What's wrong with Christianity

Just in case you weren't just trolling…

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Luke 1:38

You're welcome.
yeah, 12 year old girls can consent to sex with authority figures. Ok lol
And I kinda was, but i wasnt trolling. We all know god didnt impregnate her. She cheate don joseph and had to make up some crazy shit only ignorant desert savages would believe.
What would have happened to her if she got pregnant by a human in those times?
The answer is death. That is what would have happened to her.
Hating women is hyperbole but they dont look at women like they do with men. Like with preaching and stuff.
Yes, women do (a few times a year) give the homily (mostly missionary). Religious education programs (for all ages) are primarily women. Parish councils (and other church councils) are mostly comprised of women. Take a look at most parish programs. The heads are primarily (but not always) women. Take a look at the readers, the Eucharistic ministers, choir...primarily women. Parish offices: run by women. Altar servers and ushers are often female. It appears as if you males want us women to do everything so males don't have to do anything. ;)
What I find wrong is not so much the religion, but rather those who take advantage of it. Joel Olsteen and Kenneth Colemann, etc. They do their dancin' and a proclaimin' and a healin' but it's all for show and money. Peter Poppoff selling "miracle spring water" on TV? Come on! Jesus Christ and the Lord our God are the only ones doing the miracles around here, not some sellout televangelist who likes wearing expensive suits, flying private jets, and not doing anything to help anyone or get people saved.
You would think they can see the false prophets coming from miles away.
Yes, women do (a few times a year) give the homily (mostly missionary). Religious education programs (for all ages) are primarily women. Parish councils (and other church councils) are mostly comprised of women. Take a look at most parish programs. The heads are primarily (but not always) women. Take a look at the readers, the Eucharistic ministers, choir...primarily women. Parish offices: run by women. Altar servers and ushers are often female. It appears as if you males want us women to do everything so males don't have to do anything. ;)
You women are better at many things! :)
yeah, 12 year old girls can consent to sex with authority figures. Ok lol
And I kinda was, but i wasnt trolling. We all know god didnt impregnate her. She cheate don joseph and had to make up some crazy shit only ignorant desert savages would believe.
What would have happened to her if she got pregnant by a human in those times?
The answer is death. That is what would have happened to her.

First of all the Bible doesn’t say how old she was. You’re adding to the scriptures. Secondly, who said anything about sex? The whole point was that this was a miracle, not an ordinary conception. I know, I know, you’re not a believer, so you’ll mock and dismiss that, but don’t rewrite the scriptures. If it’s hard for you to fathom a conception without sex, think of it as sort of like in-vitro fertilization.
I was born into Christianity in the form of the Catholic faith. I quit Catholicism due, in part, to its misogyny and the fact that its leadership in the form of a monarchy. Having seen other "Christians" adopt these same mistakes and even identify political views with Christianity, I am ready to quit. None of this, NONE OF THIS, has anything to do with any belief in Jesus. So much of Christianity has been made false by identifying a belief in Jesus with some sort of authoritarian politics, not only in the present day but over centuries, that I wonder what is left to believe in. It appears that "Christianity" is a false religion. It appears that what I believed in was false.
Did you find another belief, that satisfied your desires better and made you whole.
Paul, I believe it was, said "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent"
Peter said "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."
Part of Paul's exhortation for peace and quiet was to address what was happening during the assembly. Keep in mind women and men gathering together for an assembly was quite unusual for its time. Naturally, the women wanted to know what was going on which caused things to become a bit chaotic. Paul thought men should teach their wives at home because during the gathering assembly she (along with the men) must be quiet.

The culture of the day had men and women performing separate tasks. Men's work was not women's work and vice-versa. Also, the man was considered the leader of his household in the outside world. It was also understood the woman ruled the roost (inside). This being the case, men were more likely to understand the trials other men faced in the outside world. Another issue of the time was that many pagan priestesses were known to sexually dominate men as part of their rituals. Paul certainly did not want women in the new Christian faith to be compared to pagan priestesses.
You women are better at many things!
Grin. Thank you. We should be--we get enough practice! Still, men should not be dismissed. It becomes pretty lopsided when one gender takes over. Men can be awesome, and I seriously mean that.
Timothy : But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
I keep in mind the word 'usurp'. Women should not usurp the authority of another woman, either. Do you know that women had authority in those days as well? And in that culture a woman's veil conveyed her authority. Different times.

If I happen to be teaching a Bible study class that includes men, I am not usurping any authority. However, if I am attending a Bible Study class where someone else is teaching and I try to take over, I am usurping that authority, whether than teacher be male or female.

We don't take what belongs to another. Paul felt the same.
Concerning the religion, they basically told the Jews they got their own religion wrong.
Their book is full bad translations.
Hek, even whats in their book was picked and chosen by a small group of people. Around 2000 people.
I could probably think of more bad things related to the religion itself.

Who is 'they'? It was JESUS who corrected the false ideas or those who had empty religion, in other words people who went through the motions but missed what is most important. It's up to each individual to decide if they believe what Jesus said is true or not. Although most Jews rejected Jesus, (which itself was prophesied in their own scriptures, btw) some of the early Christians were Jews who followed Jesus.

As for the other things you said, read the excellent book 'The Case for Christ' by Lee Strobel. It thoroughly goes through all the common objections and corrects the misconceptions people have about the bible.
First of all the Bible doesn’t say how old she was. You’re adding to the scriptures. Secondly, who said anything about sex? The whole point was that this was a miracle, not an ordinary conception. I know, I know, you’re not a believer, so you’ll mock and dismiss that, but don’t rewrite the scriptures. If it’s hard for you to fathom a conception without sex, think of it as sort of like in-vitro fertilization.
It is based off educated guesses as to the Jewish culture and tradition of the time.
Such as, she wasnt married yet and 12 1/2 year old females were allowed to be wed
I keep in mind the word 'usurp'. Women should not usurp the authority of another woman, either. Do you know that women had authority in those days as well? And in that culture a woman's veil conveyed her authority. Different times.

If I happen to be teaching a Bible study class that includes men, I am not usurping any authority. However, if I am attending a Bible Study class where someone else is teaching and I try to take over, I am usurping that authority, whether than teacher be male or female.

We don't take what belongs to another. Paul felt the same.
Fair enough meriweather :)
We never agree about this stuff but you are one of my favorite posters. Just thought I would say that.

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