What is going on here: regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump


Apr 15, 2018
What gives Rosenstein the right to refuse any request by our elected officials who by te way stand in our place.

it is just like he is saying no to each and every citzen of the United States.

Regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump what Rosenstein are doing should scare the crap out of you. Rosenstein is an unelected nobody who has basically refused to allow our elected officials ( officals elected by the people) to see documents. These elected officials represent us (the people) and are suppose to act in the same manner as we would act if we had the same information they have. Nobody gave Rosenstein this power.
What gives Rosenstein the right to refuse any request by our elected officials who by te way stand in our place.

it is just like he is saying no to each and every citzen of the United States.

Regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump what Rosenstein are doing should scare the crap out of you. Rosenstein is an unelected nobody who has basically refused to allow our elected officials ( officals elected by the people) to see documents. These elected officials represent us (the people) and are suppose to act in the same manner as we would act if we had the same information they have. Nobody gave Rosenstein this power.
Rosenstein needs to be told that the DOJ is answerable to Congress and not the reverse. They can and should have Federal Marshalls escort the smart ass into the Judicial committee for questioning.
What gives Rosenstein the right to refuse any request by our elected officials who by te way stand in our place.

it is just like he is saying no to each and every citzen of the United States.

Regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump what Rosenstein are doing should scare the crap out of you. Rosenstein is an unelected nobody who has basically refused to allow our elected officials ( officals elected by the people) to see documents. These elected officials represent us (the people) and are suppose to act in the same manner as we would act if we had the same information they have. Nobody gave Rosenstein this power.

Why do you hate the Rule of Law so much?
What's funny about all this is that the Trump's worshippers have been baying for Hillary to go to jail for years, and within days of the Republicans literally controlling everything in Washington, they set about to investigate the crimes of ... Donald Trump!


You guys have been so massively played, it's hilarious.
Right-wing media has literally made hundreds of millions of dollars selling this narrative that the Clintons have committed all these crimes.

And when the Republicans come to power and can investigate all these so-called crimes?

What gives Rosenstein the right to refuse any request by our elected officials who by te way stand in our place.

it is just like he is saying no to each and every citzen of the United States.

Regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump what Rosenstein are doing should scare the crap out of you. Rosenstein is an unelected nobody who has basically refused to allow our elected officials ( officals elected by the people) to see documents. These elected officials represent us (the people) and are suppose to act in the same manner as we would act if we had the same information they have. Nobody gave Rosenstein this power.

Why do you hate the Rule of Law so much?
Rosenstein is breaking the rule of law and needs to be prosecuted. Slimy little twerp.
Rosenstein is breaking the rule of law and needs to be prosecuted. Slimy little twerp.

Right. Because he dares not give way to the baying torches and pitchforks crowd.

Hey, if Hillary is guilty, send her away for a very long time.

But highly motivated political people who don't give a shit about the rule of law want to slash and burn everything in their way until they get their way, like this OP.

I doubt the OP and all those in this thread crying for Rosenstein's head would say the same thing about the President if it was found that Trump had agreed to give away all of our military secrets to Russia.
Rosenstein is breaking the rule of law and needs to be prosecuted. Slimy little twerp.

Right. Because he dares not give way to the baying torches and pitchforks crowd.

Hey, if Hillary is guilty, send her away for a very long time.

But highly motivated political people who don't give a shit about the rule of law want to slash and burn everything in their way until they get their way, like this OP.

I doubt the OP and all those in this thread crying for Rosenstein's head would say the same thing about the President if it was found that Trump had agreed to give away all of our military secrets to Russia.
Rosenstein, unless he changes his tactics (because he's dead wrong), is going to face impeachment.
Repeat post as this is also valid here

Rosenstein Admits "You Can't Revoke an Election"


Then why in the hell are the DimocRATs so hell bent on voiding the will of the people? Threats of calling the president before a grand jury. Threats to impeach. Continued whining that he didn't win the popular vote (which is a lie because millions of votes were never counted. See references to uncounted absentee ballots.)

Video and story @ Fmr. Lawyer Asks Why 2016 Election Can’t be Rescinded; Rosenstein Responds with a Visual
Rosenstein is breaking the rule of law and needs to be prosecuted. Slimy little twerp.

Right. Because he dares not give way to the baying torches and pitchforks crowd.

Hey, if Hillary is guilty, send her away for a very long time.

But highly motivated political people who don't give a shit about the rule of law want to slash and burn everything in their way until they get their way, like this OP.

I doubt the OP and all those in this thread crying for Rosenstein's head would say the same thing about the President if it was found that Trump had agreed to give away all of our military secrets to Russia.
Rosenstein, unless he changes his tactics (because he's dead wrong), is going to face impeachment.

Yeah, just like Trump is going to be impeach by Congress.

Because he is, you know, "dead wrong."

I know because I watched it on a Tom Steyer add on MSNBC.


The FBI is not under the jurisdiction of Congress. It is part of the executive branch. It is under no obligation to release anything to anyone elected to Congress.

Congress has the constitutional obligation to "oversee" Executive Department entities as part of is authority to appropriate money and oversee budgets.

It is part of the Checks and Balances embedded in the Constitution.
Here's an interesting bit of history from Wikipedia most of us probably didn't know about:

The Bureau of Investigation (BOI) was created on July 26, 1908, after the Congress had adjourned for the summer. Attorney General Bonaparte, using Department of Justice expense funds, hired thirty-four people, including some veterans of the Secret Service, to work for a new investigative agency. Its first "Chief" (the title is now known as "Director") was Stanley Finch. Bonaparte notified the Congress of these actions in December 1908.
The bureau's first official task was visiting and making surveys of the houses of prostitution in preparation for enforcing the "White Slave Traffic Act," or Mann Act, passed on June 25, 1910. In 1932, the bureau was renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation. The following year it was linked to the Bureau of Prohibition and rechristened the Division of Investigation (DOI) before finally becoming an independent service within the Department of Justice in 1935.
In the same year, its name was officially changed from the Division of Investigation to the present-day Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI.
In other words, it was never officially created or approved of by an act of Congress!!!!!
This raises a whole lot of possibilities. Could the President simply wipe it out and transfer agents to other agencies? How about other entities within Homeland Security? I've never understood why the USA needs a federal police force.
Here's an interesting bit of history from Wikipedia most of us probably didn't know about:

The Bureau of Investigation (BOI) was created on July 26, 1908, after the Congress had adjourned for the summer. Attorney General Bonaparte, using Department of Justice expense funds, hired thirty-four people, including some veterans of the Secret Service, to work for a new investigative agency. Its first "Chief" (the title is now known as "Director") was Stanley Finch. Bonaparte notified the Congress of these actions in December 1908.
The bureau's first official task was visiting and making surveys of the houses of prostitution in preparation for enforcing the "White Slave Traffic Act," or Mann Act, passed on June 25, 1910. In 1932, the bureau was renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation. The following year it was linked to the Bureau of Prohibition and rechristened the Division of Investigation (DOI) before finally becoming an independent service within the Department of Justice in 1935.
In the same year, its name was officially changed from the Division of Investigation to the present-day Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI.
In other words, it was never officially created or approved of by an act of Congress!!!!!
This raises a whole lot of possibilities. Could the President simply wipe it out and transfer agents to other agencies? How about other entities within Homeland Security? I've never understood why the USA needs a federal police force.
Trump tweeted yesterday or today if the DOJ didn't stop stonewalling and screwing around, he was going to "bring his Presidential powers into action'', or words to that effect.
What gives Rosenstein the right to refuse any request by our elected officials who by te way stand in our place.

it is just like he is saying no to each and every citzen of the United States.

Regardless of whether you like Trump or hate Trump what Rosenstein are doing should scare the crap out of you. Rosenstein is an unelected nobody who has basically refused to allow our elected officials ( officals elected by the people) to see documents. These elected officials represent us (the people) and are suppose to act in the same manner as we would act if we had the same information they have. Nobody gave Rosenstein this power.
Obviously you don’t understand separation of powers doctrine.
Here's an interesting bit of history from Wikipedia most of us probably didn't know about:

The Bureau of Investigation (BOI) was created on July 26, 1908, after the Congress had adjourned for the summer. Attorney General Bonaparte, using Department of Justice expense funds, hired thirty-four people, including some veterans of the Secret Service, to work for a new investigative agency. Its first "Chief" (the title is now known as "Director") was Stanley Finch. Bonaparte notified the Congress of these actions in December 1908.
The bureau's first official task was visiting and making surveys of the houses of prostitution in preparation for enforcing the "White Slave Traffic Act," or Mann Act, passed on June 25, 1910. In 1932, the bureau was renamed the United States Bureau of Investigation. The following year it was linked to the Bureau of Prohibition and rechristened the Division of Investigation (DOI) before finally becoming an independent service within the Department of Justice in 1935.
In the same year, its name was officially changed from the Division of Investigation to the present-day Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI.
In other words, it was never officially created or approved of by an act of Congress!!!!!
This raises a whole lot of possibilities. Could the President simply wipe it out and transfer agents to other agencies? How about other entities within Homeland Security? I've never understood why the USA needs a federal police force.

congress doesn't approve executive agencies


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