Where Do Government School “Facts” Come From?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.History, you say. The past, written, observed, and agreed to by all.

Nay, nay. Not so.

According to Google, a fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.

But the individuals who provide said ‘facts’ are human beings, like any other, and covered by this injunction: A perennial mistake that folks make is awarding an undeserved objectivity, trustworthiness and/or knowledge.
Nowhere is this more evident that that awarded to politicians, economists, bureaucrats, and weathermen. But awarding same to those nominally known as ‘scientists’ is surely a close second. Biases, preferences, politics and credit card debt all enter ‘scientist’s’ claims as do they any average citizen.
The mistake most make is imputing an honor and knowledge to celebrities which is undeserved.

And the same applies to “historians.”

2…Historians provide the support for the current totalitarians.

”ON MARCH 2, 2021, President Joe Biden held a secret after-noon meeting with liberal historians in the East Room of the White House. The president and the invited scholars sat around a long table. Opening a black-covered notebook, Biden jotted down thoughts as the historians told him who, among Biden’s White House predecessors, they most admired and why.

No conservative historians were present.

3. Why does it matter if a historian is liberal or conservative? Aren’t historical facts simply a matter of record? Do the political leanings of a historian have any impact on his or her view of history? They certainly do. When historians rank the best and worst presidents, both liberals and conservatives generally agree that the top two presidents of all time were Washington and Lincoln. Washington invented the presidency as we know it today. Lincoln used the power of the presidency to hold the Union together. But beyond Washington and Lincoln, liberal historians and conservative historians divide sharply on their views of presidents and the presidency.

4. Liberal historians tend to favor presidents like Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Why? Because they all favor constructed imperial presidencies that expanded the intrusive role of “Big Government” in our lives. Never mind that Teddy Roosevelt was an interventionist and an imperialist, that Woodrow Wilson imposed segregation on a racially integrated U.S. military and expanded federal police powers, or that FDR’s New Deal programs delayed America’s recovery from the Great Depression.

Liberal historians love presidents who make Big Government even bigger
. Conservative historians prefer presidents like Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan—presidents who reduced the size of government, who cut taxes and cut spending, and who, by doing so, expanded individual freedom and prosperity. And that’s why no conservative historians were invited that day.”
Sean Spicer, “Radical Nation”

5. Which sort of historian’s ‘facts’ do you suppose end up in the curriculum of government school? And, do you suppose the little captives in government school had the desire or ability to question why they were being taught only one view of history?

Now you understand why so many government school grads vote Liberal/Democrat.
I have my suspicions. Lots of copy and paste. Response time to posts not matching the amount of time that it would take to research said response. Double and triple spacing..etc. :)

"Lots of copy and paste."

If you ever get to college, this will be very helpful. Until that time.....take notes, so you appear less a fool.

a. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)
Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

b. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis

c. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I believe that is all the education you can handle at one time.
"Lots of copy and paste."

If you ever get to college, this will be very helpful. Until that time.....take notes, so you appear less a fool.

a. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/mla/practical_guide.shtml)
Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

b. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(LibGuides: Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis

c. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

I believe that is all the education you can handle at one time.
I also notice that no one except your sycophants hardly comment in your standalone threads.
Is that why you've been venturing into other threads? No one will play anymore? LOL.
You're a hack, sweetie. That's why people ignore you.
I also notice that no one except your sycophants hardly comment in your standalone threads.
Is that why you've been venturing into other threads? No one will play anymore? LOL.
You're a hack, sweetie. That's why people ignore you.

You commented by being unable to comment.

The simple fact is that the OP irritated you, but, being so dumb, you were left mute.

I have four or five more in this thread to which you will be left equally irked and mute.
6. “Facts” often dispute historians….especially Liberal historians. Of course, as Democrat voters don’t read books, they would have no way to know this.

So there is a reason Biden entertained only Liberal historians, and how they played the part they were expected to play. And how Biden’s disastrous policies came to be.

“The historians reportedly told Biden exactly what he wanted to hear: Forget bipartisanship and playing by the rules. Now is the time to bulldoze anything that stands in your way, including such bipartisan niceties as the filibuster. Joe Biden, who ran for president as a bipartisan healer and a uniter, has unmasked himself as a sharply partisan, hard-left strongman president. Right now, his party has total control of the Congress—which could end with the midterm elections of 2022. So, during this two-year window of opportunity, he is ready to shove the levers of government as far to the left as they will go. And the leftist historians agreed: Go big, and do it now.

They confirmed Joe Biden’s worst instincts, urging him to spend big, grow the size of government, expand the power of government, and become another FDR. As Axios observed, Joe Biden “loves the growing narrative that he’s bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama.”
Spicer, "Radical Nation"

Before you give Liberal historians too much credit, take a look at earlier big government endeavors, such as that of Stalin, or Hitler, or the genocidal by-product of Mao’s governance.

These Liberal historians are ‘scholars’…..shouldn’t they have known about the 20th century???
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I also notice that no one except your sycophants hardly comment in your standalone threads.
Is that why you've been venturing into other threads? No one will play anymore? LOL.
You're a hack, sweetie. That's why people ignore you.

The irony! Go ahead and debate her on the content of her posts, you never seem to do that, only troll. Are you too intellectually challenged to debate her? I already know the answer to that question. ;)
I love how leftist men are threatened by a strong, intelligent, conservative woman, displays the lie that they feel women are equal. He just had to use the pejorative 'sweetie' and show what a misogynistic douchebag he is.
I also notice that no one except your sycophants hardly comment in your standalone threads.
Is that why you've been venturing into other threads? No one will play anymore? LOL.
You're a hack, sweetie. That's why people ignore you.

Over twelve thousand posts and you've only started five whole threads.

What's the problem no wants to play in your threads?


The irony! Go ahead and debate her on the content of her posts, you never seem to do that, only troll. Are you too intellectually challenged to debate her? I already know the answer to that question. ;)
Bullshit. I and others attempted to do so on multiple occasions. The bot isn't interested in conversations. It's there to further propaganda.

The argument is always,

Republicans...GOOD, JUST, RIGHTEOUS!!

Copy and paste the same shit over and over. Flood the zone with bullshit.
Then run away and declare a non-existent victory. All without ever having to argue a single one of its points.

Waste of time.
Why do you think no one plays on the bot's individually started threads anymore?
The irony! Go ahead and debate her on the content of her posts, you never seem to do that, only troll. Are you too intellectually challenged to debate her? I already know the answer to that question. ;)
Except PoliticalChic doesn't debate, she just spews more cut and paste junk at you and will then either insult you or try to take you off on a tangent. Been there, done that.

She's got the intellectual acumen of Google News. Great at aggregation but not an original thought to offer.
View attachment 559461

Over twelve thousand posts and you've only started five whole threads.

What's the problem no wants to play in your threads?



No more than your consistently tiresome posting habit of putting your soft thoughts to music you believe shows you to be more clever than people think you are. Hint..you're not.
I don't start many threads because most of that is done by people such as yourself who seem to have more time on your hands than I do. ^Shrug^.
I love how leftist men are threatened by a strong, intelligent, conservative woman, displays the lie that they feel women are equal. He just had to use the pejorative 'sweetie' and show what a misogynistic douchebag he is.

I love getting under their scales, and watching their heads dissolve into a fine red mist.
No more than your consistently tiresome posting habit of putting your soft thoughts to music you believe shows you to be more clever than people think you are. Hint..you're not.
I don't start many threads because most of that is done by people such as yourself who seem to have more time on your hands than I do. ^Shrug^.


Considering you've only been posting since 2019 and are already over twelve thousand posts I'd say it's you who has too much time on your hands and put little to no thought into your posts. That suggests that you're nothing more than a parroting mouthpiece for the progressive party that you represent and are next to incapable of any original thought as the reverberations of your masters demands echo in your cranium seeking to infect us all.


Except PoliticalChic doesn't debate, she just spews more cut and paste junk at you and will then either insult you or try to take you off on a tangent. Been there, done that.

She's got the intellectual acumen of Google News. Great at aggregation but not an original thought to offer.

That's an outright lie, go ahead, pick something from her post and debate her on it. Most of you lefties just come in and spew garbage, you never, ever address the topic of the op. Put your money where your mouth is, and post about the op instead of maligning the person that started it.
That's an outright lie, go ahead, pick something from her post and debate her on it. Most of you lefties just come in and spew garbage, you never, ever address the topic of the op. Put your money where your mouth is, and post about the op instead of maligning the person that started it.

Lying, they believe, is their birthright as Liberals.
Usually, it's our nation they malign.

Thank you!
7. “…Joe Biden’s worst instincts, urging him to spend big, grow the size of government, expand the power of government, and become another FDR.”

Good idea????

“Michael Beschloss filled Biden’s ears with the classic Progressive myth that FDR saved the nation from chaos and economic despair with his big-spending New Deal programs. So Joe Biden is determined to ram through Congress what Axios calls “a $5 trillion-plus overhaul of America, and vast changesto voting, immigration and inequality.” Spicer, “Radical Nation”

A note on what these historians ignored:

“FDR policies doubled the length of the Great Depression

…recent empirical evidence by UCLA economists Harold Cole and Lee Ohanian suggests that FDR’s economic policy added 7 years to the Great Depression. More importantly, much of that extended depressed state can be traced directly to the earliest years…” FDR policies doubled the length of the Great Depression - Reason Foundation

Yet these are the ‘facts’ that government school drums into what has become the typical Democrat voter: the sanctity of Franklin Roosevelt. Imagine if the little tykes had been able to ask this: “Since FDR knew how to end a recession…..why did he do the opposite, and cause a Depression?????”

Same reason the Democrats used the scamdemic to destroy Trump's miraculous economy.

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