What's always missing in the "gun debate"

And it won't stop until Democrats have reached their ultimate goal, which is to have a disarmed society except for cops and criminals.

You mean like the rest of the world (except for the ME) experiences....???

Yes, that's exactly what I mean.

You leftists with your "Everyplace is better than America" comments never seem to pack up your bags and go to these so-called better places. But hey........I understand why, you were born here.

But you're in luck. I happen to know of places in the US where nobody but government has guns, you don't pay any taxes because others are paying them for you, free government healthcare, government feeds you and decides what you're allowed to eat and not eat, no smoking allowed either.......

We call them prisons, and I can't think of a better place for liberals to be.

And it is worth noting, that scores of millions of people from those places are literally dying to get to HERE, instead of the other way around.

INdeed, what is the flow of Americans to these places? In the hundreds?

It surely will increase in November 2020, when all the Democrats threatening to leave the country if Trump is reelected keep their word. :113:
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Because you have no such ‘proof.’

Sure there's proof.

I was a child during the birth of real liberalism. I remember how they worked.

First they demanded we remove lead from gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, and green is a cost of trillions of dollars a year, and they're still not happy.

They also demanded we let gays out of the closet. That's all they wanted, just to set those people free. Fast forward to today, and gays are not only getting married and adopting kids, but got the supreme court to force their marriages down our throats regardless if your state wanted it or not. And if you don't bake them a wedding cake out of religious beliefs, they'll sue you right out of business.

I remember when they wanted to outlaw smoking in movie theaters. That's all they wanted, and they will be happy. Fast forward to today, you not only can't smoke in most public places, but outside as well. They even have laws restricting cigarettes or cigars in your own vehicle.

Liberals have a very traceable track record. So when they say "We want to make AR's illegal to buy, that's all we want, and we will be happy!" why do we not trust them?

So you want to put lead back into gas cause it created the GAYS...

Again we are talking about common sense....
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???

Liberal brain cells.
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???

Id love to have a few rpg's and a flamethrower to add to the collection.
I'll tell you what's missing from the gun debate. Evidence that indicates that all mass shooters in modern history were maniacs or left wingers or a combination of the two. The left wing media buried the story faster than Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson (who?) after he tried to kill every conservative republican congressman at a practice baseball game. With all the crime analysis and profile experts on staff in the FBI they couldn't figure out why Stephen Paddock (who?) opened fire on a Country Concert that the media characterized as a "Trump rally". Every mass shooter broke one or more laws related to firearms and not a single one had the vaguest relationship with the NRA and yet the crazy left declares skeet shooters, antique gun collectors, housewives and businessmen to be members of a terrorist organization. Taking Hodgkinson's relationship with the socialist/democrats into consideration there is more evidence linking the democrat party to terrorism than the NRA
What's always missing in the gun debate is common sense.

On one extreme side of the issue, you have gun-nuts who keep on "thinking" that virtually ANY gun legislation to curb the mass shootings is tantamount to giving up their weapons to fight off the U.S. government armed forces......Yep, insanity personified.

On the other extreme side of the issue, you now have someone like Beto demanding that citizens turn in their assault rifles (AR-15 and other war military style war rifles) or face the stigma of becoming an outlaw.

What is missing in the above debate is an understanding of even recent history.

In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

Ask yourself WHY we don't readily sell RPG rifles?......After all, if the mental rationale of most gun owners is to be allowed to buy military weapons to ward off the federal government assault on their liberty, an RPG rifle or machine gun would certainly be handy, don't you think???

They also banned alcohol and they weren't correct. Can you think critically?
In the mid 1930's, we DID ban the sale of machine guns and short-barreled rifles, etc. mostly based on the rationale that such weapons were NOT for the hunter and sportsman....The use of such weaponry was regarded as nefarious....and the law makers were then correct.

When you guys get stomped on one gun confiscation thread, you just start another one. How is that working for you?

You are lying again, which is no surprise. I can purchase a machine gun today, and you can too if you can pass the background check and write a large enough check...that doesn't bounce.

How do you continue to rail on something you know so little about?
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Because you have no such ‘proof.’

Sure there's proof.

I was a child during the birth of real liberalism. I remember how they worked.

First they demanded we remove lead from gasoline. That's all they wanted, and they would be happy. Fast forward to today, and green is a cost of trillions of dollars a year, and they're still not happy.

They also demanded we let gays out of the closet. That's all they wanted, just to set those people free. Fast forward to today, and gays are not only getting married and adopting kids, but got the supreme court to force their marriages down our throats regardless if your state wanted it or not. And if you don't bake them a wedding cake out of religious beliefs, they'll sue you right out of business.

I remember when they wanted to outlaw smoking in movie theaters. That's all they wanted, and they will be happy. Fast forward to today, you not only can't smoke in most public places, but outside as well. They even have laws restricting cigarettes or cigars in your own vehicle.

Liberals have a very traceable track record. So when they say "We want to make AR's illegal to buy, that's all we want, and we will be happy!" why do we not trust them?

So you want to put lead back into gas cause it created the GAYS...

Again we are talking about common sense....

I didn't say that. What I said is that Democrats only claim to want X, and when they get X, they move on to W, then Z.

In other words, this assault weapons ban would only be the first step in their long movement towards total gun confiscation. Let's see how honest you are here:

Let's say you made decisions for the Democrats, and I made the decisions for the Republicans. I tell you that I'll go along with your assault weapons ban, and even background checks, and in return, I want your party to sign a Contract with America. In that contract, you promise to never bring up guns again for eternity, win, lose or draw. Would you agree to that?

Of course not, because even you know this legislation would never stop here. They only makes it look like it would.
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Name one gun law that was passed where the commies said they were satisfied and would ask for no more laws.


Hell name any law passed where the left didn't keep coming back. Gun control assholes in particular have openly stated that is their strategy, death of the 2nd amendment by 1,000 cuts.
Its been proven that if we give gun control advocates an inch they take a mile. So piss off gun control advocates you lying scum.

So it has been proven...

Can we see your proof?

Name one gun law that was passed where the commies said they were satisfied and would ask for no more laws.


Hell name any law passed where the left didn't keep coming back. Gun control assholes in particular have openly stated that is their strategy, death of the 2nd amendment by 1,000 cuts.

You'll notice the little commie freak didn't respond. Fucking cowards.

Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Probably not many given they rarely show up in crime. But the nuts now act like tyranny will take over if we have any new regulations on semi auto rifles. Well why didn't tyranny take over when we had machine gun regulations? Guns aren't stopping tyranny, we have checks and balances in our government that do that.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
It's shocking that you're too much of a partisan fuck to recognize that the gun grabbers didn't stop there.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Probably not many given they rarely show up in crime. But the nuts now act like tyranny will take over if we have any new regulations on semi auto rifles. Well why didn't tyranny take over when we had machine gun regulations? Guns aren't stopping tyranny, we have checks and balances in our government that do that.
In fact we have no idea how many machine guns are out there and I don't believe many machine guns were used in crimes before they were regulated. I'm not a gun enthusiast, but I before I give up any of may freedoms I want to see real evidence that something of importance will be gained from it and so far no one has been able to make a case that any of these regulations on gun ownership will stop mass shootings or even appreciatively reduce violent crime.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Probably not many given they rarely show up in crime. But the nuts now act like tyranny will take over if we have any new regulations on semi auto rifles. Well why didn't tyranny take over when we had machine gun regulations? Guns aren't stopping tyranny, we have checks and balances in our government that do that.
In fact we have no idea how many machine guns are out there and I don't believe many machine guns were used in crimes before they were regulated. I'm not a gun enthusiast, but I before I give up any of may freedoms I want to see real evidence that something of importance will be gained from it and so far no one has been able to make a case that any of these regulations on gun ownership will stop mass shootings or even appreciatively reduce violent crime.
Crime sure dropped after the Brady bill. The proof is all around you. The gun lobby just finds new ways to fool people.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
It's shocking that you're too much of a partisan fuck to recognize that the gun grabbers didn't stop there.
But why didn't tyranny take over? Oh my God, they regulated machine guns! Tyranny must have taken us over.
Right on cue, the nebulous term "common sense" gets invoked....As though you moonbats have any of it at all, let alone a corner on the market.

View attachment 279427
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Probably not many given they rarely show up in crime. But the nuts now act like tyranny will take over if we have any new regulations on semi auto rifles. Well why didn't tyranny take over when we had machine gun regulations? Guns aren't stopping tyranny, we have checks and balances in our government that do that.
In fact we have no idea how many machine guns are out there and I don't believe many machine guns were used in crimes before they were regulated. I'm not a gun enthusiast, but I before I give up any of may freedoms I want to see real evidence that something of importance will be gained from it and so far no one has been able to make a case that any of these regulations on gun ownership will stop mass shootings or even appreciatively reduce violent crime.
Crime sure dropped after the Brady bill. The proof is all around you. The gun lobby just finds new ways to fool people.
"The Brady Bill, the most important piece of federal gun control legislation in recent decades, has had no statistically discernable effect on reducing gun deaths, according to a study by Philip J. Cook, a Duke University professor of public policy, economics and sociology. "The Brady Bill seems to have been a failure," Cook told an audience in Caplin Pavilion on March 11. "But that doesn't mean gun control is doomed to failure."

Regarded as the nation's foremost authority on gun control, Cook spoke on "Evaluating the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act" to inaugurate a new lecture series on public health, law and ethics issues. Elected in 2001 to the prestigious Institute of Medicine, Cook is also known for his work on alcohol problems. In a 1981 study, he demonstrated that alcohol taxes have a direct effect on reducing drinking."

Study Shows Brady Bill Had No Impact on Gun Homicides

Again, there is no evidence any of these regulations will stop mass shootings of reduce violent crime.
It's shocking tyranny didn't take over when machine guns became heavily regulated. Come back to reality kid.
Legal purchases of machine guns are regulated but we have no idea how many illegal machine guns are being manufactured and purchased.
Probably not many given they rarely show up in crime. But the nuts now act like tyranny will take over if we have any new regulations on semi auto rifles. Well why didn't tyranny take over when we had machine gun regulations? Guns aren't stopping tyranny, we have checks and balances in our government that do that.
In fact we have no idea how many machine guns are out there and I don't believe many machine guns were used in crimes before they were regulated. I'm not a gun enthusiast, but I before I give up any of may freedoms I want to see real evidence that something of importance will be gained from it and so far no one has been able to make a case that any of these regulations on gun ownership will stop mass shootings or even appreciatively reduce violent crime.
Crime sure dropped after the Brady bill. The proof is all around you. The gun lobby just finds new ways to fool people.
"The Brady Bill, the most important piece of federal gun control legislation in recent decades, has had no statistically discernable effect on reducing gun deaths, according to a study by Philip J. Cook, a Duke University professor of public policy, economics and sociology. "The Brady Bill seems to have been a failure," Cook told an audience in Caplin Pavilion on March 11. "But that doesn't mean gun control is doomed to failure."

Regarded as the nation's foremost authority on gun control, Cook spoke on "Evaluating the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act" to inaugurate a new lecture series on public health, law and ethics issues. Elected in 2001 to the prestigious Institute of Medicine, Cook is also known for his work on alcohol problems. In a 1981 study, he demonstrated that alcohol taxes have a direct effect on reducing drinking."

Study Shows Brady Bill Had No Impact on Gun Homicides

Again, there is no evidence any of these regulations will stop mass shootings of reduce violent crime.

Oh... woops...

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