Zone1 What one Traditionalist Catholic clergy said about the not-so-Catholic John Paul II


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
This is what one bishop said about JP II (from the book The Horn of the Unicorn by David White)

Pope John Paul II …had a lifelong love of the theater. He had been an actor in his youth but not successful enough to make a career out of it. Now on the world stage he could receive what all actors… seek—public approval and applause. Pope John Paul II spent his pontificate front and center on the world stage and the applause was nearly universal. To stay in Rome and slowly clean away the mire besmirching the Church—he seemed to have little time and small interest. If a few traditional Catholics held their hands in their laps and refused to applaud or even occasionally unleashed a catcall, they were overwhelmed by the cheers and accolades of the world audience. The bishops were allowed a free rein [by this pope] as long as they provided a platform on which he could appear and win the praise of the locals. He had to be the focus of the adoring multitudes… the biggest face on the screen, the lead photo on the front page in the morning...


So yeh... a lot of Catholics, self included always wondered about this.. JP II going all over the world, basically telling people (or at least implying?) that they are just fine in the religion they are in! No need to accept Christ even--much less His Church...

What? He couldn't have done that from the Vatican.. on paper? The environmentalists.. where were they when all this jet fuel was filling the atmosphere? But liberals liked JP II, it seems--because he was not Catholic, really.

You know... call it intuition or what have you but, even though I never knew much about JP II (still don't know as much as I'd like), and even though back then I wasn't living a perfectly Christian life, something about him always bugged me. Now I know why. Then there's this: I never knew the changes of Vatican II either until in the last few years I started reading up on this kind of thing and even then... the most important stuff I learned I have learned just in the last couple months... which is telling all by itself. The "church" seems to like to keep parishioners uninformed..

In any case, my intuition was just so right on vis a vis both JP II and the 2nd Vatican Council (which again, was not dogmatic so we can all summarily toss it into the ocean)
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JP II wasn't as bad as Paul VI, though

He once told Lefebvre's priests that he blessed their SSPX group and encouraged them. Whether he meant it or not... I have yet to find out.. But apparently JP II did not give up teaching that salvation can be found (Heaven can be obtained) in non-Christian religions..

There is also evidence that even Paul VI had doubts about suppressing and harassing SSPX (rigth b4 he died)

so.. I continue seeking information
Everyone's a critic, but JP II was a good man and an excellent Pope.
believe what u want. Most people do. Maybe that's why Jesus said that FEW make it to Heaven (Mt 7 Lk 13). They do things their own way rather than His

neither one of us really knows whether JP II was "good" or not---meaning: in the END when it counts. All i know is that he did some bad things... like offer sacrifice to animalist "gods" or whatever theyre called in that damn system. Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through Me"

not Buddha

not Joseph Smith ...

Jesus either is who He sais He is or He is a liar and con artist. Which one is it? Everyone has to answer that Q for themselves. I pray you are not someone who merely believes what is convenient vis a vis this life
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The worst of the last 6 popes was Paul VI who defied Lefebvre at every turn, often viciously. JP II, on the other hand, did not seem to be against him, to speak of, even told the world (mostly the world of confused Catholics) that the Mass of All Time was... the Mass of all Time.. meaning that the Mass canonized by ST Pius V was still acceptable after Vat 2, something the liberals in the Church probably did not appreciate.. bc they wanted to destroy the Church.That means destroying the teachings that came before they, the liberals, stole the Church... (just like the liberals in the US stole an election 2020)
believe what u want. Most people do. Maybe that's why Jesus said that FEW make it to Heaven (Mt 7 Lk 13). They do things their own way rather than His

neither one of us really knows whether JP II was "good" or not---meaning: in the END when it counts. All i know is that he did some bad things... like offer sacrifice to animalist "gods" or whatever theyre called in that damn system. Jesus said "No one can come to the Father except through Me"

not Buddha

not Joseph Smith ...

Jesus either is who He sais He is or He is a liar and con artist. Which one is it? Everyone has to answer that Q for themselves. I pray you are not someone who merely believes what is convenient vis a vis this life

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