What think ye? What manner of being was Jesus?


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2014
Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man. Jesus is known as a being who did no sin in his life on earth. What do you believe? Was Jesus like the rest of us or was he more than this mortal race?
Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man.

Like Hercules before him ... Biologically problematic.
A man born of woman sent by God to fulfill the Law of the Lamb. There are many anointed priests and many anointed kings in scripture. There is only one Lamb of God. He is the centerpiece of the Day of Atonement. Only through the sacrifice of the Lamb may our sins be forgiven.
Because of my faith, I have no choice but to depend on Him, as my own sins are many.
Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man. Jesus is known as a being who did no sin in his life on earth. What do you believe? Was Jesus like the rest of us or was he more than this mortal race?
When we die, 1 of 2 things will happen

1-There is everlasting life so who gives a shit what anyone thinks

2- There is nothing so none of us will know anyway. So who gives a shit

Serially, what does it matter screaming if there is or isn't while we are, an is

There will be or will not be........................There is or there isn't

Who gives a shit. Wait to find out
Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man. Jesus is known as a being who did no sin in his life on earth. What do you believe? Was Jesus like the rest of us or was he more than this mortal race?
I believe there is a verse that notes that Jesus was like us in all ways but sin. That indicates fully human.
Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man. Jesus is known as a being who did no sin in his life on earth. What do you believe? Was Jesus like the rest of us or was he more than this mortal race?
He was obviously more than this mortal race. He could literally do magic. Turn water into wine, heal wounds, walk on water, cure the blind, etc.

The craziest part is how unimpressed so many people were of Jesus back then. He had supernatural abilities, yet Pontius Pilate didnt give a shit. His healing powers alone would have been worth all the money in the world. The emperor's people likely suggested that he keep Jesus alive, just in case he ever got an infection, or if he got really sick, but he was like, "Nah, just hang that dude with super powers on a cross. I dont believe he is related to a god."

Pontius must have been very dumb. Would any of you crucify a guy with super powers who says he is the son of God? I mean if a guy with magic doesnt convince you, what would? If it wasnt written in the bible, I would have said this is a horseshit story.
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The emperor's people likely suggested that he keep Jesus alive, just in case Pontius ever got an infection, or if he got really sick, but he was like "Nah, just hang that dude with super powers on a cross.
This overlooking the element of faith necessary when he healed or performed miracles. One Gospel account notes that people in his hometown had so little faith he could perform few miracles there.
This overlooking the element of faith necessary when he healed or performed miracles. One Gospel account notes that people in his hometown had so little faith he could perform few miracles there.
If he could do his magic when the faithful were nearby, it wouldnt take long before most people became faithful. Clearly there were many faithful people around him, which is why we know of him.

Pontius was an idiot for not keeping Jesus around to be his doctor. Hell, using him along side his armies would have been the best usage. He could just cycle injured faithful soldiers to the back of the formation, have Jesus heal them up, then send them right back into the fight. There are tons of ways for a nation to harness Jesus's powers.

...but he killed him on a cross instead. Its quite perplexing.
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Jesus was born of the very eternal Father of Heaven who is immortal. Jesus was also born of Mary who was a mortal and part of the heritage of fallen man. Jesus is known as a being who did no sin in his life on earth. What do you believe? Was Jesus like the rest of us or was he more than this mortal race?
Lately I've come to believe he was as mortal as you or I and just as flawed, biologically speaking. Temptations of the flesh are very strong—insurmountable. Even if this be the case, Jesus as a mortal man, that makes him no less holy or worthy of veneration for his act of dying for our sins. If one believes the myths of many religions, even just the slightest bit, he must acknowledge the many instances of human avatars sent by various gods to do their bidding. Parashurama anyone?

Every time mankind seeks or ascribes absolute perfection in the flesh of other mortals the inevitable, ultimate disappointment turns out to be quite epic. What Jesus became after dying on the cross for all mankind, at least in this iteration of my personally held beliefs, seems more worthy of worship than his time spent on earth as a man. Then again, there are times when I give serious thought to forming up a Sol Invictus worship group.

However, that's got more to do with my disappointment in most modern Christians I meet these days. Christians who talk the talk only on Sunday mornings or afternoons and claim to walk the walk but never quite get around to it . . . you know . . . between football games, cheating on their wives, watching porn, lying to everyone around them pathologically, etc.
I have often wondered if Jesus was A Son of God rather than the only Son of God. IOW, maybe his message was that we are ALL sons and daughters of God. The first gospel was written some 40 years after Jesus' death, at a time when very little was written down for posterity. Stories and events passed down via word of mouth could have significantly distorted what really happened or what was actually said. The story of Jesus as we know it today is a bit hard to swallow, and yet if we don't then we are condemned to everlasting Hell? Sorry, not buying it.
Im talking about his healing powers and whatnot.
You may not yet grasp the part faith played in those he healed. In your example of Pontius Pilate, do you picture him converting from his (possible) belief in Roman Gods/Goddesses and humbly asking Jesus for help--or are you picturing a command performance?
One thing we know for sure is that Jesus could die. He was crucified and died on the cross. But was Jesus murdered? Consider this teaching by Jesus:

John 10:17-21
17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.

18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

19 There was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings.

20 And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him?

21 Others said, These are not the words of him that hath a devil. Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?

Here Jesus clearly teaches that no man could take his life from him but he could only die by laying down his life of himself. Many times Jesus life was in danger. How many attempts were made to kill him but were unsuccessful? Perhaps only when he himself decided to lay down his life were the would be murderers able to accomplish their evil task. Does this verse not tell us that Jesus had super-human power to escape death until he chose to lay down his life?
Even if Pilate kept him around to heal him if taken ill, would Jesus have agreed to do it? I doubt it. That was not why He was here.

Not much was written about Him as a young boy, but I read somewhere he was a brat like all young boys. So until he understood His "calling", he was like all other people. I also think He had a thing for Mary. One of the apostles complained He kissed her often on the mouth with "affection". So yeah...he was a human man with human man's "needs" or "desires" and probably kept them in check, but still felt them.
Another thing to consider is the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Do you think that any mortal man could have suffered for the sins of all mankind and lived through it? Wouldn't this take super-human ability?

In my faith we have the following scripture:

Doctrine and Covenants 19:16-19
16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—

19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.
their message, a hearkening for the time was liberation theology, self determination - for who needed it not the sunday congregations who as usual, they did not like the message and saw fit it fall by the wayside.

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