What is racist, and what is not?

Blacks, BLM, the left are forever whining about equality and fairness. But what has happened is that colleges, employers, government, and media began, and continue, to "shoehorn" blacks into jobs, schools, media, you name it, WITHOUT regard to their qualifications.

In fact, standards and qualifications were lowered and, in many cases, totally eliminated because blacks would never be able to compete for those positions against many more qualified whites, asians, etc.

Look at Biden, he has filled every possible post with black people, including the latest USSC vacancy. He refused to consider people of any other ethnicity. That is wrong, imo.

Blacks should be able to compete for any job for which they're qualified. But NO ONE should be chosen, for any position, over others who are more qualified, regardless of ethnicity. Just my opinion.

In media, especially television the preferential treatment given blacks has been especially pronounced. It is happening everywhere, but it is simply more visible on television.

With all the cries for fairness, I can'r see why blacks would object to others getting a shot at their fair share of acting jobs: Japanese and other asians, native americans, etc. Fair is fair. Blacks have been given a HUGE boost, and in MANY cases shoved to the front of the line, ahead of VASTLY more qualified people of many ethnicities.

This type of. "Affirmative Action" on behalf of blacks is, in itself, highly racist toward other more qualified people in many ethnicities.

Personally, I would greatly prefer television, including commercials, to reflect more accurately our population. That doesn't mean all whites. It simply means trying to more honestly portray our society.

As it stands today, there are so many blacks on TV and in ads, it would be easy to assume the programming was done in africa. It's completely skewed.
This is pure manure. Biden has not filled all his staff with blacks. Seek help for that racism.
Are you kidding? The White House and FBI were openly saying that white veterans were the biggest threat to the country. We were all considered probable terrorists, it was almost as bad as the post-Vietnam era when veterans were all portrayed as drug addled, crazed criminals.
What you're referring to is a more recent development due to numerous events and findings. I'm talking about in the immediate aftermath of Oklahoma City, after they discovered that it wasn't due to middle-eastern terrorism.

I can't find this quote but one of the law enforcement officers who worked on the case still says that our government doesn't consider it as terrorism, domestic or otherwise. He is quoted as having stated "he's [McVeigh] not a terrorist, he's just some guy who's pissed off at the government"
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Are you kidding? The White House and FBI were openly saying that white veterans were the biggest threat to the country. We were all considered probable terrorists, it was almost as bad as the post-Vietnam era when veterans were all portrayed as drug addled, crazed criminals.
When was this?
Where do you think the government's money comes from? I'll clue you in, TAXPAYERS. There is no tax fairy that magically provides the government with money.
And reparations would not cause taxes to increase. The amount of your tax money that would go to reparations is not enough for you to sit on your butt pretending that you will be personally financing it.
Where do you think the government's money comes from? I'll clue you in, TAXPAYERS. There is no tax fairy that magically provides the government with money.
And only white people pay taxes?

I don't like my taxes going to government programs that spy on American citizens or any of the other program they have that violate our rights in a myriad of ways but I haven't found a way to opt out of that.

No one asked me if I wanted my tax dollars going to help the people of Ukraine but it went anyway, how many billions now?

No one asked me if I wanted any of my tax dollars going to pay a bunch of lazy white racists who post on USMB all day denigrating black people, but they sent it anyway during the pandemic, several times. I didn't get any of that money.

Shall I go on?
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Not at all. I support balance of some sort.

But, in the best of all world's MERIT would be the determining factor in who gets a job, or who gets into the college of their choice. Merit, hard work, personal motivation, sacrifice, determination, skills, intelligence - THOSE are the only factors that should determine who gets into the best colleges, jobs, etc. BUT if these factors were strictly adhered to, most blacks would simply NOT be able to compete with people of other races.

You can call that "wacist" or call it what you will. It is true across the board. If it weren't true, there would be NO EXCUSE for using Affirmative Action to give blacks a HUGE and unfair edge over whites, asians, and other ethnic groups.
White have very little based on merit, hard work, personal motivation, sacrifice, determination, skills, intelligence.
I kind of disagree with this…I think the issues surrounding AA are more complicated than that. AA itself is a race (gender, ethnicity) based policy. When it was first adopted there was no question it was needed. Years later, it isn’t racist to ask if it is still needed or to feel it isn’t.
Hey Coyote, this is what the executive order that created affirmative action actually says. It does not give preference to any particular group or race:

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.
Executive Order 11246 - Wikipedia
Tonights lesson:

The Great White Hoax: Merit and Students for Fair Admissions v. President & Fellows of Harvard College. (redo)

In this case, the contention is that Asians are discriminated against based on the number of Asians turned down for Harvard admission.

Harvard admission numbers do not support his claim. Asians are 6 percent of the American population, but they were 25.9 percent of the students entering Harvard in 2021. That is a full ten percentage points more than African Americans (15.9%) and more than double the percentage of both Hispanics(12.5%) and Native Americans(11%). In fact, there were more Asians admitted into Harvard than Hispanics and Native Americans combined.

A study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research said this:

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

First, Asians were not being excluded for blacks. Secondly, less qualified white students were admitted as ALDCS at nearly 3 times the rate of everybody else and if they had been nonwhite regular students they would have been rejected.

So much for merit, hard work, personal motivation, sacrifice, determination, skills, and intelligence.
Quit exaggerating, no one is asking whites for money. It's our government who pays reparations.

By the way, since you admitted that you/your family received reparations, did any of that money go towards helping with your family's upward mobility?
Ah….I see you are still trying to figure out an “excuse” for how my parents, both born poor, managed to move beyond poverty.

As I said, my father’s mother’s family was entirely wiped out, and my grandmother didn’t get a dime. The only one who got reparations was my step-grand father, whom my grandmother married (this is the other grandmother, mom’s mom) when I was a teen and long after my parents, who made all the right choices and worked hard and sacrificed, had moved from poverty to the upper-middle class.

The small stipend my step-grandfather got had nothing to do with it. Also, he was a DIRECT sufferer of horrendous abuse, and suffered physically the rest of his life.
Hey Coyote, this is what the executive order that created affirmative action actually says. It does not give preference to any particular group or race:

Executive Order 11246, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on September 24, 1965, established requirements for non-discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U.S. government contractors. It "prohibits federal contractors and federally assisted construction contractors and subcontractors, who do over $10,000 in Government business in one year from discriminating in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."[1] It also requires contractors to "take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin." The phrase affirmative action had appeared previously in Executive Order 10925 in 1961.​
It’s already been established that leftists in education have perverted their original order, and are applying race-based standards to get more blacks in.
Where do you think the government's money comes from? I'll clue you in, TAXPAYERS. There is no tax fairy that magically provides the government with money.
Exactly. Whites will end up paying for this. It’s amazing the pretzel thst these people twist themselves into to avoid facing that they will be punishing whites today for nothing they did.
And only white people pay taxes?

I don't like my taxes going to government programs that spy on American citizens or any of the other program they have that violate our rights in a myriad of ways but I haven't found a way to opt out of that.

No one asked me if I wanted my tax dollars going to help the people of Ukraine but it went anyway, how many billions now?

No one asked me if I wanted any of my tax dollars going to pay a bunch of lazy white racists who post on USMB all day denigrating black people, but they sent it anyway during the pandemic, several times. I didn't get any of that money.

Shall I go on?
Yes, but if everyone pays into a fund that distributes money just to blacks, it is the whites who have a net loss and the blacks who have a net win. Thus, it is whites who pay.
Ah….I see you are still trying to figure out an “excuse” for how my parents, both born poor, managed to move beyond poverty.

As I said, my father’s mother’s family was entirely wiped out, and my grandmother didn’t get a dime. The only one who got reparations was my step-grand father, whom my grandmother married (this is the other grandmother, mom’s mom) when I was a teen and long after my parents, who made all the right choices and worked hard and sacrificed, had moved from poverty to the upper-middle class.

The small stipend my step-grandfather got had nothing to do with it. Also, he was a DIRECT sufferer of horrendous abuse, and suffered physically the rest of his life.
^^^ To repeat, “my family“ did not get reparations. My grandmother’s second husband did, long after my parents MADE THE RIGHT CHOICES and made successful lives. My step-grandfather was so physically damaged as a result of his abuse during the Holocaust that he was unable to work after that. That you compare him to blacks today, getting into colleges they wouldn’t have otherwise qualified for, and thinking blacks are as deserving of reparations as my step-grandfather was, is disgusting. The man lost his first wife and son to the Holocaust, and was sick the rest of his life.
Exactly. Whites will end up paying for this. It’s amazing the pretzel thst these people twist themselves into to avoid facing that they will be punishing whites today for nothing they did.
Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020. The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP.25 The breakdown is as follows:

“Closing the Black racial wage gap 20 years ago might have provided an additional $2.7 trillion in income available for consumption and investment.

Improving access to housing credit might have added an additional 770,000 Black homeowners over the last 20 years, with combined sales and expenditures adding another $218 billion to GDP over that time.

Facilitating increased access to higher education (college, graduate, and vocational schools) for Black students might have bolstered lifetime incomes that in aggregate sums to $90 to $113 billion.

Providing fair and equitable lending to Black entrepreneurs might have resulted in the creation of an additional $13 trillion in business revenue over the last 20 years. This could have been used for investments in labor, technology, capital equipment, and structures and 6.1 million jobs might have been created per year.”

Dana M Peterson, Catherine L Mann, Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps, The Economic Cost of Black Inequality in the U.S., Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps - CitiGPS

Whites did this Lisa. From 2000 and it's still going on.

Now we should not have to keep suffering while whites like you lie about what's going on. It's time you faced what YOU have done. YOU and others like you have continued carrying on the racist beliefs of those before you.
Ah….I see you are still trying to figure out an “excuse” for how my parents, both born poor, managed to move beyond poverty.

As I said, my father’s mother’s family was entirely wiped out, and my grandmother didn’t get a dime. The only one who got reparations was my step-grand father, whom my grandmother married (this is the other grandmother, mom’s mom) when I was a teen and long after my parents, who made all the right choices and worked hard and sacrificed, had moved from poverty to the upper-middle class.

The small stipend my step-grandfather got had nothing to do with it. Also, he was a DIRECT sufferer of horrendous abuse, and suffered physically the rest of his life.
She ain't making any excuses. Your folks got reparations and government help during jim crow.

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