When you lose


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
the NBA, you're gonna have trouble

Bradley Beal: "I would like an explanation to you know, people with vaccines, why are they still getting COVID? ... Like, it's funny that, 'oh, it reduces your chances of going to the hospital.' It doesn't eliminate anybody from getting COVID, right?"

Great question Bradley......it's not a vaccine.....vaccines give you immunity for a period of time......usually way more than a year

Where is the overseer LeBron James

Lebron: Look here boy, you gonna get that vaccine, even if it's not a vaccine. You gonna take it and you gonna like it. You have no choice in the matter, ya hear. Or I'll have to crack the whip!
the NBA, you're gonna have trouble

Bradley Beal: "I would like an explanation to you know, people with vaccines, why are they still getting COVID? ... Like, it's funny that, 'oh, it reduces your chances of going to the hospital.' It doesn't eliminate anybody from getting COVID, right?"

Great question Bradley......it's not a vaccine.....vaccines give you immunity for a period of time......usually way more than a year

Where is the overseer LeBron James

Lebron: Look here boy, you gonna get that vaccine, even if it's not a vaccine. You gonna take it and you gonna like it. You have no choice in the matter, ya hear. Or I'll have to crack the whip!
Like with the flu shot there is an efficacy rate which means a percentage will be protected and a percentage will catch it. This has always been known. I don’t see the relevancy of some NBA player who was too dumb or uninformed to know about efficacy and assumed the vaccine meant absolute immunity.
The Pfizer vaccine is 90 percent effective. Nothing is 100 percent.

Even the birth control pill is only 93 percent effective, but you don't hear people saying that means no one should use it.
the NBA, you're gonna have trouble

Bradley Beal: "I would like an explanation to you know, people with vaccines, why are they still getting COVID? ... Like, it's funny that, 'oh, it reduces your chances of going to the hospital.' It doesn't eliminate anybody from getting COVID, right?"

Great question Bradley......it's not a vaccine.....vaccines give you immunity for a period of time......usually way more than a year

Where is the overseer LeBron James

Lebron: Look here boy, you gonna get that vaccine, even if it's not a vaccine. You gonna take it and you gonna like it. You have no choice in the matter, ya hear. Or I'll have to crack the whip!
Basketball players are not virologists.
Like with the flu shot there is an efficacy rate which means a percentage will be protected and a percentage will catch it. This has always been known. I don’t see the relevancy of some NBA player who was too dumb or uninformed to know about efficacy and assumed the vaccine meant absolute immunity.
Well for a vaccine the efficacy rate is usually in the 95+% range.....this is nowhere near that......it's like if you take the vaccine...which can kill you. in rare cases like most medicine....that you get nothing out of it......The mrna nonsense is garbage, just do it like you did all vaccines, give them the actual disease so that you can develop a full immunity and not have to take a booster every 3 months.....I mean 3 shots in less than a year...that's a joke.....
Again I hold it to the standard of all the common vaccines that I HAVE taken...smallpox, polio, measels.........one every couple of decades and it PREVENTS you from getting the disease, never had any of those....oh put on Pertussis, never got it...

But hey the state controlled media says everything is fine.......and they never lie about anything nor would they ever collude with a political party....naaaah.....
The Pfizer vaccine is 90 percent effective. Nothing is 100 percent.

Even the birth control pill is only 93 percent effective, but you don't hear people saying that means no one should use it.
Well there are a lot of people who are vaccinated getting COVID......so I don't buy the 90% number........IF it were 90% then why care if others got it?
See the paradox is, if it's effective then get it and mind your business.....if it's not effective, then why get it?
And they are really really pushing hard on this......to a degree I have never seen.......so I smell a rat.
The Pfizer vaccine is 90 percent effective. Nothing is 100 percent.
Even the birth control pill is only 93 percent effective, but you don't hear people saying that means no one should use it.
Actually its 90% after 2-weeks and then it fades slowly.
That's why we old folks need the booster shots.
I think 2-shots are only ~50% effective after 1-year.
Our Hospital ICUs are stocked with those who believe like the OP
Like with the flu shot there is an efficacy rate which means a percentage will be protected and a percentage will catch it. This has always been known. I don’t see the relevancy of some NBA player who was too dumb or uninformed to know about efficacy and assumed the vaccine meant absolute immunity.
Not what Biden told us a few months ago, he said you get the vaccine you won't get covid. When biden lies, people die.
Actually its 90% after 2-weeks and then it fades slowly.
That's why we old folks need the booster shots.
I think 2-shots are only ~50% effective after 1-year.
Ah......now that makes more sense........it's a ruse.......
I don't take flu shots either.........not old enough to worry about it.......the flu is a minor inconvenience and while COVID is worse than the flu, it's much closer to the flue than ebola.
Our Hospital ICUs are stocked with those who believe like the OP
Got to keep the hype up, got to get those vaccine passports through. Then big government will have total control. Just think right, if Biden pulls this off. In a few short years, Trump will be able to control what you do. You okay with that?
Our Hospital ICUs are stocked with those who believe like the OP
Do you know how many people died from the vaccine? There is a risk from the vaccine.
Its not as simple as you and Xiden make it sound. If I had anti-bodies I wouldn't take the vaccine.
Well for a vaccine the efficacy rate is usually in the 95+% range.....this is nowhere near that......it's like if you take the vaccine...which can kill you. in rare cases like most medicine....that you get nothing out of it......The mrna nonsense is garbage, just do it like you did all vaccines, give them the actual disease so that you can develop a full immunity and not have to take a booster every 3 months.....I mean 3 shots in less than a year...that's a joke.....
Again I hold it to the standard of all the common vaccines that I HAVE taken...smallpox, polio, measels.........one every couple of decades and it PREVENTS you from getting the disease, never had any of those....oh put on Pertussis, never got it...

But hey the state controlled media says everything is fine.......and they never lie about anything nor would they ever collude with a political party....naaaah.....
The COVID vaccines were in the 90% range for the original strain of COVID in which it was developed for. Delta penetrated more than the OG strain so the efficacy dropped to the 60% range. Luckily the vaccine is still effective in lessening symptoms. So when I hear y'all saying that it doesn't work, or its garbage or its causing more harm than good it is near impossible to take you seriously. I'll give you a shot to make a good argument if you have one.

You are comparing a corona virus vaccine to smallpox and polio and measles when you should be comporting it to the flu shot. So that argument of yours don't mean much. Do you have any other points you can make?
The COVID "VACCINE" is a very specific type of RNA vaccine...not at all typical of most vaccines.
Not what Biden told us a few months ago, he said you get the vaccine you won't get covid. When biden lies, people die.
I seriously doubt Biden said that... if he did then he was wrong. Since when did you start listening to Biden anyways?!
Actually its 90% after 2-weeks and then it fades slowly.
That's why we old folks need the booster shots.
I think 2-shots are only ~50% effective after 1-year.
The booster shot contains a software upgrade for the microchips in the first shot.

Shhhhh! Don't tell anybody!
Do you know how many people died from the vaccine? There is a risk from the vaccine.
Its not as simple as you and Xiden make it sound. If I had anti-bodies I wouldn't take the vaccine.
Not many
Especially when compared to the millions of unvaccinated filling our ICUs.

You need to turn off the fake news

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