What's wrong with Christianity

Who is 'they'? It was JESUS who corrected the false ideas or those who had empty religion, in other words people who went through the motions but missed what is most important. It's up to each individual to decide if they believe what Jesus said is true or not. Although most Jews rejected Jesus, (which itself was prophesied in their own scriptures, btw) some of the early Christians were Jews who followed Jesus.

As for the other things you said, read the excellent book 'The Case for Christ' by Lee Strobel. It thoroughly goes through all the common objections and corrects the misconceptions people have about the bible.
"they" meaning the people that organized the new testament and the false belief system centered around their idea of the jewish messiah.
It is based off educated guesses as to the Jewish culture and tradition of the time.
Such as, she wasnt married yet and 12 1/2 year old females were allowed to be wed
As I recall, a female was allowed to be wed after her second period--age wasn't the determining factor.
Fair enough meriweather :)
We never agree about this stuff but you are one of my favorite posters. Just thought I would say that.
That is why I find you so much fun--we don't agree, but you never fail in making valid points and astute observations.
"they" meaning the people that organized the new testament and the false belief system centered around their idea of the jewish messiah.
There was a bit more going on in Judaism at the time--especially with the destruction of the Temple. The influx of Gentiles into Christianity added to this issue.

At the time of Christ, many saw construction of Herod's Temple as the third prophesied Temple which included the Messiah--a man descended from King David who would rule all nations. This man would be purely and solely human. With the construction of Herod's Temple, it was believed this human Messiah was imminent.

Then, down went the Temple. Jews following Christianity decided the Messiah must have been a spiritual king, not a human one.

Jews who absolutely could not reconcile a man as being one with God had their own explanation. They pointed out that while Herod had merely constructed a new building, and that there was no interruption or break of Second Temple rituals--the rituals simply moved--meaning Herod's Temple (although in a new place and building) was still the Second Temple.

Therefore the Third Temple and the human Messiah who would rule nations was yet to be.

Jesus always insisted he was not that Messiah, but that he was anointed by God (a Messiah) for his appointed mission.
Christians didnt listen.
Considering what was going down at the time, they jumped at a logical conclusion. As a millennium and more passed with no sign of another Temple being anywhere in the works, that conclusion solidified.

My suggestion for what is wrong with Christianity is that we have come far afield from some of our Jewish roots. One matter will never be overcome, which is the divinity of Jesus. There can be no agreement on that point. However, Christians should bow to Jewish commentary and interpretation of the Old Testament. This in no way disrupts Matthew of bringing literary foreshadowing of the Old Testament into his New Testament Gospel. I have always thought that quite brilliant.
However, Christians should bow to Jewish commentary and interpretation of the Old Testament. This in no way disrupts Matthew of bringing literary foreshadowing of the Old Testament into his New Testament Gospel. I have always thought that quite brilliant.
Just in case you overlooked it, she said "THAT Messiah" (the false version they had in mind) not THE Messiah. Jesus indeed claimed to be the Messiah.
Yes, I am aware. Thanks.
As i stated earlier in this thread, christianity basically says the jews dont know their own religion :lol:
"your messiah is false! Mine is the REAL one!!!!" Lol
Just in case you overlooked it, she said "THAT Messiah" (the false version they had in mind) not THE Messiah. Jesus indeed claimed to be the Messiah.
Messiah means 'Anointed One'. Jesus was indeed anointed by God. However he was not anointed to be the head of human government. Jews are looking for a descendant of David who will be the one anointed by God to be a head of government. Jesus said he was not a king of this world, his kingdom was of another place. Jews are looking for a king of this world.

I liken it to just because there was one King George, that there can never be another because of course there were. Same with the Jewish word 'messiah'.
Yes, I am aware. Thanks.
As i stated earlier in this thread, christianity basically says the jews dont know their own religion :lol:
"your messiah is false! Mine is the REAL one!!!!" Lol

So do you think that every person who belongs to a religion devoutly studies their scriptures and understands it perfectly? Would you say that about Christians?

Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Messianic prophecies, many of them to a tee. All one has to do is study the scriptures, it's there in black and white. No other person could even possibly be the Messiah because not only do they have to fulfill hundreds of Messianic prophecies but they also have to have the right lineage.

Even in their own scriptures, the Bible itself states that the Jewish people would miss their Messiah. Why, because they were only looking for a conquering king, in a worldly sense, but the Messiah is also described as a "suffering servant"... and then later as a conquering King.

And I know this is very controversial, but another interesting thing is that the scriptures say that the Jewish people have a veil over their eyes… that causes many of them to simply not be able to see the Good News. But another very interesting thing is that in their own writings it says that LATER that veil will be lifted, and they will see the truth, and they will mourn over what happened.
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1. it's man made = fake...sure, they do good things but:
2. Inquisition-torture/etc
3. raping children
--a. then the hierarchy tried to cover it up/etc-
4. punished Galileo--they were wrong about that--and other things--then they change their teachings =fake
5. christians are hateful and intolerant of '''atheists''--proof is in this forum!!!!!!!!!
6. they sacked a CHRISTIAN city for ----------------------------$$$$$$$$$$$
7. etc
Jews are looking for a descendant of David who will be the one anointed by God to be a head of government. Jesus said he was not a king of this world, his kingdom was of another place. Jews are looking for a king of this world.

That's pretty much what I just said to TNHarley.

Yes, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, but that is for now. Look at the scripture below and look at the word in bold.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”​
John 18:36​

Jesus will come again, and after this age Jesus will indeed reign on this earth, but that's a topic in and of itself, and I know that not all Christian agree on that.
Concerning the religion, they basically told the Jews they got their own religion wrong.
That might be because Jesus told the Jews they got their religion wrong.

Their book is full bad translations.
Some translations are bad and still antiquated. Why not mention the good translations? As manuscripts are discovered, scholarship improves, and textual variances are eliminated, translations get more accurate.

Hek, even whats in their book was picked and chosen by a small group of people. Around 2000 people.
Again, translations improve. Have you moved on like the rest of us yet?

I could probably think of more bad things related to the religion itself.
Yea, anybody can (and they do). Can you think of any more bad things to say about it that are true?

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