What's wrong with Christianity

This is truly odd. A church in the US that is 53% women and has over 720,000 women in consecrated positions (as opposed to about 100,000 men) is guilty of hating women?

Further, each parish is in charge of its own affairs, with the pastor at its head. Yes, to keep everyone in sync with the Catholic faith we have bishops (in charge of diocese); archbishops (in charge of archdiocese) cardinals (coordinators between archdiocese and Rome) and the Pope, who has nothing to do with parish affairs.

Parish affairs may take up one homily per year; diocese affairs perhaps another homily. Meanwhile the Mass and all other homilies all center around the Bible and the life of Jesus and/or other Biblical readings.

How did your parish keep you focused on hating women and apparently on the Pope's schedule instead of Jesus and Biblical teachings?

You need to explain why one half of humans are excluded from leadership in the church merely because of the earthly (from dust to dust) bodies we inhabit, as if this has any consequence. Women played pivotal roles in the life of Jesus, but the guys booted out all of us with the "wrong" bodies, resulting in qualified candidates for the priesthood having to be consecrated on boats in international waters rather than face down at the altar in a church on land. The first person to proclaim the Resurrection was a woman, the first priest, and maybe the wife of Jesus. The guys following made her out to be a hooker.

The hatred of women is and was seen every day that the organization makes clear that one has to have a penis to lead. I have not seen any female priests, bishops, cardinals, popes, and the rare instances of altar girls have been contentious. Males do not own the Supreme Being and

I am waiting for the teachings of Jesus to make a comeback in all of the sects of Christianity. "Biblical teachings" and the teachings of Jesus are two separate things. The writings of someone like Saul/Paul have somehow taken precedence over the Sermon on the Mount. The Catholic church Either and others are guy things. When I feel that I need the spiritual boost of a liturgical service, I go to an Episcopalian service where all of us humans worship together, and I am as likely to see a woman as I am a man carry the Cross down the aisle. We worship together as a group of Christians regardless of race, sex, or anything else.
You need to explain why one half of humans are excluded from leadership
You need to explain your idea of "leadership". In every Catholic parish and diocese it is, "Leadership, thy name is woman." I take it you want a woman pope and women priests? Very few leaders in those roles. Moreover, we see one another not as leaders, but as servants of God. Maybe that's why you overlooked the majority of us?
Did you find another belief, that satisfied your desires better and made you whole.

Not another belief, just another way of expressing it, alone and in the company of others. Remember when the tsunami hit Japan. My roommate set up an altar to convey our prayers for the people of Japan. She went on a vacation, but left a candle, which I tried without success to light because I didn't know that it was battery operated although it looked like a candle, so I added my own. I hope that our prayers reached the Supreme Being and the People of Japan.
You need to explain your idea of "leadership". In every Catholic parish and diocese it is, "Leadership, thy name is woman." I take it you want a woman pope and women priests? Very few leaders in those roles. Moreover, we see one another not as leaders, but as servants of God. Maybe that's why you overlooked the majority of us?

You have not explained why women are not in the roles of priest and pope and why these roles are reserved for people with penises. Shouldn't Christianity be all in? What does a human body have to do with anything?
You have not explained why women are not in the roles of priest and pope
Please don't be gross. As you know, the Catholic faith has always taken following the ways of Jesus seriously. In fact, we are often criticized for following tradition so closely. Jesus' twelve apostles (the special priesthood) were all male and that tradition is followed to this day.

Are you familiar with Mark 9:35, where Jesus tells the Apostles, "If anyone wishes to be the first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all."

Could it be your complaint is really about women being first? You want them held back with the men, when Jesus' plan was for us (and our service) to be first?
Jesus Christ and the Lord our God are the only ones doing the miracles around here, not some sellout televangelist who likes wearing expensive suits, flying private jets, and not doing anything to help anyone or get people saved
While I may, OR MAY NOT agree with your view of these individuals, when the apostle Peter walked past someone who was ill, THEY WERE HEALED. God uses HUMAN BEINGS to accomplish His work on this earth. It is up to you to JUDGE those who claim to be ministers of God

What's wrong with Christianity​

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
words written by the crucifiers -

the 4th century christian bible is a deception through forgeries and fallacies to persuade political dialogue as a religion and circumvents the reason of liberation theology the 1st century religious itinerant was willing to die for of individual personal accomplishments and purity of heart being the means for admission to the Everlasting not servitude.
I was born into Christianity in the form of the Catholic faith. I quit Catholicism due, in part, to its misogyny and the fact that its leadership in the form of a monarchy. Having seen other "Christians" adopt these same mistakes and even identify political views with Christianity, I am ready to quit. None of this, NONE OF THIS, has anything to do with any belief in Jesus. So much of Christianity has been made false by identifying a belief in Jesus with some sort of authoritarian politics, not only in the present day but over centuries, that I wonder what is left to believe in. It appears that "Christianity" is a false religion. It appears that what I believed in was false.
Jesus didnt start the religion that came out of Rome. Nor any of its 32,999 branches, They all are taught the same errors. In these last days, Jesus' religion made a comeback. And made mistakes and many corrections of mistakes.( their own and all the ones made centuries ago.) So that truth has become abundant. Jesus said his followers would be hated by the world.
Please don't be gross. As you know, the Catholic faith has always taken following the ways of Jesus seriously. In fact, we are often criticized for following tradition so closely. Jesus' twelve apostles (the special priesthood) were all male and that tradition is followed to this day.

Are you familiar with Mark 9:35, where Jesus tells the Apostles, "If anyone wishes to be the first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all."

Could it be your complaint is really about women being first? You want them held back with the men, when Jesus' plan was for us (and our service) to be first?

No. I don't know that the Catholic faith has taken following the ways of Jesus seriously. Look into the history of the Catholic Church in Europe, violent and disgusting, and never following the instructions given in the Sermon on the Mount.Jesus did not declare "apostles." His mother Mary and his wife Mary stood by his side all the way through, yet paul, who never met him, is declared to be an apostle.

My complaint is NOT about "women being first." My "complaint" is about having a church in which all don't participate and one half are discriminated against. You are arguing that the eucharist may only be performed by someone with male genitalia. A person with female genitalia may also perform this supernatural act.
What did Jesus say about the "Church Age"? Do you have a verse?
Jesus never called it the Church Age

but we believe its the time between the resurrection and the 2nd Coming

The world is ruled by mankind and its the chance for unbelieving libs to prove they can achieve nirvana aka heaven on earth

in case no one has noticed libs are failing badly
If you have negative feelings about something in Christianity feel free to post it here. I created an alternate thread called what is right about Christianity, for those who want to post the like. I'm hoping to avoid the constant bickering that often occurs between posters which ends up distracting from the conversation. Enjoy !

The replies were not quite what the godbotherers expected. Not everyone follows the silly ghost story.
Grin. Thank you. We should be--we get enough practice! Still, men should not be dismissed. It becomes pretty lopsided when one gender takes over. Men can be awesome, and I seriously mean that.
Agree with that. Overall, human beings aren't so bad after all.
1. Christianity promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness.

2. Christianity created wonderful charities and organizations.

3. Christian persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions.

4. Christianity has been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing.

5. Christianity gave us the concept of subsidiarity.

6. Christianity has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility.

7. Christianity teaches accountability and responsibility.

8. Christianity teaches that we have a choice in how we behave.

9. Christianity teaches that actions have consequences.

10. Christianity inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe.

11. Christianity helps us feel connected to one another and to nature.

12. Christianity helps us feel less alone in the world.

13. Christianity serves to ennoble the human spirit.

14. Christianity serves to bind the community together.

15. Christianity inspires love, peace and happiness.

16. Christianity serves to create traditions.

17. Christianity brings order to our lives.

18. Christianity brings comfort to the terminally ill.

19. Christianity can act as a source of hope for the oppressed.

20. Christianity teaches that we can transform ourselves.

21. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon.

22. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

23. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church.

24. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market.

25. The Catholic Church invented the university.

26. Western law grew out of Church canon law.

27. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life.

28. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources.

29. Christianity gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians.

30. Christianity gave us America.

31. Christianity gave us incredible artwork.

32. Christianity gave us incredible music.

33. Christianity gave us incredible architecture.

34. Christianity has spread democracy.

35. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression.

36. Christians rebuilt Europe after WWII.

37. Christians rebuilt Japan after WWII.

38. Christians put a man on the moon.

39. Christians ended the cold war.
Sounds more like things Americans did. Yes there are many Christians in America, but America is much more than that.
As I recall, a female was allowed to be wed after her second period--age wasn't the determining factor.
The term betulah where is used for a young female who just entered puberty and was still a virgin, back then that usually occurred between the ages of 10 and 12.
That's pretty much what I just said to TNHarley.

Yes, Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world, but that is for now. Look at the scripture below and look at the word in bold.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”​
John 18:36​

Jesus will come again, and after this age Jesus will indeed reign on this earth, but that's a topic in and of itself, and I know that not all Christian agree on that.
The union of the two universes will bring about heaven on Earth.

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