What is the deal with Oliver North?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.

Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


He broke the law but got immunity in exchange for testimony.

The FOX gave him a job.
He refused to tell Congress anything before the Congressional hearing and when he was questioned he made the democrats look like fools. The only law he broke was accepting a security system for his home.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


Ollie did indeed lie to congress and a good many other people. He was given immunity from prosecution for that very same congressional testimony. A disgrace to the uniform.

These types do have a tendency to become right wing heroes.
I can't even go there without writing a novel. I can show you places that still have land mines(w/warning signs) and civilian houses that still have mortar damage. I can show you the very nicest road there has ever been in Costa Rica ( and show you pics of that Nazi prick hanging in " Sodas', that are owned by old men own now, who served those asshole$$$$ for drug money as they built it).
RR didn't even know where Nicaragua was. His astrologer failed to inform him.

I can do the same, not too far from Panama city.Another murkin "Hero". Poppy and Ronnie, inc.
He refused to tell Congress anything before the Congressional hearing and when he was questioned he made the democrats look like fools. The only law he broke was accepting a security system for his home.

Ording the destruction of documents and and such

Remind us how upset you are when democrats do far worse and are actually caught doing it.....
He helped sell weapons to both sides in a war, no wonder the MIC loved him.
Back when Iran/Contra was in the news, I didn't pay as much attention to politics as I do now. I remember thinking that Col. North lied to Congress, and there was some question about wether Reagan knew about what was happening in Nicaragua. At the time, even though I was a conservative back then, I believed, that he deserved punsihment for the lies. So now I find out that he is a hero of the neocons and he also has a radio talk show.

I am willing to be educated on this issue, so if you have strong opinions on Oliver North, good or bad, I would like to hear them. Please exoplain your opinion.


As he should have like the real man he was...Ollie is a good man and took his lumps...he's a patriot as Reagan.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R67CH-qhXJs"]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]
"No longer lean. No longer mean. But still a Marine"
"No better friend. No worse enemy"
During their fighting retreat back from the frozen Chosun Reservoir in Korea, the Marines dragged the bodies of their dead comrades out behind them on sleds.
Before Obama can seize control of the United States Government and overturn the Constitution, he will have to find a way to disband the Marine Corps.
Don't knock Ollie.
He refused to tell Congress anything before the Congressional hearing and when he was questioned he made the democrats look like fools. The only law he broke was accepting a security system for his home.

Ording the destruction of documents and and such

Remind us how upset you are when democrats do far worse and are actually caught doing it.....
Moral equivalence as a defense. That should tell you how the Conservatives can forgive any sin, even lying to Congress, and find a hero.

Scratch a felon, find a Conservative hero.
I can't even go there without writing a novel. I can show you places that still have land mines(w/warning signs) and civilian houses that still have mortar damage. I can show you the very nicest road there has ever been in Costa Rica ( and show you pics of that Nazi prick hanging in " Sodas', that are owned by old men own now, who served those asshole$$$$ for drug money as they built it).
RR didn't even know where Nicaragua was. His astrologer failed to inform him.

I can do the same, not too far from Panama city.Another murkin "Hero". Poppy and Ronnie, inc.

What time of day does your meds kick in?
The foreign-policy scandal known as the Iran-contra affair came to light in November 1986 when President Ronald Reagan confirmed reports that the United States had secretly sold arms to Iran. He stated that the goal was to improve relations with Iran, not to obtain release of U.S. hostages held in the Middle East by terrorists (although he later acknowledged that the arrangement had in fact turned into an arms-for-hostages swap). Outcry against dealings with a hostile Iran was widespread. Later in November, Attorney General. Edwin Meese discovered that some of the arms profits had been diverted to aid the Nicaraguan "contra" rebels at a time when Congress had prohibited such aid. An independent special prosecutor, former federal judge Lawrence E. Walsh, was appointed to probe the activities of persons involved in the arms sale or contra aid or both.
Like those with R in front of their name when it comes to such deviant behavior.
Liar and a bigger liar
ronnie reagan :cuckoo:
MSNBC Morning Joe anchor Mika Brzezinski's father Zbigniew Brzezinski was National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter. Carter, Brzezinski & Christopher are the ones who made the arms for hostage deal with Iran. Reagan was stuck with carrying the plan out.

This was President Carter's Politics Of Revenge against Ayatollah Khomeini who lead to his electorial defeat. Carters change in the U.S. attitude toward Iraq was warmly welcomed in Baghdad. Saddam Hussein had an old score to settle with the Iranians over his southern border. Saddam was lead to believe by Brzezinski that his role as a counter to radical fundamentalist Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran would boost the United States acknowledgment of him as head of the Arab world.

Saddam Hussein made a visit to Amman in 1979, before the Iran–Iraq War, where he met with King Hussein and three agents of the Central Intelligence Agency. Records have American officials meeting only with King Hussein on precisely the same date, noting this "top-secret negotiating session was Brzezinski's idea." Brzezinski was "letting Saddam assume there was a U.S. green light for his invasion of Iran, because there was no explicit red light."

The U.S. acted in an attempt to prevent the confrontation from widening. As a result, the U.S. reacted to Soviet troop movements on the border of Iran by informing the Soviet Union that they would defend Iran in the event of Soviet invasion. The U.S. also acted to defend Saudi Arabia, and lobbied the surrounding states not to become involved in the war. Brzezinski characterizes this recognition of the Middle East as a vital strategic region on a par with Western Europe and the Far East as a fundamental shift in U.S. strategic policy. Carter used the Iran–Iraq War as leverage with which to resolve the Iranian Hostage Crisis. The Carter administration used both "carrots," by agreeing to supply military weapons to Iran upon release of the hostages, and "sticks," by discouraging Israeli military assistance to Iran and suggesting that they might offer military assistance to Iraq if the Iranians did not release the hostages.

United States support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
According to Zbigniew Brzezinski's memoir... the United States explored whether the Iran–Iraq War would offer leverage with which to resolve the Iranian Hostage Crisis. In this regard, the Carter administration explored the use of both "carrots," by suggesting that they might offer military assistance to Iran upon release of the hostages, and "sticks," by discouraging Israeli military assistance to Iran and suggesting that they might offer military assistance to Iraq if the Iranians did not release the hostages.
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The Iran-Contra Affair

Ronald Reagan's efforts to eradicate Communism spanned the globe, but the insurgent Contras' cause in Nicaragua was particularly dear to him. Battling the Cuban-backed Sandinistas, the Contras were, according to Reagan, "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers." Under the so-called Reagan Doctrine, the CIA trained and assisted this and other anti-Communist insurgencies worldwide.

Assisting involved supplying financial support, a difficult task politically after the Democratic sweep of congressional elections in November 1982. First Democrats passed the Boland Amendment, which restricted CIA and Department of Defense operations in Nicaragua specifically; in 1984, a strengthened Boland Amendment made support almost impossible. A determined, unyielding Reagan told National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane, "I want you to do whatever you have to do to help these people keep body and soul together."

What followed would alter the public's perception of the president dramatically. How "Iran" and "Contra" came to be said in the same breath was the result of complicated covert activities, all carried out, the players said, in the name of democracy.


The Iran-Contra Affair . Reagan . WGBH American Experience | PBS

The real story.

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