What was the exact day the left fell in love with wars, corporations, and government overreach?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Was it the day Obama was inaugurated?

The left still hated war in 2008.

Now they love it.
The rabid right has lost it's mind.

You mean to tell me that the guy that was pal'in around with the Weather Underground dude, who bombed government buildings in protest of the Vietnam war, you're now calling a war monger?
The rabid right has lost it's mind.

You mean to tell me that the guy that was pal'in around with the Weather Underground dude, who bombed government buildings in protest of the Vietnam war, you're now calling a war monger?

Obama dropped more bombs on foreign countries than any president since Truman. And you loved it.
I think it was more of a snowball effect, with the gradual corruption and infiltration of the Democratic Party with globalists and globalist agendas. Not something you can pinpoint. It was liberalism and tolerance for communist-type principles and liberal ideas which opened the door for this to happen. It didn't just happen in one day with one piece of legislation or the election of one person.
Every military conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Wilson promised Americans that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to fight for France. We had to do it over again about 25 years later. FDR invited an attack at Pearl Harbor because it was a way to get into the "real" war in Europe and the Japanese would be pushovers. Harry Truman didn't have a clue when he sent Americans to Korea on an (illegal) E.O. He mismanaged the conflict to such an extent that his supporters preferred to call it "the forgotten war". LBJ sent Troops to Vietnam on a faked "Crisis" and set the rules that we could win every battle and lose the war. Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were in flight school in Florida.

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