What sort of education are public school students entitled to?

Of course
I guess times have changed. When I was in HS no one knew what we were supposed to be learning from day to day.

Which begs the larger question, that is, what is the purpose of education in the wider sense? Are we being prepared to be victors, or cannon fodder?
The problem is that parent don't possess the knowledge that their kids need. That's why the custodians of all knowledge, the educational system is responsible for imparting this knowledge.
In retrospect my parents did not give me any books to read when I was in grammar school, though my mother bought a set of World Book Encyclopedia. But how do you figure out what to look up?

Science fiction helped a lot but my mother called it "something crazy."

Heinlein, Clarke and Asimov presented words and concepts that my so called teachers never touched. It is more like their objective wss to maintain controlled ignorance.
In retrospect my parents did not give me any books to read when I was in grammar school, though my mother bought a set of World Book Encyclopedia. But how do you figure out what to look up?

There's this thing with which most higher-order mammals have from birth, it's called "curiosity". While it does, sometimes, kill cats, it's actually a survival mechanism for any evolving creature.

Being born without curiosity is a legitimate handicap and you are entitled to a special parking spot.

OBTW: A set of encyclopedia is a major investment for any middle-class family. A new set of World Books in 1970 cost around $500. Nearly $5,000 in today's dollars. It's a shame to see your mother pissed that money away.
Parents fighting for their kids education.

If parents really want to fight for the education of their children, they need to get over the idea that children are entitled to a free education.

Lots of things in this life are free (to the user), most of them suck.

Send your kids to private school.
If parents really want to fight for the education of their children, they need to get over the idea that children are entitled to a free education.

Lots of things in this life are free (to the user), most of them suck.

Send your kids to private school.
Clean it up.
There's this thing with which most higher-order mammals have from birth, it's called "curiosity". While it does, sometimes, kill cats, it's actually a survival mechanism for any evolving creature.

Being born without curiosity is a legitimate handicap and you are entitled to a special parking spot.

OBTW: A set of encyclopedia is a major investment for any middle-class family. A new set of World Books in 1970 cost around $500. Nearly $5,000 in today's dollars. It's a shame to see your mother pissed that money away.
When you are 9 years old how do you have any idea what there is to be curious about? Reality does not come in alphabetical order.

Then I read "Star Surgeon" by Allen E. Nourse.

I found out that the Sun was a star and that all of the stars were suns. It was shocking! How come nobody told me?

Many SF stories present paradigms of reality that make more sense than something like Harry Potter, but I met a high school teacher who was disappointed because she couldn't get her students to read HP. I would not have been interested when I was 10 years old.
OBTW: A set of encyclopedia is a major investment for any middle-class family. A new set of World Books in 1970 cost around $500. Nearly $5,000 in today's dollars. It's a shame to see your mother pissed that money away.
You are really good at making stupid assumptions. The sci-fi books pointed out what was worth looking up in the encyclopedia. I remember lying on my bed with an SF book and two open encyclopedia. A book might use the word "parsec" but probably won't explain what it is.
Parents must have the final say
No, the STATE has put up a Set of Standards for each Grade. Discuss the 4 Core Standards.
Parents and teacher should agree on what kids are taught, at the very least.
NO, the STATE has put up a Set of Standards for each Grade. Discuss the 4 Core Standards.

And these Standards are VERY Grade Appropriate.
You care to argue about the 4 Core?
Sex education is a biggy.
Health. Should the teacher avoid the word penis and vagina?

If you Woodznutz truly believes that the MS/HS teacher promotes "Grooming" "Manipulation" then YOU are the sick fuck.
A book might use the word "parsec" but probably won't explain what it is.

I know it only takes 12 to get to Kessel.

No, the STATE has put up a Set of Standards for each Grade. Discuss the 4 Core Standards.

NO, the STATE has put up a Set of Standards for each Grade. Discuss the 4 Core Standards.

And these Standards are VERY Grade Appropriate.
You care to argue about the 4 Core?
Yeah, parents aren't allowed to have higher standards than The State.
The STATE, has the highest Standards. FACT

Shouldn't The STATE have made accounting/finance mandatory in high schools since Sputnik? Double entry accounting is only 700 years old. Older than calculus, older than electric power and older than America.

I guess brainwashed workers who go into debt for consumer trash designed to become obsolete don't have any use for that.

A 2003 article said that 5th graders could learn accounting as well as college students

Accounting: collegians vs 5th graders

Notice that neither the Left nor the Right advocate mandatory accounting/finance in the schools.

The linked article, when you cut through all the bullshit, is proposing that the State "owes" inner-city, minority, and otherwise disadvantaged students a better public school education than [he doesn't actually say it, but] white, suburban kids. The taxpayer-funded System must seek to overcome the disadvantage of poor parenting, social anomie, and endemic failure, in order to provide an "equal opportunity" to the students in that environment who have the potential to excel and be extraordinarily valuable citizens.

It is fairly well known that some of the best funded school districts (in terms of $/Student) are in these very school districts of which he speaks. But this is apparently not enough.

He obviously rejects the current "Republican" solution to this conundrum: school choice, in the form of vouchers, charter schools, and so on. These are like kryptonite to teachers' unions, as they threaten the awful monopoly that they hold in public schools.

What is the answer? Can "we" simply provide "better" funding and leave it at that, or is something more owed, as this pundit proposes?
One without sexual retard activists ramming ideology and sexuality down thier throats

Shouldn't The STATE have made accounting/finance mandatory in high schools since Sputnik? Double entry accounting is only 700 years old. Older than calculus, older than electric power and older than America.

I guess brainwashed workers who go into debt for consumer trash designed to become obsolete don't have any use for that.

A 2003 article said that 5th graders could learn accounting as well as college students

Accounting: collegians vs 5th graders

Notice that neither the Left nor the Right advocate mandatory accounting/finance in the schools.
The same post over and over and over and over....... :rolleyes:
The STATE, has the highest Standards. FACT

The ONLY ones bitching, common idea, are the ones that want a (R) or Christian Theme taught.
The State doesn't suggest a moral obligation to learn what they're teaching, thus the grading ('gotcha') system.

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