When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

Why are you trying so hard to be stupid?

Gee, Sarge, why aren't you able to process the argument? 11B?

To those of us who don't read politics every day, don't write about it on a message board every day, etc. the whole context thing is going to be meaningless.

Romney blurted out the words "I like to be able to fire people". These words fell unbidden from his mouth. For an electorate that has been battered by guys like Romney laying them off and reducing their salaries, it's really like blurting out "Let them Eat Cake!"

Marie Antonette never said that, but they cut off her head, anyway.

If Romney does get the nomination I do hope Obama runs with that. Romney will shred him. The context has been explained in this thread, do you read much?
And even though I was not 11B I do know some highly intelligent ones, and highly educated also. So believe me that would not be an insult.

Just having some fun with you, I was a 76Y by virtue of the fact I could actually read.

But to the point, I don't think Romney will be able to "shred" Obama merely by the fact that the landscape is littered with people ROmney actually did fire.

Ted Kennedy used the same attack approach against him in 1994, and beat the snot out of him. He's had 18 years to think about what he did wrong, and he's coming off just as lame.

Now, yes, the context is, he was talking about insurance providers. You don't "fire" insurance providers, you change them. If you can. Which a lot of us can't, if we get it through our employers, and that's the problem. More often than not, they change you.

For instance, in 2007, ran up a shit load of medical bills, but I had the top notch insurance my company offered. Oddly enough, when they started laying people off in 2008, the first ones to go were- no surprise here- the ones who ran up a lot of medical bills.

So he used an example that is really not applicable to most people, and made himself sound like he was asking if there were no workhouses. Not a smart move in an economy where people have been battered around like they have been.
Many Paulestinians are fringe people in the first place, so they will write-in Ron Paul, follow him off a cliff and/or vote for the 1 losertarian that gets on the national ballot.

Some will get smart and realize Obamination is the most dangerous person in our nation's history and vote against him.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.

It's going to be complicated. I voted third party (Libertarian) in Gore versus W because they both sucked. If I had to do it over again I'd vote for Gore because he'd have never gotten all the socialism that W did because W was a so called Republican. Republicans are going to hold the house and take the Senate. If Obama's President he'll get nothing. Romney is going to have to convince me he's not going to be another W.
Romney's the "best" of a crappy field. It's like being King of the Dipshits. It is what it is. I remain very curious why so many potentials (Daniels, Bush, Huckabee, Christy, Ryan, et al) decided to sit this out. There's gotta be a story in there somewhere.

Aside from his vulnerabilities, though, someone needs to tell Romney that he really doesn't do "animated" very well. Two things happen when he's on the stump: First, he gets that weird, wide-eyed (yet blank) look on face that makes him seem a little strange and manic; second, it seems that this is the time he says things that he later regrets. Calm down, Mitt, act a little more dignified. Obama will make you look like a loon in comparison.

What a lousy choice we're going to have in November. Again.


I agree. It's a lousy choice.

As to your question, why did the grown-ups decide to sit this one out.

1) After Bin Laden was killed, they figured Obama was going to be more popular than the second coming.

2) They realized that they'd have to spend a lot of money to compete with Romney, who can just write himself a check at any time.

3) The Establishment figured Romney was vetted from the last time, and nothing weird like a mistress or the inability to name what departments you want to eliminate would happen. (They were wrong.)

Also, all the alternatives really did have their own problems.

Jeb Bush's biggest problem is his name is Bush. Not enough distance from his brother yet.

Daniels- Great guy. But there's this very weird thing where his wife left him, married another guy and came back. Who'd want to put their family though that kind of scrutiny.

HUckabee was done in by the fact a guy he gave clemency to went out and murdered four cops while they were having their breakfast for no apparent reason.

Ryan and Christy don't have enough of a track record yet.

Reasonable answers, all. Add 'em up (hadn't thought of Romney's deep pockets) and that may be enough. Daniels interested me the most, but the wife stuff would have made an ugly election cycle even uglier.

Romney will get all the support he needs...........at the end of the day, every swinging dick supporting any of the GOP candidates share one common deeply held belief: get this fcuking fraud out of the white house!!

Which will accomplish what?

Even you have to know that with Romney the country will never get on the right track. We will just continue spiraling into oblivion like we are with Obama. So you change the D to a R, big fucking deal. I would rather vote for someone that will actually help the country, not just someone who feeds into your brainwashed partisan paranoia.

If your only goal is get Obama out of office, then that's all you'll get if you win. You won't get a stronger America, or a more fiscally responsible America, or an America with more freedoms. The only thing you will accomplish is getting Obama out of office.
You have said earlier in no uncertain terms you will vote for Obama. You are a union guy. Of course, you will vote for Obama and attack Romney.

Joe's a bigot. He should be a Democrat already.

I'm explaining this to you once, and you probably won't get it, anyway. But here goes.

I do not believe that you can be a religious bigot. You either believe that your religion is the correct and proper one, and all others are false, or you believe all religions are wrong, and false.

Now, as an atheist, the squabble between Lutheranism and Catholicism is kind of petty to me. They both read the same bible. They both come up with different interpretations on sacraments, papal authority, etc.

Mormonism is different, because they present a series of books that they claim are additional material that contradicts all others.

Intellectually there are only TWO approaches you can honestly take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, all other religions are wrong, where do I sign up.

2) Joseph Smith was a two-bit con man who was making stuff up to scam less smart people out of money and score with multiple women and girls.

All the evidence supports the latter view.

There really, really isn't a middle ground. Unless you are a whipped dog of political correctness who just can't offer an opinion on something you must realize is damned silly.

I refuse to play that game. I reject Mormonism as a lie. And a rather malicious one at that. To what degree Romney has been duped by the lie or is helping to perpetrate it is sort of immaterial to me.
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JoeB is a religious bigot, regardless of what he says. His bigotry is faith-based atheism, which is a hoot in contradiction. All atheism is faith-based.
You have said earlier in no uncertain terms you will vote for Obama. You are a union guy. Of course, you will vote for Obama and attack Romney.

Joe's a bigot. He should be a Democrat already.

I'm explaining this to you once, and you probably won't get it, anyway. But here goes.

I do not believe that you can be a religious bigot. You either believe that your religion is the correct and proper one, and all others are false, or you believe all religions are wrong, and false.

Now, as an atheist, the squabble between Lutheranism and Catholicism is kind of petty to me. They both read the same bible. They both come up with different interpretations on sacraments, papal authority, etc.

Mormonism is different, because they present a series of books that they claim are additional material that contradicts all others.

Intellectually there are only TWO approaches you can honestly take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, all other religions are wrong, where do I sign up.

2) Joseph Smith was a two-bit con man who was making stuff up to scam less smart people out of money and score with multiple women and girls.

All the evidence supports the latter view.

There really, really isn't a middle ground. Unless you are a whipped dog of political correctness who just can't offer an opinion on something you must realize is damned silly.

I refuse to play that game. I reject Mormonism as a lie. And a rather malicious one at that. To what degree Romney has been duped by the lie or is helping to perpetrate it is sort of immaterial to me.

1. Every religion has a leader upon its inception that either A, claims to be God or B, says he talked to him.

2. If your a non believer then every religion started with a con and a grab for power.

Your excuses are pretty shallow.
JoeB - Did you call the Glenn Beck show from Florida this past week???

The Paulestinian that had them rolling with his comments about Glenn being paid by Israel, Christians/Jews are as dumb as muslims, etc.

They were making fun of you....just FYI.
JoeB - Did you call the Glenn Beck show from Florida this past week???

The Paulestinian that had them rolling with his comments about Glenn being paid by Israel, Christians/Jews are as dumb as muslims, etc.

They were making fun of you....just FYI.

Oh, sorry, didn't Glen Beck GET FIRED? You know, for being too batshit crazy to be on Fox News? I mean, is that guy even still around and is anyone listening to him?
JoeB is a religious bigot, regardless of what he says. His bigotry is faith-based atheism, which is a hoot in contradiction. All atheism is faith-based.
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

The derivative analogy inevitably fails.

Atheism and religion rely on belief or lack of belief, the positive and negative of an object.

Since atheists neither disapprove the fact of God by science or philosophy, then they must rely on faith to continue their belief.
Actually he quit to do more projects, his time was tight with the TV show that was rated higher than anything on CNN and msnbc.....but you watch the Cartoon Channel during that timeslot.

I'd say Ron Paul is batshit crazy with his foreign policy comments......

JoeB - Did you call the Glenn Beck show from Florida this past week???

The Paulestinian that had them rolling with his comments about Glenn being paid by Israel, Christians/Jews are as dumb as muslims, etc.

They were making fun of you....just FYI.

Oh, sorry, didn't Glen Beck GET FIRED? You know, for being too batshit crazy to be on Fox News? I mean, is that guy even still around and is anyone listening to him?
Joe's a bigot. He should be a Democrat already.

I'm explaining this to you once, and you probably won't get it, anyway. But here goes.

I do not believe that you can be a religious bigot. You either believe that your religion is the correct and proper one, and all others are false, or you believe all religions are wrong, and false.

Now, as an atheist, the squabble between Lutheranism and Catholicism is kind of petty to me. They both read the same bible. They both come up with different interpretations on sacraments, papal authority, etc.

Mormonism is different, because they present a series of books that they claim are additional material that contradicts all others.

Intellectually there are only TWO approaches you can honestly take towards Mormonism.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God, all other religions are wrong, where do I sign up.

2) Joseph Smith was a two-bit con man who was making stuff up to scam less smart people out of money and score with multiple women and girls.

All the evidence supports the latter view.

There really, really isn't a middle ground. Unless you are a whipped dog of political correctness who just can't offer an opinion on something you must realize is damned silly.

I refuse to play that game. I reject Mormonism as a lie. And a rather malicious one at that. To what degree Romney has been duped by the lie or is helping to perpetrate it is sort of immaterial to me.

1. Every religion has a leader upon its inception that either A, claims to be God or B, says he talked to him.

2. If your a non believer then every religion started with a con and a grab for power.

Your excuses are pretty shallow.

Well, not really.

Let's take Christianity. What we know about the Bible is it was written by guys who never met Jesus personally. So we really don't know if Jesus was a delusional guy who thought he was God, or if these guys attributed Godhead to Jesus because by some odd co-incidence, he happened to have survived and the story got embellished through many retellings. They might have even made Jesus up out of whole clothe because they didn't have the moral authority to start a religion themselves.

"Hey, didn't you use to be Saul, the guy from Tarses with a stick up his ass?"

So what you have with Christianity is a mish-mash of a lot of different beliefs that eventually got institutionalized and standardized. Most of the people involved in that process probably were being sincere on some level.

No such wiggle room with Joey Smith. In fact quite the contrary, we know he was absolutely lying. We know this because he claimed the Kinderhook Tablets and Abraham Papyri were proof of his claims, and we now know they were something quite different.

Now, Mitt Romney is a smart guy. At some point, he had to be confronted with the notion that Joseph Smith was a con man. And either he decided he really wasn't, or he decided to keep going along with the con because that was his political base. Either one disqualifies him for me.

And if that didn't, the slimy business practices, fakeness on conservative issues, flip-flopping and general skeeziness would.
Actually he quit to do more projects, his time was tight with the TV show that was rated higher than anything on CNN and msnbc.....but you watch the Cartoon Channel during that timeslot.

I'd say Ron Paul is batshit crazy with his foreign policy comments......

Oh. was that it.

And that goes right up there with, "I'm quitting to spend more time with my family".

Come on, you didn't really believe that, did you? :lol:

It didn't matter what his ratings were. No sponsors wanted their commercials on his program. (Actually, I'm working during that time slot, I have a real job.)
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

The derivative analogy inevitably fails.

Atheism and religion rely on belief or lack of belief, the positive and negative of an object.

Since atheists neither disapprove the fact of God by science or philosophy, then they must rely on faith to continue their belief.

I have a great test. I take a bible thumper and throw his ass off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches him on the way down, that proves there's a God. If he doesn't, there isn't one.

The derivative analogy inevitably fails.

Atheism and religion rely on belief or lack of belief, the positive and negative of an object.

Since atheists neither disapprove the fact of God by science or philosophy, then they must rely on faith to continue their belief.

I have a great test. I take a bible thumper and throw his ass off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches him on the way down, that proves there's a God. If he doesn't, there isn't one.

And if we throw an atheist and he hits the ground, then there isn't a god?

Do you know katzanddogz?

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