When the dust has cleared, how will the American mainstream media ever redeem itself ?

main stream publishers is what you must mean. none of those wanna be news reporters are journalists. its only op-ed, so why would anybody, with a brain, pay any attention to that biased shit?
Yikes..then say..something..of..substance..
Assuming you can do this.
My poop has a higher quality of substance than anything you
spew out of your unattractive gutter-mouth, Skippy.

Then bring it, sunshine. Cause so far, you've..come..up..short..something I think you've heard often. :auiqs.jpg:
every time i waste time reading your shit, i think the same way. you always come up short.... just saying
not to mention all the subjects--they can't..they are complete LYING jackasses
After the Durham report on top of the courts final results of this election
are made fully public, and you know there will be fraud shown- as there already has- how is the media ever to be trusted again ?

Do they believe they can just suddenly shift gears and say" About all that stuff we haven't been reporting on, and the untrue stuff we have been, we fired the editors ? " "No more worries." "We'll be good from now on . "

If Durham could find anything of any importance, it would have been released before the election.
I agree
The US media has a lot to answer for.

No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump has.
The media allowed him to bully, lie, deny facts and create endless crisis without serious challenge.

The media was timid around Trump
The double standard against Trump for the last four years has been so obvious, they don't even deny or try to hide it anymore. And now we know that B[g Media and Big Tech are all in as well.

This was the President of the United States speaking to reporters this week, and not one major network aired the event live. This only happens in third world countries, people.

And??..who would give a shit what the carnival barker had to say in his defense?
We only care what our politicians have to say when they have...something of substance to say.
If he's just gonna riff and lie since he LOST..then...IGNORE.

After the last 4 years of gleefully jumping on and repeating ad nauseum every possible salacious piece of fiction they could find about TRUMP!, they've lost any credibility or authority to hide behind, "We're just doing responsible journalism". No, they're terminally biased and will spend the next however long Biden survives in sycophantic, panting stories about how great is his administration, followed by even greater slavishness when Kamala takes over after Biden resigns due to declining health. No, they have no credibility to determine what is news.
I agree
The US media has a lot to answer for.

No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump has.
The media allowed him to bully, lie, deny facts and create endless crisis without serious challenge.

The media was timid around Trump

Only in the last few months have they started identifying his lies as such. Before that, they might have reported that others disagreed with what he said, but they didn't identify his blatant lies.
I agree
The US media has a lot to answer for.

No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump has.
The media allowed him to bully, lie, deny facts and create endless crisis without serious challenge.

The media was timid around Trump

Only in the last few months have they started identifying his lies as such. Before that, they might have reported that others disagreed with what he said, but they didn't identify his blatant lies.
The way the media cowered as Press Secretary after Press Secretary spread lies and propaganda was a disgrace.

Trump getting away with his a sharpie map and blatant misrepresentation of the facts will be condemned by history
I agree
The US media has a lot to answer for.

No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump has.
The media allowed him to bully, lie, deny facts and create endless crisis without serious challenge.

The media was timid around Trump
I don't think it's their role to stop it, Rightwinger. They inform. It's our job to do something about it.
I agree
The US media has a lot to answer for.

No other President has gotten away with as much as Trump has.
The media allowed him to bully, lie, deny facts and create endless crisis without serious challenge.

The media was timid around Trump
I don't think it's their role to stop it, Rightwinger. They inform. It's our job to do something about it.

It is their role to challenge the excesses of Government. That is why we have a First Amendment

You and I don’t have access to the President. The media does.
They let us down.
LOL!!! You think the opening remarks of the Impeachment hearings are of the same importance as a routine presser?
No more pie for me ?
LOL!!! You think the opening remarks of the Impeachment hearings are of the same importance as a routine presser?
No more pie for me ?
I can't figure out how to copy pics in anymore now that I'm on a tablet. If you can help with that AND you say something deserving, I'll get you a big piece, ala mode.
The double standard against Trump for the last four years has been so obvious, they don't even deny or try to hide it anymore. And now we know that B[g Media and Big Tech are all in as well.

This was the President of the United States speaking to reporters this week, and not one major network aired the event live. This only happens in third world countries, people.

There is no redemption for this. They swung an election passing hot piece op/eds off as "News" using the people's trust in that term against them. Now they are drunk with their own power.
Many tacts could be taken against them including anti-trust but for redemption they would have to repent and that's not gonna happen that I can see.

Especially when they had over fifty years to repent and apologize for their lying about the jfk assassination,they did not and they kept the coverup going,they had their chance.

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