Where do republicans get this myth that Democrats believe welfare is the key to ending poverty?

I know. I can't help but come to the dramatic conclusion that it would be absolutely disasterous for a republican to win in 2016.

Probably. Although I cant't tell the difference any more.
your $870 figure is bullshit. How was it calculated?

Ask the Cato institute dumbass. They are the ones that put out the number.

Go read the article, dumbass. A lot of what they are calling "corporate welfare" are really programs to help the poor. There's also leftwing boondoggles like "clean energy." Then there are all the agricultural subsidies that the left wouldn't think of repealing.

Republican congressional members received $5,334,565, in farm subsidies. You tell me who is fighting to keep them in place.

Democrats Receive More Contributions from Agricultural Groups

Democrats Receive More Contributions from Agricultural Groups

Since 1994, agricultural political action committees have been giving Republicans about twice as much money as Democrats. But in the first quarter of 2007, agriculture PACs have given Democrats $599,990 compared to $474,274 for Republicans.

"I don't think there's anything surprising about the current numbers," says Charlie Stenholm, who was a Democratic Representative from Texas and ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee when the 2002 Farm Bill was written, in an article in The Hill.

Looks like Democrats are fighting to keep them in place.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Why are they having children if they can't afford to take care of them?
I don't know. What are we supposed to do with the children? Put them to sleep?
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?
Q. Where do republicans get this myth that Democrats believe welfare is the key to ending poverty?

A. It's a talking point, much like the Republican Party is the party of compassion, has a big tent and is fiscally responsible. None of which is true, and in a word, is BULLSHIT.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Conservatives like to argue that the poor are responsible for lifting themselves out of poverty, not the government. Now this is certainly true to a degree and is a fair point, but this logic ignores the nature of the economy that we live in. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs and low wages are way behind on current cost of living standards. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

No liberal/democrat in general believes that welfare will end poverty. Have you noticed that one of the polcies of dems is to raise the minimum wage? Millions of people currently on welfare would no longer qualify for it if they made a decent wage.That is the ONLY way to fix poverty. Wages in the middle class and poor have been flat for DECADES while inflation is way ahead. What is the incentive for the private market to raise wages on its own if business owners can maximize profit by keeping wages so low?

They get it the same place they get the rest of the mountain of fallacious falsehoods that drives their belief system, Faux News and con-talk-radio.

The sheep are fed every day.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

Buy fish with your EBT card
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Conservatives like to argue that the poor are responsible for lifting themselves out of poverty, not the government. Now this is certainly true to a degree and is a fair point, but this logic ignores the nature of the economy that we live in. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs and low wages are way behind on current cost of living standards. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

No liberal/democrat in general believes that welfare will end poverty. Have you noticed that one of the polcies of dems is to raise the minimum wage? That is the ONLY way to fix poverty. Wages in the middle class and poor have been flat for DECADES while inflation is way ahead. What is the incentive for the private market to raise wages on its own if business owners can maximize profit by keeping wages so low?

Welfare is part of what LBJ called "the war on poverty." That means it was intended to end poverty.

Well, to be honest, it was SOLD as a way to end poverty, but it was intended to be a way to perpetuate it.

No, it was and is intended to help poor people be less poor.

If it's the poverty programs in US that perpetuate poverty,

why hasn't poverty disappeared in the countries that don't have poverty programs?

No it started because during WWII the military recruiters couldn't believe how skinny Americans were.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

The poor black man can't fish, he can't afford the fees you libs put on fishing and he doesn't have the 4 forms of ID you libs demand to get a license. OH SNAP!
After decades of following the Democrat's recommendations on ending poverty and watching it fail, its time to kick the Democrats to the curb and go in a new direction.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Conservatives like to argue that the poor are responsible for lifting themselves out of poverty, not the government. Now this is certainly true to a degree and is a fair point, but this logic ignores the nature of the economy that we live in. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs and low wages are way behind on current cost of living standards. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

No liberal/democrat in general believes that welfare will end poverty. Have you noticed that one of the polcies of dems is to raise the minimum wage? Millions of people currently on welfare would no longer qualify for it if they made a decent wage.That is the ONLY way to fix poverty. Wages in the middle class and poor have been flat for DECADES while inflation is way ahead. What is the incentive for the private market to raise wages on its own if business owners can maximize profit by keeping wages so low?

rightwingnuts pretend people on the left believe certain things whether we believe them or not....and then insult us for "believing" the things they made up in their limited little brains.
After decades of following the Democrat's recommendations on ending poverty and watching it fail, its time to kick the Democrats to the curb and go in a new direction.

How have Republican solutions worked?

Remember "Trickle Down"? Give more money to rich people and watch wealth and prosperity trickle down to poor people. Never quite worked as rich people just kept the money
After decades of following the Democrat's recommendations on ending poverty and watching it fail, its time to kick the Democrats to the curb and go in a new direction.

How have Republican solutions worked?

Remember "Trickle Down"? Give more money to rich people and watch wealth and prosperity trickle down to poor people. Never quite worked as rich people just kept the money

You people have complete control over many inner cities where poor blacks live. Democrat party controlled and run, you control where the tax money is spent, you run the whole show. So how has that worked out for poor blacks? You Dem's have sent millions of young black men to prison ruining their lives, you have bussed millions of young black women to your abortion clinics, for fucks sake its like you hate them. Before you even dare point a finger at the right you should answer for your crimes against humanity.
Republicans constanly remind us.....Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime

But what do you do when there are no longer any fish in the pond?

There are plenty of fish, but if you sit there in your boat waiting for them to jump in, you'll be sitting for a very long time.
Liberals do not believe welfare programs like food stamps are intended to lift people out of poverty. Such programs exist as an unfortunate safety net to the very poor. It is a necessary evil in an economy where wages for the poor are WAY behind on inflation. It is also important to note that 83% of households on food stamps have at least one child living in them. That means that even if you want to argue that any adult on food stamps is a self-defeating loser, it doesn't change the fact that kids in that family are in desperate need of proper nutrition for their development.

Conservatives like to argue that the poor are responsible for lifting themselves out of poverty, not the government. Now this is certainly true to a degree and is a fair point, but this logic ignores the nature of the economy that we live in. Low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs and low wages are way behind on current cost of living standards. That means millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs.

No liberal/democrat in general believes that welfare will end poverty. Have you noticed that one of the polcies of dems is to raise the minimum wage? Millions of people currently on welfare would no longer qualify for it if they made a decent wage.That is the ONLY way to fix poverty. Wages in the middle class and poor have been flat for DECADES while inflation is way ahead. What is the incentive for the private market to raise wages on its own if business owners can maximize profit by keeping wages so low?
That dipshit Pelosii said it was...
Fighting the Democrat "War on Poverty" for 50 years, what's the exit strategy?

The War on Poverty was defunded by Republicans decades ago

It has? What did they defund?
Everything you need to know about the war on poverty

Many of the war on poverty's programs — like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, Head Start, Job Corps, VISTA and Title I — are still in place today. The Nixon administration largely dismantled the OEO, distributing its functions to a variety of other federal agencies, and eventually the office was renamed in 1975 and then shuttered for good in 1981.
5. Did it reduce poverty, actually?
It did. A recent study from economists at Columbia broke down changes in poverty before and after the government gets involved in the form of taxes and transfers, and found that, when you take government intervention into account, poverty is down considerably from 1967 to 2012, from 26 percent to 16 percent:

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