled the housing bubble, which Wall Street exploited through subprime lending, until the whole house of cards collapsed and took the world's economy with it.

Obama slowed and then stopped the freefall. Bailed out the auto industry, and helped those companies get back on their feet. In the end, he created more jobs than Reagan, but not as many as Clinton, who had a super-majority for longer, and didn't not face the most obstructionist Congress and Senate in the history of the Republic.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to the economy back over to the party, whose taxation policies have transferred all of the wealth of the country from the bottom 47% to the top 10%. Now that the bottom half of the country has so little, the middle class is seeing their wealth headed to the top as well.

While would anyone who has read the economic history of the world for the past 200 years ever vote for the Republicans?

But keep voting for the party of trickle down. Keep letting them piss all over you and tell you it's raining.

:disbelief: That's quite a rant....I could take it apart root and branch but it would be a waste of time. Hopefully President Trump can unite you democrats and we Tea Party voters to decimate the country club GOP/DNC Wall Street goons and give the power back to us, the people. I know you hate Trump and I agree he's a total PRICK....but that's exactly what we need now. And he's going to win you over....wait and see.
Comey said she was guilty as hell but because she was a rich power elite Democrat Presidential candidate he would wouldn't indict the scumbag.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Feel free to quote the man where he calls her guilty as hell.

Here is what he said they were guilty of.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

But I think should she win and the GOP does as promised, such as deny her the appointment of a SC justice and obstruct like they have been for the past 8 years now, The Dems will achieve a true super-majority in the Senate and control of the House in 2018.

People go to jail for being "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information".

That is unless you are a rich powerful political elite Democrat Presidential nominee. Then the rules don't apply to you. Only to the peons. Then the political appointees make up lame excuses like "no intent" to cover your sorry corrupt ass.

Nope. If he has said grossly negligent you might have a point. He didn't.

"Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities."

Sorry but he let her off the hook because of of her power and the fact that she was part of Obama's administration and the Democrat Presidential nominee.. Anybody else would have been charged.

It is amazing how far you Moon Bats will go to justify the corruption and dishonest of a piece of shit like Crooked Hillary. Then you wonder why we ridicule you so much.

What's truly amazing is how you RWNJ's just make stuff up in your own minds, or is that something you heard somewhere??????

Sounds petty and rash.

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