When freedom of speech crosses the line.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Odd condemnation. considering the lefts penchant for insulting Christians.

Does that mean if we off a few of you we can expect retreat from you?
This thread should earn the MOST DISGUSTING thread of the week here.. You and your thread are a disgrace. Christians are bashed CONTINUALLY and offended.. that doesn't afford anyfuckingone to SLAUGHTER innocent people... nor does it negate our protection under the United States Constitution to speak freely without fear of the government.. LEFTISTS always seek to rob our freedoms and perpetually blame the victims or speech for what CRAZED lunatics commit.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Did I just miss your condemnation of how muslim oriented media, print, and speeches treat the Jewish people? Or are you just a hypocrite?

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Odd condemnation. considering the lefts penchant for insulting Christians.

Does that mean if we off a few of you we can expect retreat from you?

Clearly Christians don't take their religion seriously enough. They need to be more like Muslims when they're offended and people will stop offending them.

Logic 101 yo. :thup:
The movie was made two years ago and incited nothing until it became a convenient excuse.

When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

if i tell you to fuck off......does that "incite" you......?
Disgusting thread, Freedom of Speech is a right. I suppose the left would rather have that right revoked if they don't like what is said, yet they can say what they want, take God out of their platform and kill unborn children.

I weep for my grandchildren.
Please explain how a movie made and forgotten two years ago is responsible for the deaths that happened yesterday or how the movie makes should have known that a movie they made two years ago would be responsible for those deaths.

We need a MASSIVE rebellion against creeping sharia.
Aren't muslims killing Christians in Egypt and Libya? No concern for that huh lil old hateful lady? Where would you draw that particular line huh?
Liberals demanded the right to burn our flag as speech. Countless military members have died for what that flag represented.. The flag is draped over our heroes coffins who fall in battle or have served and passed.. The act of burning the flag is very offensive to some people.. Does that give them the right to go and slaughter the person burning it??? SEEE HOW THIS SLIPPERY SLOPE WORKS once you fuck with our freedoms?? You don't get to pick and choose ONLY what offends you.. Kindly step the fuck away from our constitutional freedom of speech.
So, someone makes a film, others get upset and commit violence and kill people over their dislike of the film...........or so they say....
and the OP says the violence is the fault of the filmmakers. How fucking childish is that?

reminds me of my kids when they were little, "dad, he wouldn't stop calling me peepeepants, he made me hit him!"

fuck the op and anyone who agrees with blaming anyone but those that commit the violence.
Please explain how a movie made and forgotten two years ago is responsible for the deaths that happened yesterday or how the movie makes should have known that a movie they made two years ago would be responsible for those deaths.

We need a MASSIVE rebellion against creeping sharia.

Agreed, but I'd go further and say we need a MASSIVE rebellion against all the appeasing bullshit that is going on to make nice with these savages.

They demand tolerance from everyone but offer none for anything they don't like. Fuck them.
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When freedom of speech incites violence against a race, religion or one’s sexual orientation and causes death of innocent people it crosses the line and is no longer a matter of principle and the person or persons that miss-used their First Amendment Rights should be held accountable. The person that made this video knew what it would incite and is responsible for the death of the Ambassadors. And he is scum at the bottom of the cesspool. Punk ass little bitch hiding behind the Constitution is not how the framers of the Constitution meant it to be used. The scum is probably sitting under his little rock enjoying his 15 minutes untouched fully aware of what he has accomplished. And the federal and state laws protects the LPAB.

I personal know how it feels to have someones freedom of speech lashed out on ones race and religion.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Did I just miss your condemnation of how muslim oriented media, print, and speeches treat the Jewish people? Or are you just a hypocrite?

I think she just left. The 'Piss Christ' art exhibit is in town.
WHY, for the love of God and everything Holy, can you people not actually READ a copy of the U.S. Constitution???! :eek:
There ya go, and it's free too: Index Page - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Understand that our unalienable rights are GUARANTEED by that document and our agreement to live within its tenets. You have NO AUTHORITY over ANYBODY that doesn't stem from the consent of the people.

Your rights stop at another INDIVIDUAL citizen's chin. What that means essentially, is that each citizen can do whatever they like just so long as they don't abrogate or impede the equal rights of other individual citizens. You can't even prove slander unless you can also prove damages. In order to limit free speech, you'd have to have a constitutional amendment which gives people the right to NOT be offended. And to make it work for the left's appeasement purposes, it would have imbue that right onto non-citizens.
So called Freedom of Speech goes way to far here in America.

And is not what the founding fathers intended.

We need to place strict limits on this absurd "right". :cool:

And there you have it, folks. :eusa_clap:

THINK about what you're willing to give up, your freedom to speak your own opinion, and all to support some asshat whose personal ambitions outweigh his actual competence.
So called Freedom of Speech goes way to far here in America.

And is not what the founding fathers intended.

We need to place strict limits on this absurd "right". :cool:

:eusa_shhh:Why don't we just do what Ubama wants? Just through the constitution out the window. Then he can go by the laws he wants.

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