When do the China collusion investigations start?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?

Pelosi is going to investigate collusion between the ChiComs and their wholly owned American subsidiary the DNC. Sure
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong.
Are you sure about that?
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

And this

This may require more scientific elaboration. I have kept this troubling thought to myself for a few days, but now the time is ripe for me to share it.

Increasingly more and more scholars believe that the fact that there were relatively few deaths from Spanish Flu in China in 1918 as compared to other regions around the world suggests that the 1918 pandemic actually originated in China. The lower fatality rate in China from the Spanish Flu raises the possibility that Chinese already possessed immunity to the virus by the time the world suffered its outbreak.

Using this logic, an argument can be made that the fact that China was a prime victim of the Corona virus actually shows that Covid-19 is anything but a ‘Chinese Virus’ as President Trump refers to it. It is certainly not an Iranian virus either. It is clearly not an Italian disease. If there is any merit in the idea that a low fatality rate identifies a possible viral originator, then Israel would be a suspect.

In fact, Israel went through a respiratory health crisis in late 2019. On January 6th, Haaretz’s headline read, “Dozens Hospitalized in Serious Condition Amid Swine Flu Outbreak in Israel.” The Israeli paper reported that “The number of visits to clinics and hospitals due to flu symptoms and pneumonia, which is a common complication, is about 18 per 1,000 people, compared to 7 per 1,000 in the same period last year.” The increase is mainly in those under age 2 and over age 65. In January, the Israeli health system struggled to cope.

God and the Coronavirus

Now don't be intimidated by the long read girls- there are some interesting observations in both articles.
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?
I don’t doubt the Chinese government is responsible for all kinds of nefarious shit, but I don’t think condemning the whole country is smart. In fact, it’s stupid. Our own government is responsible for many bad things. It’s akin to the pot calling the kettle black.
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong.
Perhaps a more accurate statement would be to say you don't care about all the things he did wrong. Or that congressional Repubs (except for Romney) decided to give Individual 1 a pass for all the things he did wrong.
But it's factually incorrect to say he did nothing wrong.
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

And this

This may require more scientific elaboration. I have kept this troubling thought to myself for a few days, but now the time is ripe for me to share it.

Increasingly more and more scholars believe that the fact that there were relatively few deaths from Spanish Flu in China in 1918 as compared to other regions around the world suggests that the 1918 pandemic actually originated in China. The lower fatality rate in China from the Spanish Flu raises the possibility that Chinese already possessed immunity to the virus by the time the world suffered its outbreak.

Using this logic, an argument can be made that the fact that China was a prime victim of the Corona virus actually shows that Covid-19 is anything but a ‘Chinese Virus’ as President Trump refers to it. It is certainly not an Iranian virus either. It is clearly not an Italian disease. If there is any merit in the idea that a low fatality rate identifies a possible viral originator, then Israel would be a suspect.

In fact, Israel went through a respiratory health crisis in late 2019. On January 6th, Haaretz’s headline read, “Dozens Hospitalized in Serious Condition Amid Swine Flu Outbreak in Israel.” The Israeli paper reported that “The number of visits to clinics and hospitals due to flu symptoms and pneumonia, which is a common complication, is about 18 per 1,000 people, compared to 7 per 1,000 in the same period last year.” The increase is mainly in those under age 2 and over age 65. In January, the Israeli health system struggled to cope.

God and the Coronavirus

Now don't be intimidated by the long read girls- there are some interesting observations in both articles.
In the military, when you visit another country.......a long time ago..........you would always get what we called the CRUD...........You'd feel sick for a while after leaving that port of call.............and the next time you would go there you wouldn't get it.

Because each country had it's own..........to say...........viruses and germs........that we aren't used to.
So what is normal to them makes us sick...........So they have a better immunity system to stuff that is common there but not here.

Perfect example in history is what happened to the indians in the Americas................When the white man came.........lol.......we brought the diseases from Europe.......and it nearly wiped out all the indianas in the Americas.............

So, I agree with you to a point..........my hesitation is that I don't believe the Chinese have really gotten rid of the virus...............I find that hard to believe.
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

And this

This may require more scientific elaboration. I have kept this troubling thought to myself for a few days, but now the time is ripe for me to share it.

Increasingly more and more scholars believe that the fact that there were relatively few deaths from Spanish Flu in China in 1918 as compared to other regions around the world suggests that the 1918 pandemic actually originated in China. The lower fatality rate in China from the Spanish Flu raises the possibility that Chinese already possessed immunity to the virus by the time the world suffered its outbreak.

Using this logic, an argument can be made that the fact that China was a prime victim of the Corona virus actually shows that Covid-19 is anything but a ‘Chinese Virus’ as President Trump refers to it. It is certainly not an Iranian virus either. It is clearly not an Italian disease. If there is any merit in the idea that a low fatality rate identifies a possible viral originator, then Israel would be a suspect.

In fact, Israel went through a respiratory health crisis in late 2019. On January 6th, Haaretz’s headline read, “Dozens Hospitalized in Serious Condition Amid Swine Flu Outbreak in Israel.” The Israeli paper reported that “The number of visits to clinics and hospitals due to flu symptoms and pneumonia, which is a common complication, is about 18 per 1,000 people, compared to 7 per 1,000 in the same period last year.” The increase is mainly in those under age 2 and over age 65. In January, the Israeli health system struggled to cope.

God and the Coronavirus

Now don't be intimidated by the long read girls- there are some interesting observations in both articles.
In the military, when you visit another country.......a long time ago..........you would always get what we called the CRUD...........You'd feel sick for a while after leaving that port of call.............and the next time you would go there you wouldn't get it.

Because each country had it's own..........to say...........viruses and germs........that we aren't used to.
So what is normal to them makes us sick...........So they have a better immunity system to stuff that is common there but not here.

Perfect example in history is what happened to the indians in the Americas................When the white man came.........lol.......we brought the diseases from Europe.......and it nearly wiped out all the indianas in the Americas.............

So, I agree with you to a point..........my hesitation is that I don't believe the Chinese have really gotten rid of the virus...............I find that hard to believe.
How do you get rid of a virus?
Who Made Coronavirus? Was It the U.S., Israel or China Itself?

And this

This may require more scientific elaboration. I have kept this troubling thought to myself for a few days, but now the time is ripe for me to share it.

Increasingly more and more scholars believe that the fact that there were relatively few deaths from Spanish Flu in China in 1918 as compared to other regions around the world suggests that the 1918 pandemic actually originated in China. The lower fatality rate in China from the Spanish Flu raises the possibility that Chinese already possessed immunity to the virus by the time the world suffered its outbreak.

Using this logic, an argument can be made that the fact that China was a prime victim of the Corona virus actually shows that Covid-19 is anything but a ‘Chinese Virus’ as President Trump refers to it. It is certainly not an Iranian virus either. It is clearly not an Italian disease. If there is any merit in the idea that a low fatality rate identifies a possible viral originator, then Israel would be a suspect.

In fact, Israel went through a respiratory health crisis in late 2019. On January 6th, Haaretz’s headline read, “Dozens Hospitalized in Serious Condition Amid Swine Flu Outbreak in Israel.” The Israeli paper reported that “The number of visits to clinics and hospitals due to flu symptoms and pneumonia, which is a common complication, is about 18 per 1,000 people, compared to 7 per 1,000 in the same period last year.” The increase is mainly in those under age 2 and over age 65. In January, the Israeli health system struggled to cope.

God and the Coronavirus

Now don't be intimidated by the long read girls- there are some interesting observations in both articles.
In the military, when you visit another country.......a long time ago..........you would always get what we called the CRUD...........You'd feel sick for a while after leaving that port of call.............and the next time you would go there you wouldn't get it.

Because each country had it's own..........to say...........viruses and germs........that we aren't used to.
So what is normal to them makes us sick...........So they have a better immunity system to stuff that is common there but not here.

Perfect example in history is what happened to the indians in the Americas................When the white man came.........lol.......we brought the diseases from Europe.......and it nearly wiped out all the indianas in the Americas.............

So, I agree with you to a point..........my hesitation is that I don't believe the Chinese have really gotten rid of the virus...............I find that hard to believe.
How do you get rid of a virus?

You don't........you get immunity and then it doesn't fuck you up anymore..........what I said there is true.........We called it the crud.......and each country has it's OWN CRUD..........
Your computer has parts made in China. I expect you to turn yourself in.
I will gladly pay a little more for my computer if it is made in the USA.

Unlikely. Both in point and fact. Usually price wins out.

And It won't be a "little" more. Hell, if you paid the guys in the factory minimum wage to assemble the computer, the manufacturer would be paying them 3-4 times more than they would if it were made in SE Asia.

However, there is a way to do this in our "gig" economy. You make the computers to fill the orders, you make them custom made. Do this on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only; pay your workers like contractors. Add in some profit sharing to make it worth coming back, worth doing a good job, and worth building some equity. Forget about "going public" and making a killing by having an IPO. That is when you become subservient to Wall Street. It would take a lot of tinkering and there would be many companies that fail because it's never been done like this before on an enterprise scale. But this would be the groundwork of the model (if not the model itself) to follow. Small scale, responsive to customer needs, quick turn around, and above all else, profitable from sales of what you're making; not on commercial paper once the start-up costs are satisfied.
This is more than just a can of worms-it's a bucket of snakes. The Chinese have been spreading money around Washington for decades through lobbies and influence peddling. It's both parties and now we are seeing the results. The prize the Chicoms have their eyes on is the replacement of the dollar with their own money as the world's reserve currency. Tanking America's economy is a huge step in that direction.
This is more than just a can of worms-it's a bucket of snakes. The Chinese have been spreading money around Washington for decades through lobbies and influence peddling. It's both parties and now we are seeing the results. The prize the Chicoms have their eyes on is the replacement of the dollar with their own money as the world's reserve currency. Tanking America's economy is a huge step in that direction.
The IMF calls it a global reset...........and then we go to a electronic world currency .......TO SAVE US OF COURSE........

They can't do that without causing MASS CHAOS..........what do we have now...................
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong.
Perhaps a more accurate statement would be to say you don't care about all the things he did wrong. Or that congressional Repubs (except for Romney) decided to give Individual 1 a pass for all the things he did wrong.
But it's factually incorrect to say he did nothing wrong.

You thought Trump and Putin stole the election from HIllary. So wrong. You are wrong now.
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?
I don’t doubt the Chinese government is responsible for all kinds of nefarious shit, but I don’t think condemning the whole country is smart. In fact, it’s stupid. Our own government is responsible for many bad things. It’s akin to the pot calling the kettle black.
America is a divided country so no matter which party you belong to I agree its wrong to blame the entire country for the actions of one party

china however has only one party

and everyone there marches in lockstep behind their Dear Leader
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?
I don’t doubt the Chinese government is responsible for all kinds of nefarious shit, but I don’t think condemning the whole country is smart. In fact, it’s stupid. Our own government is responsible for many bad things. It’s akin to the pot calling the kettle black.
America is a divided country so no matter which party you belong to I agree its wrong to blame the entire country for the actions of one party

china however has only one party

and everyone there marches in lockstep behind their Dear Leader
Trump's dream -- according to him
We have just come through four years for years of intensive investigations by the DOJ, the FBI, the NSA and several other organizations into a president that did nothing wrong. At the same time much of the US Congress, both Republicans and Democrats have been shoveling money into their pockets from China, a country that released a deadly pathogen into the world.

Shouldn’t these government agencies now be activated to investigate US Congress and identify the individuals who have been colluding with China to kill American citizens? Shouldn’t America be boycotting products owned by the Chinese? Companies like General Electric for instance? How many have to die before these American politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, are identified and these traitor companies are driven into bankruptcy like they deserve to be?
I don’t doubt the Chinese government is responsible for all kinds of nefarious shit, but I don’t think condemning the whole country is smart. In fact, it’s stupid. Our own government is responsible for many bad things. It’s akin to the pot calling the kettle black.
America is a divided country so no matter which party you belong to I agree its wrong to blame the entire country for the actions of one party

china however has only one party

and everyone there marches in lockstep behind their Dear Leader
Trump's dream -- according to him
thats a really strange comment

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