What Trump Missing the Debate Really Means


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
A lot are calling him a sissy for not wanting to face Megyn. Others are claiming it shows a weakness or thin skin that is out of place for a president. (We see what that thin skin does every day with the current resident of the Oval Office) But, what does it REALLY show?

Someone who's out to show just what the media in general has come to in this world. He is standing up to deception from the likes of Roger Ailes and, yes, the Republican leader of the US Senate, Mitch McConnell.

The bottom line is Donald Trump is advocating for us; he’s representing the interests of all of us who are sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by the Mitch McConnells of the world. So while campaigning, he’s taking them head on.

The story is @ URGENT REMINDER: Why Donald Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…

So. What are your thoughts?
So. What are your thoughts?

He looks like a tantruming child. And it isn't just him skipping this debate, it is his overall campaign. His tweeter-tantrums show all of this.

It's not to say he isn't right about the establishment, but the way he is going about it and the way he carries himself is not someone that should be president. He is like the uncle that is always drunk at the family gatherings and babbles shit.
A lot are calling him a sissy for not wanting to face Megyn. Others are claiming it shows a weakness or thin skin that is out of place for a president. (We see what that thin skin does every day with the current resident of the Oval Office) But, what does it REALLY show?

Someone who's out to show just what the media in general has come to in this world. He is standing up to deception from the likes of Roger Ailes and, yes, the Republican leader of the US Senate, Mitch McConnell.

The bottom line is Donald Trump is advocating for us; he’s representing the interests of all of us who are sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by the Mitch McConnells of the world. So while campaigning, he’s taking them head on.

The story is @ URGENT REMINDER: Why Donald Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…

So. What are your thoughts?

That Trump worshippers will go to any lengths, no matter how ridiculous, to make excuses for that narcissistic blowhard.
He is flexing his political will, his supporters will like it, and it won't hurt him at all.
He is flexing his political will, his supporters will like it, and it won't hurt him at all.

Yes but his supporters aren't what is going to get him elected. He is going to have the convince the majority of people in the U.S. he is the candidate of choice. Right now he has his die-hards, but in a general election he is going to look like an ass-clown.

He should have just taken his own advice and toned things down instead of trantruming like he is now.
A lot are calling him a sissy for not wanting to face Megyn. Others are claiming it shows a weakness or thin skin that is out of place for a president. (We see what that thin skin does every day with the current resident of the Oval Office) But, what does it REALLY show?

A pussy move. But he'll be tough on Putin tho
It is a good thing for everyone: the other candidates, Republican voters, Fox News, and the American people, including Democrats.

Maybe this time, the "TRUMP Phenomenon" will not be the focus of the discussion, and the other candidates can make their respective cases on the policies they are espousing.

It won't have any effect on Trump's supporters.

I go along with Cruz' thinking. Trump is going to win New Hampshire; if he is able to win Iowa as well, the nomination process could well be over. The only one with a snowball's chance of preventing Trump from "running the table" would be Cruz, so no matter which candidate you support now (if you are an Iowa caucus voter), you MUST vote for Cruz to prevent a Trump runaway. The others will be Dead Meet before South Carolina if Trump wins in Iowa.
Drumpf is "advocating" for no one but himself and his wealthy 1% cronies.

Megan Kelly knocked his dick in the dirt and he's afraid of a rematch. If he can't handle the American press, he cower from just about everyone else.

He's a very typical bully.
A lot are calling him a sissy for not wanting to face Megyn. Others are claiming it shows a weakness or thin skin that is out of place for a president. (We see what that thin skin does every day with the current resident of the Oval Office) But, what does it REALLY show?

Someone who's out to show just what the media in general has come to in this world. He is standing up to deception from the likes of Roger Ailes and, yes, the Republican leader of the US Senate, Mitch McConnell.

The bottom line is Donald Trump is advocating for us; he’s representing the interests of all of us who are sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by the Mitch McConnells of the world. So while campaigning, he’s taking them head on.

The story is @ URGENT REMINDER: Why Donald Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…

So. What are your thoughts?

i agree fox news lost its way long ago

in one of the debates

it took 73 minutes before the first question on the economy

as for Mitch McConnell

why on earth did his attorney set up a super pac for Cruz

A lot are calling him a sissy for not wanting to face Megyn. Others are claiming it shows a weakness or thin skin that is out of place for a president. (We see what that thin skin does every day with the current resident of the Oval Office) But, what does it REALLY show?

Someone who's out to show just what the media in general has come to in this world. He is standing up to deception from the likes of Roger Ailes and, yes, the Republican leader of the US Senate, Mitch McConnell.

The bottom line is Donald Trump is advocating for us; he’s representing the interests of all of us who are sick and tired of being lied to and manipulated by the Mitch McConnells of the world. So while campaigning, he’s taking them head on.

The story is @ URGENT REMINDER: Why Donald Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…

So. What are your thoughts?

i agree fox news lost its way long ago

in one of the debates

it took 73 minutes before the first question on the economy

as for Mitch McConnell

why on earth did his attorney set up a super pac for Cruz


was not so long ago when Cruz

was calling McConnell a puppet for the democrat party

How McConnell outfoxed Ted Cruz

wonder what changed
He's his own man. He's old enough and experienced enough to be able to participate or to not participate if he wishes. It will cost Fox in viewership big time. It won't hurt Trump at all. Everyone already knows what he stands for and just going over it again and again serves no purpose. I'll even wager that Megan and company will still throw out some questions to the other candidates in attempt to smear Trump in his absence.
He's his own man. He's old enough and experienced enough to be able to participate or to not participate if he wishes. It will cost Fox in viewership big time. It won't hurt Trump at all. Everyone already knows what he stands for and just going over it again and again serves no purpose. I'll even wager that Megan and company will still throw out some questions to the other candidates in attempt to smear Trump in his absence.

bank on it

it is how these slime balls operate

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