Diamond Member
CNN Poll: 56% Of Americans Say They Don’t Approve Of Anything Biden Has Done
So even Democrats have buyer' remorse when they pulled the lever for Good Ole Joe(the same guy who called black kids, roaches) and whose son, is a drug addict of extreme usage. But hey, you guys wanted Joe, the groper of women and children, while the rest of US said, dont do it, because Joe is an empty suit and will tear this country apart.
A poll released by CNN shows that a majority of Americans disapprove of the Biden administration, with 56% stating they don’t approve of anything the president has done so far.
“This is fascinating. What has President Biden done for you that you approve of? Fifty six percent of Americans, nearly six in 10 Americans, that means a decent amount of Democrats said nothing. They disapprove of everything that’s happened,” CNN’s John King reported Thursday.
So even Democrats have buyer' remorse when they pulled the lever for Good Ole Joe(the same guy who called black kids, roaches) and whose son, is a drug addict of extreme usage. But hey, you guys wanted Joe, the groper of women and children, while the rest of US said, dont do it, because Joe is an empty suit and will tear this country apart.
The spike in gun violence continues, with 2021 on pace to be the worst year in decades | CNN Politics
So far, 2021 is on pace to be the worst year for gun violence in decades, surpassing even the high levels last year.