What’s with Protestants and Catholics and their hate of knowledge?

Who are you to judge my religion?

Do you not think reciprocity is fair play.

You have judged it so why would you deny me what you do?

If we agreed then you would praise my judgment as it would match yours.
Just because I differ from you, suddenly I am wrong to judge.

Come back when you allow a level playing field.

So see Avatar, and if I am right, call the production company and see if it has a list of phone numbers for your cousins.

Pretty sure my hair is too short to braid. Sounds like a fun religion.

You know, the only difference is in the movie, their religion was REAL.

You believe in your form of atheistic scientific pantheism, so then you are a religious person.

Science without religion is blind, after all. Einstein was not wrong. Only the religion he was referring to is the appreciation of the beauty of the universe.

In that way I am incredibly religious.
  • Revelation 19:13
    He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.


  • Ya ya. Good old blood.

    As I said, Christianity is based on human sacrifice and is thus immoral.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoHP-f-_F9U]Nothing but the blood? - YouTube[/ame]

    You can leave barbaric thinking behind if you so choose.

The question is, what if there IS a God? Then wadda ya gonna do?

Thank him for finally giving us full disclosure which is what is required for any intelligent choice.

Till then, who can be blamed for ignoring what was written by man and shows a genocidal God who had his son murdered when there was absolutely no need for it.

Choose good morals my friend and not a God that has none.

The question is, what if there IS a God? Then wadda ya gonna do?

Thank him for finally giving us full disclosure which is what is required for any intelligent choice. ill then, who can be blamed for ignoring what was written by man and shows a genocidal God who had his son murdered when there was absolutely no need for it. Choose good morals my friend and not a God that has none. Regards DL

:lol: You are goofy, and, yes, you believe in a religion. Both were my points about you, which you have admirably fulfilled. No need to continue further with you.
5th post

My guess is the OP doesn't know what a Gnostic Christian is either. Gnostics actually believe knowledge is intuitive, so they pretty much reject anything that comes through study, especially science, because anything but the spiritual world is false. Many of them actually believe the physical world is a manifestation of Satan.
[/QUOTE]There are as many Gnostic cults as there are Christian cults.

This one does not believe in the fantasy, miracles and magic that you believe in.

Most have never read their scriptures literally. Instead they use them the way they are supposed to be used. To further discussion and thought.

You will note that the Gnostic Jesus was superior to the Christian one. He did not spout un-workable rhetoric. Also, Gnostics did not tie his good name to your genocidal son murderer.
They were brighter than that.

As to Satan, mythical Satan that is, you might remember that it was Christianity who gave him dominion of earth and your God who cursed the earth.

Gnostics tend to see the perfection of what is while you do not even as your scriptures say that God creates all things perfect and that perfection breeds true and continues.

What happens if there is no God? Then no harm no foul. We all end up in the same boat, dead. We exist no more.
The question is, what if there IS a God? Then wadda ya gonna do?

Pascal's Wager, eh? It's based on a false dichotomy; either my God, or no God. In reality, there are an infinite number of possible Gods that I could imagine with an infinite number of criteria for judgement of humans. So to answer your question, if there is a God he is almost certainly not your God, and you're therefore just as screwed as the atheist (or much more screwed than the atheist if the God in existence rewards a skeptical approach to religious claims and punishes adherence to dogma without sufficient evidence). This is why Pascal's Wager falls flat on its face.
My guess is the OP doesn't know what a Gnostic Christian is either. Gnostics actually believe knowledge is intuitive, so they pretty much reject anything that comes through study, especially science, because anything but the spiritual world is false. Many of them actually believe the physical world is a manifestation of Satan.
There are as many Gnostic cults as there are Christian cults.

This one does not believe in the fantasy, miracles and magic that you believe in.

Most have never read their scriptures literally. Instead they use them the way they are supposed to be used. To further discussion and thought.

You will note that the Gnostic Jesus was superior to the Christian one. He did not spout un-workable rhetoric. Also, Gnostics did not tie his good name to your genocidal son murderer.
They were brighter than that.

As to Satan, mythical Satan that is, you might remember that it was Christianity who gave him dominion of earth and your God who cursed the earth.

Gnostics tend to see the perfection of what is while you do not even as your scriptures say that God creates all things perfect and that perfection breeds true and continues.


That one is worse than an idiot, it is pretentious.
What happens if there is no God? Then no harm no foul. We all end up in the same boat, dead. We exist no more.
The question is, what if there IS a God? Then wadda ya gonna do?

Pascal's Wager, eh? It's based on a false dichotomy; either my God, or no God. In reality, there are an infinite number of possible Gods that I could imagine with an infinite number of criteria for judgement of humans. So to answer your question, if there is a God he is almost certainly not your God, and you're therefore just as screwed as the atheist (or much more screwed than the atheist if the God in existence rewards a skeptical approach to religious claims and punishes adherence to dogma without sufficient evidence). This is why Pascal's Wager falls flat on its face.

If in reality, there are an infinite number of possible gods, why would you assume that my God is not the correct one? What "reality" came up with the possibility of other gods? In "that" reality, can you say, "I believe there is a god of tomatoes" and a god of tomatoes
shows up?
Pasqual aside, read Deut.:18-22. My God showed us how to prove he is the one true God. The tomato god is a figment of imagination.

A bird in the hand............... I would rather serve a proven God, then to rely on my own conjuring up of any others.
What has the tomato god done for you lately?
  • Revelation 19:13
    He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.

  • Ya ya. Good old blood.

    As I said, Christianity is based on human sacrifice and is thus immoral.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoHP-f-_F9U"]Nothing but the blood? - YouTube[/ame]

    You can leave barbaric thinking behind if you so choose.


  • Christ Jesus was the FINAL sacrifice, thus putting an end to the old Jewish laws of blood sacrifices.

    So how is stopping sacrifices immoral?
GreatestIam is merely a flopping sort of weak-headed atheist. Nothing new here by him that has not been persuasively rejected elsewhere.

  • Ya ya. Good old blood.

    As I said, Christianity is based on human sacrifice and is thus immoral.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoHP-f-_F9U"]Nothing but the blood? - YouTube[/ame]

    You can leave barbaric thinking behind if you so choose.


  • Christ Jesus was the FINAL sacrifice, thus putting an end to the old Jewish laws of blood sacrifices.

    So how is stopping sacrifices immoral?

  • If the practice was moral to begin with, Jesus would not have tried to end it by doing the very immoral thing he was trying to teach us was immoral.

    Do you teach your children that corporeal punishment is immoral by beating it into them?

    I hope you agree that it would be stupid and immoral so to say, in an analogy that Jesus would do the same is ridiculous.

    I have shown you scriptures against it and how God cannot be bribed by sacrifice.

    Now think of the legal aspects please.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYaQpRZJl18&feature=related]Christopher Hitchens - Christianity is Immoral (1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-91mSkxaXs]The meaningless death of Jesus - YouTube[/ame]

    If you do not see how it is wrong to murder the innocent and let the guilty walk, then keep your immoral position of using Jesus as your scapegoat.

This is what I mean. Confucianism, the Tao, etc, faith religions without gods; so is atheism.

Let me first say the original poster is an idiot.

Secondly, being an atheist takes zero faith. I wouldn't say you have faith by not believing in the flying spaghetti monster or not believing in Zeus. Faith only comes in belief, not non-belief, imo.

Once there's scientific proof of a god or gods, I'll no longer be an atheist.

and yet you take it on faith that there is no god.


I'm 99.9999999999999999999999% sure there is no god since there's no proof of one and likely never will be.

Does that number not being 100% make me agnostic? Weak atheist? I don't care about the title, you decide, i just go with atheist because normally when i lay out my views that's the label others deem appropriate.
atheists are simply wusses who can't face the big questions in life

I thought, at least on this board, you pretended NOT to be a bigot?

Telling t.he truth about the intellectual and spiritual hollowness of atheism is not bigotry, simply revealing that the path leads to nothingness.

So someone not having a belief makes them a wuss, hollow intellectually and hollow spiritually.

So Richard Dawkins is intellectually hollow and Gandhi was hollow spiritually. Those are certainly facts, and your views are most certainly not ignorance caused by bigotry.

Well done Jakey :clap2:
But you do believe in disbelief, which is a weak headed faith in nothingness. To acknowledge your inability to come to strggule with the great questions of life is not bigotry on my part, but rather an acknowledgement of the fear on your part.
But you do believe in disbelief, which is a weak headed faith in nothingness. To acknowledge your inability to come to strggule with the great questions of life is not bigotry on my part, but rather an acknowledgement of the fear on your part.

You believe in disbelief of every god but your own, which is weak headed faith in all the other gods.

To acknowledge your inability to come to struggle with the great questions of the other gods is not bigotry on my part, but rather an acknowledgement of fear on your part.

Those 2 sentences I typed, I bet sound really stupid, correct?

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