When Did The Republican Party Become Stupid?


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
And how? The republican party, especially at the state level, is engaging in a Taliban like fight against science and the scientific method. In two areas they are particularly short sighted, evolution and global warming. Religious belief and corporate propaganda work their magic and even control education, see first link. If this were another nation the same people would be condemning them. Why is it OK here?

How The Koch Brothers Corrupted Florida State University 163 Other Colleges Young Turks Informed Comment

Your republican congressman engaging a scientist below. And you wonder why America scores low in math and science, wonder no more.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')
Both parties are "stupid." That is clear to anyone capable of thinking.

Yet many on the left only identify and condemn stupidity by the R party...now that is really stupid.
And how? The republican party, especially at the state level, is engaging in a Taliban like fight against science and the scientific method. In two areas they are particularly short sighted, evolution and global warming. Religious belief and corporate propaganda work their magic and even control education, see first link. If this were another nation the same people would be condemning them. Why is it OK here?

How The Koch Brothers Corrupted Florida State University 163 Other Colleges Young Turks Informed Comment

Your republican congressman engaging a scientist below. And you wonder why America scores low in math and science, wonder no more.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

I believe it was the onset of the Teaparty. I mean these people are scary stupid.
They call us Taliban and then wail the Tea Party are the scary ones

you can't make this stuff up folks...Look up Saul Alinsky and start calling the Democrats what they are, the new commies who COMPARES you people to TERRORIST if you in any way disagree with them

oops, not the tea party
F*** the Police’: Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding ‘Revolution, Nothing Less’

Communists Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding revolution Nothing Less US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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How stupid do you have to be to believe in global warming? It's more than stupid, it's deliberately clinging to a myth on the scale of sacrificing virgins to make it rain.
Wow... So Jon Stewart, a liberal comedian who isn't even as funny as Craig Ferguson, puts together a moronic hit piece on those who oppose climate change, and this is supposed to prove something?

Climate change is but another liberal ruse, like health care. We're supposed to care so much about the emotive bleats, that we willingly turn over freedoms and liberties to government so they can save us from ourselves. Government is the answer, it's always the answer, and any time you can have government control more power over corporations, the better.

The science shows a very slight increase in median temperature over a century. Most of that century, we had no ecological or environmental regulations whatsoever. Centuries before, show much more significant increases and declines, without any presence of human industrialization or carbon emissions. There is nothing in the fact that we've had this slight increase which points directly to human cause. In fact, other scientists who weren't climatologists, have confirmed that there are several viable and credible explanations for the increase. But you see, those explanations don't let government control capitalists.
One can only watch this and share Stewart's exasperation.

One can only watch this and feel increasingly dismayed at the extreme ignorance and gullibility of the Left.

If anyone has corrupted Universities, it's the Left which has instituted thought police like control with speech codes and lack of tolerance for anything that doesn't toe the Progressive line.
And how? The republican party, especially at the state level, is engaging in a Taliban like fight against science and the scientific method. In two areas they are particularly short sighted, evolution and global warming. Religious belief and corporate propaganda work their magic and even control education, see first link. If this were another nation the same people would be condemning them. Why is it OK here?

How The Koch Brothers Corrupted Florida State University 163 Other Colleges Young Turks Informed Comment

Your republican congressman engaging a scientist below. And you wonder why America scores low in math and science, wonder no more.

"The rise of conservative politics in postwar America is one of the great puzzles of American political history. For much of the period that followed the end of World War II, conservative ideas about the primacy of the free market, and the dangers of too-powerful labor unions, government regulation, and an activist, interventionist state seemed to have been thoroughly rejected by most intellectual and political elites. Scholars and politicians alike dismissed those who adhered to such faiths as a "radical right," for whom to quote the Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies." How, then, did such ideas move from their marginal position in the middle years of the twentieth century to become the reigning politics of the country by the century's end?" Kim Phillips-Fein ('Invisible Hands')

politics "becomes an arena into which the wildest fancies are projected, the most paranoid suspicions, the most absurd superstitions, the most bizarre apocalyptic fantasies."

No kidding. We're all gonna drown when the ice caps melt........unless we pay a carbon tax and give the government a lot more power.

Whenever the GOP falls from power, the far right raises its serpent head with dripping fang and strikes the mainstream of the party, infecting it with venomous hate.

The far right reactionaries always act this way: nothing new.
Climate Movement Drops Mask, Admits Communist Agenda
September 23rd, 2014 - 4:31 pm

Communists along with a few environmental groups staged a “People’s Climate Rally” in Oakland, California on Sunday, September 21, in conjunction with the larger “People’s Climate March” in New York City on the same day.
Wait — did I say communists? Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration?
At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march. But in Oakland — always on the cutting edge — the entire “climate change” movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal. Any concerns about “optics” or operating in “stealth mode” were abandoned.
The “climate change” “crisis” is now nothing but the latest justification for “total revolution” and getting rid of capitalism forever.

Yes, capitalism itself is the problem. The primary message of the People’s Climate Rally was this: Climate change is caused by capitalism, and merely attempting to reform capitalism will not stop global warming; it is impossible to work within the existing system if we want to save the planet. We must replace it with a new social and economic system entirely.
Until recently, those attacking the capitalist system as the cause of global warming were intentionally a little vague as to what will replace it if we are to solve the problem. But on Sunday in Oakland, that curtain was drawn back and the new system was finally revealed: Communism. Or at least hardcore socialism as Marx defined it — the necessary transitional phase before true complete communism (i.e. no private property, no families, no individualism). Most countries we tend to think of as “communist” actually self-defined as “socialist”: The USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, for example, was (as its name reveals) socialist. I point out this detail in case anybody reading this article thinks that the “socialism” advocated at the rally was merely some kind of squishy soft-hearted semi-capitalism; no, it is the same type of socialism one finds in places generally thought of as communist.
Below you will find irrefutable proof that communist ideologies, organizations and phraseologies have completely moved to the forefront of the “climate change” movement. (I was originally tempted to say that the communists, as they are wont to do, have merely “co-opted” environmentalism. But that would imply that the goal of global warming scaremongering was something other than “destroying capitalism” in the first place. At this point I now know that destroying capitalism has always been the goal; the only thing that changed on Sunday is that the mask was dropped.)
This proof will necessarily entail posting a lot of photographs; in situations like this, the only way to conclusively demonstrate a point is through repetition of evidence. One could summarize the evidence with a few shorthand images, but that would leave open the possibility that the case was being overstated. To quash that counter-argument before it arises, I will post lots and lots and lots and lots of images from all over the rally, from the sponsors, to the attendees, to the booths, to the speakers, to show beyond any doubt that the entire rally was thoroughly saturated with communism and socialism to the point where these ideologies were the overarching theme of the event.
Ready? All the photos below were taken at the People’s Climate Rally in Oakland on September 21, 2014.

As you enter the rally you encounter booths hosted by Socialist Action, a Trotskyist/Marxist group…

…and the Communist Party USA, a Marxist-Leninist political party who like to think of themselves as the communists, since they’ve been around for almost a century…

…and the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, a Maoist political cult devoted to overthrowing the United States in a total revolution.
Along the way, you encounter the rally’s attendees, carrying signs advocating concepts like…

…”eco-socialism,” which I nominate as “word of the day,” since the theme of the rally was the fusion of ecology with socialism.

“Another Big, Fat, straight, Midwestern, White Man for WORLD REVOLUTION.”

all of it here but remember folks it's the TEA PARTY who act like the TALABAN...
Zombie Climate Movement Drops Mask Admits Communist Agenda
Another wonderful political analysis by the comedy channel. Actually atheists should be up in arms about the global warming issue because it has become a religion to the radical left. Anybody on the left know why they still call it the "theory" of man-made global warming? Because it isn't a scientific fact.
The out-dated argument they have for the melting icecaps is always amusing to me. Let's forget the fact that the icecaps are not melting, that we've seen a growth in the southern sea ice which more than offsets the declines in the north, but let's just pretend that they are right and this ice is melting into the oceans.... gonna flood all this land along our coastlines... that's the 'sky is falling' fear, right?

Well, a simple understanding of convection currents and how they function, is very relevant here. Because there are things going on in our ocean that happen as a result of heat transfer. The introduction of enough melting ice water to cause flooding, would obliterate the natural convection currents in the ocean. Without these, basically everything alive in the ocean will be dead before we have to worry about floods.

Don't get me wrong, it's very possible for our planet to go out of kilter and destroy all life as we know it. In fact, it has happened a few times in the past that we know of. But the problem with liberals is, they think government can save us when this happens.
The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.
The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.

What's the problem? Warmer?
Look at history, when it was warmer, mankind thrived.
Those periods were called climatic optimums.
When it was colder, people starved, died, in huge numbers.

So why is the temperature in 1980 or 1900 or whatever arbitrary year you pick, the perfect temperature?
The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.

What's the problem? Warmer?
Look at history, when it was warmer, mankind thrived.
Those periods were called climatic optimums.
When it was colder, people starved, died, in huge numbers.

So why is the temperature in 1980 or 1900 or whatever arbitrary year you pick, the perfect temperature?

You are wasting your own time. This is no longer up for debate.
The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.

What's the problem? Warmer?
Look at history, when it was warmer, mankind thrived.
Those periods were called climatic optimums.
When it was colder, people starved, died, in huge numbers.

So why is the temperature in 1980 or 1900 or whatever arbitrary year you pick, the perfect temperature?

You are wasting your own time. This is no longer up for debate.

I agree, warmer is better.
The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.

What's the problem? Warmer?
Look at history, when it was warmer, mankind thrived.
Those periods were called climatic optimums.
When it was colder, people starved, died, in huge numbers.

So why is the temperature in 1980 or 1900 or whatever arbitrary year you pick, the perfect temperature?

You are wasting your own time. This is no longer up for debate.

I agree, warmer is better.

The debate is over. I suggest that even entertaining a discussion about whether or not we are facing a climate change problem is foolish.

I think a debate regarding how to go about solving the problem is reasonable. There are various interests who should have a say.....so there will be differences of opinion.

But....if you are still discussing the very existence of the problem as though it is debatable.......you are wasting everyone's time.

What's the problem? Warmer?
Look at history, when it was warmer, mankind thrived.
Those periods were called climatic optimums.
When it was colder, people starved, died, in huge numbers.

So why is the temperature in 1980 or 1900 or whatever arbitrary year you pick, the perfect temperature?

You are wasting your own time. This is no longer up for debate.

I agree, warmer is better.


Feel free to tell me what year we had the perfect temperature and why.

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