"when do we get to use the guns?

This is what Trumpism has brought us and it`s not good. They`re no longer just Deplorables, they have murder on their minds as we witnessed on Jan. 6th.
It was mostly peaceful
There is nothing wrong with sensible gun control laws
And, for a gun control law to make sense, it must be demonstrably necessary and effective.
Else, it is an unnecessary and ineffective restriction on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.

Surely, you do not support unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of rights.
There is nothing wrong with sensible gun control laws. Responsible gun owners don't fear them. They abide by them.
It's you fear mongering types who are the liars.....and the scared ones. :)
We already have all the as sensible gun control laws we need. Murder is illegal. Assault is illegal. Wrecklessly shooting off a gun is illegal. What more do you want?
This is what Trumpism has brought us and it`s not good. They`re no longer just Deplorables, they have murder on their minds as we witnessed on Jan. 6th.
Not terribly surprising.
At the beginning of the Souths bid for Independence, after the initial skirmish over Fort Sumter, which was a propaganda recruitment tool for both sides, the People on both sides were excited about the prospect of using their guns to, you know, to "kill um" on the other side. It wasn't until after a few real battles happened, you know, where the other side shot back, that the excitement began to wane. The people were not so excited then.

I remember the Southerners being so sure they would win because they were so much better and knew how to use their guns........................................................
Even though Kirk denounced violence, did you hear how the audience cheered when the audience member asked when they can "use the guns" and "kill these people"?

I'd say the left has a real problem. How far do they think they can push mainstream American around before the pushback starts?
Would YOU have cheered?
I saw this last night - Incredibly disturbing - Thanks for posting
Good. Your tyrant masters need to be disturbed. They need to fear the people.

To paraphrase a quote from Allen West in the Texas Governor Primary Debates, "I am not your lord. I am your servant."

If you are not a tyrant asshole, you have no reason to fear.
But that is the minority opinion based on entirely on the whining of a loser, not based in objective reality or the laws of nature.
what minority opinion, you didn't win so you mean the majority, I get it, your folks bought off judges, we know.
Remind me again, where those plans are?...oh yeah, no where. Cause, nobody is coming for your guns.
I now return you to your alt-right, dungeon dwelling, fear mongering Internet groupings. :)
You guys now say it is all right to rape 12 year old girls for your agendas. Over the years you keep moving more and more to your idyllic version of utopia. which satisfies the way you want to live and screw over everyone else. That means you will get rid of guns.

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