What is a small government libertarian?

You'll notice everyone criticizing the libertarians here have nothing to offer but hyperbole, ignorance, or insults. Authoritarian statists don't like their power or oppression being questioned.
I believe in the enumerated powers of the Founding Fathers. aka a Leash on their power, and the power to take from one American and give it to another because it makes you feel good.

We give out more than we take in and that is a recipe for economic ruin. The founders looked into Ancient Greece and they screwed themselves. This is exactly why they created a Republic.

The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. It worked and somehow our country has continually tried to fix what wasn't broken. Which is leading us down the path of history. Like Greece. We cannot sustain the BS that has been passed. It's not possible. No matter how you cherry pick the data.
Liberals like to say they don't know what a small government libertarian is. .

Examples of small government Libertarians are Thomas Jefferson , James Madison and the other Founding Fathers who sincerely believed that the federal scumbags were going to support and defend the US Constitution.

They never suspected that 200 years later we would become a welfare/warfare state ruled by a Jewish State.

Go fig.

birthers ... 911 conspiracy hounds etc etc

Those people exist everywhere on the political spectrum. It's not attached to Libertarian beliefs in any way.

Yes they are, Obama is a birther, he was the original one. I don't know any libertarian who is either a birther or a 9/11 conspiracy hound.

Birther Alert: Vice Chair of NH Libertarian Party’s Rant

Birther Alert: Vice Chair of NH Libertarian Party?s Rant | New Hampshire Journal

'Liberty rally'

Ann Barnhardt: Self-Promoting, Apocalyptic, Birther...Republican/Tea Bagger/Libertarian?

Birthers of the World Unite: Larry Klayman (JW sued Clinton)

Larry Klayman: the Tea Party 'gadfly' who took on the NSA | World news | The Guardian


The Libertarian Right’s Fringe Problem

Why is it so hard for Greg Brannon and other "liberty" candidates to avoid plagiarism and conspiracy theories?

The Libertarian Right?s Fringe Problem | The American Conservative

Conspiracy Theories are Good for Libertarianism


Conspiracy Theories ? LewRockwell.com

From 9/11 To Common Core To Benghazi: Why Right-Wingers Love A Good Conspiracy Theory

From 9/11 To Common Core To Benghazi: Why Right-Wingers Love A Good Conspiracy Theory | The Daily Banter

'Free markets', Birthers, Benghazi fools, 9-11 truthers..........all cut from the same delusional cloth.
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1. Why should we not have a fair or flat tax? Or a consumption tax? It worked before and adheres to the uniformity clause. Everyone pays the same at the same rate. Based on what you make, some pay more and some pay less. Today, those that pay 0 in taxes get Thousands of dollars in Refunds every year. And those that earn more, use loop holes to get out of paying taxes.

2. Why should I have to pay for someone else to own a cell phone. I have to pay for mine, and they should have to do the same. Why should I have to buy rubbers and birth control for others? That's their responsibility. This is how IDIOTIC we've become.

3. Why should we have the same job being performed by several Federal Agencies? One doing so is enough.

4. Why does the Federal Gov't need so much land, and continue to take more from the States? Perhaps because the Federal Gov't has forgotten that it is a servant of We The People, just like the States are servants of the citizens of that state.

5. Why do we allow Bankers to control our currency. They are not needed to sell bonds. The Treasury can do it without being charged a 6% fee.

And so on. Our Gov't needs to be on a leash. They've gone far beyond what they should have the authority to do. They borrow TRILLIONS to kick the can down the road for future generations, and it's time to end the cycle of Self Serving BS.
Someone that lets businesses do as they damn well please and hates maintaining the country...

Pretty much someone that thinks the corporate world should do it all.

You don't grasp free markets. In free markets, companies can do what they want. When they do bad things, their customers leave them, their employees quit, and they are replaced by companies that don't do that.

In your socialist system, bad companies get bailed out by government and thrive by paying them off and contributing to their campaigns. It is in reality you who victimizes people by propping up bad companies with the force of government.

Weird, libertarians and YOU can NEVER point to ANY successful libertarian state or nation EVER???
Someone that lets businesses do as they damn well please and hates maintaining the country...

Pretty much someone that thinks the corporate world should do it all.

You don't grasp free markets. In free markets, companies can do what they want. When they do bad things, their customers leave them, their employees quit, and they are replaced by companies that don't do that.

In your socialist system, bad companies get bailed out by government and thrive by paying them off and contributing to their campaigns. It is in reality you who victimizes people by propping up bad companies with the force of government.

Weird, libertarians and YOU can NEVER point to ANY successful libertarian state or nation EVER???

You need to go back and retake American History Class Punk. The Founding Fathers made it work. People who think like you screwed a good thing up. If it isn't broke don't fix it.
You'll notice everyone criticizing the libertarians here have nothing to offer but hyperbole, ignorance, or insults. Authoritarian statists don't like their power or oppression being questioned.

PLEASE just ONE state or nation to EVER use libertarian myths and fairy tales? EVER?
Nope. there's nothing intrinsically moral or just about majority rule. A lynch mob is majority rule in action.

Ironically though, most People don't want the rest of the Libertarian agenda.

I do agree it's non viable in a democratic society. You're error is in your choice of which one to dispense with, libertarianism or democracy.

There you go, a poster who not only admits that Libertarianism won't work in a democratic society,

but one who would rather have the former than the latter.

A Libertarian autocracy...

...now there's a concept.

What I want is freedom, not rule by anyone. Rule by the majority is often just as tyrannical as rule by the minority. Not being ruled at all is what we should aim at.

Putting everything up for a vote does not make for a desirable society. The more things people vote on, the more society slides down the chute to tyranny and social unrest.

The Mob is a favored tool of a Tyrant. He can enact his despotic will behind the body shield of the Mob....and it's difficult for the oppressed minority to cut the head off of a mob.
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You'll notice everyone criticizing the libertarians here have nothing to offer but hyperbole, ignorance, or insults. Authoritarian statists don't like their power or oppression being questioned.

PLEASE just ONE state or nation to EVER use libertarian myths and fairy tales? EVER?

Please show us ONE successful Collectivist State that has implemented the nonsense you advocate.
I believe in the enumerated powers of the Founding Fathers. aka a Leash on their power, and the power to take from one American and give it to another because it makes you feel good.

We give out more than we take in and that is a recipe for economic ruin. The founders looked into Ancient Greece and they screwed themselves. This is exactly why they created a Republic.

The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. It worked and somehow our country has continually tried to fix what wasn't broken. Which is leading us down the path of history. Like Greece. We cannot sustain the BS that has been passed. It's not possible. No matter how you cherry pick the data.

"The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. "


THE FOUNDERS WERE MANY THINGS, BUT THEY WEREN'T LIBERTARIANS.... As part of the right's newfound interest in all things constitutional, there's been a related push of late to recast the framers of the Constitution. Today's far-right activists, we're told, are the ideological descendents of the Founding Fathers.

The Washington Monthly

"The power of all corporations ought to be limited," wrote James Madison

Like fellow Federalists James Wilson and Alexander Hamilton, he saw the Constitutional Convention as an opportunity to craft a central government powerful enough to serve as an effective check on the states -- an entity that for all intents and purposes hadn't existed during the ill-fated tenure of the Articles of Confederation (THAT'S MUCH MORE LIBERTARIAN!!!)

...Jefferson, of course, is the Founding Father most often cited for his supposedly libertarian sentiments, perhaps due to his wariness of the national government with respect to its interference in the rights of states. .... "I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations,"

Daniel Cluchey: The Founding Fathers Were Not Libertarians
Liberals like to say they don't know what a small government libertarian is. .

Examples of small government Libertarians are Thomas Jefferson , James Madison and the other Founding Fathers who sincerely believed that the federal scumbags were going to support and defend the US Constitution.

They never suspected that 200 years later we would become a welfare/warfare state ruled by a Jewish State.

Go fig.


Weird, those BIG GOV'T FEDERAL GUYS? Over the anti federalists 'states rights' guys?
I believe in the enumerated powers of the Founding Fathers. aka a Leash on their power, and the power to take from one American and give it to another because it makes you feel good.

We give out more than we take in and that is a recipe for economic ruin. The founders looked into Ancient Greece and they screwed themselves. This is exactly why they created a Republic.

The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. It worked and somehow our country has continually tried to fix what wasn't broken. Which is leading us down the path of history. Like Greece. We cannot sustain the BS that has been passed. It's not possible. No matter how you cherry pick the data.

"The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. "


THE FOUNDERS WERE MANY THINGS, BUT THEY WEREN'T LIBERTARIANS.... As part of the right's newfound interest in all things constitutional, there's been a related push of late to recast the framers of the Constitution. Today's far-right activists, we're told, are the ideological descendents of the Founding Fathers.

The Washington Monthly

"The power of all corporations ought to be limited," wrote James Madison

Like fellow Federalists James Wilson and Alexander Hamilton, he saw the Constitutional Convention as an opportunity to craft a central government powerful enough to serve as an effective check on the states -- an entity that for all intents and purposes hadn't existed during the ill-fated tenure of the Articles of Confederation (THAT'S MUCH MORE LIBERTARIAN!!!)

...Jefferson, of course, is the Founding Father most often cited for his supposedly libertarian sentiments, perhaps due to his wariness of the national government with respect to its interference in the rights of states. .... "I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations,"

Daniel Cluchey: The Founding Fathers Were Not Libertarians

Baloney. Who said Libertarians don't want regulations. Commerce is in the Constitution you dope. There's a difference between interference and fair commerce. One gets the snap with no flags and the better team wins. The other gets a flag and a penalty of 15 yards for holding the receiver trying to run a business.
1. Why should we not have a fair or flat tax? Or a consumption tax? It worked before and adheres to the uniformity clause. Everyone pays the same at the same rate. Based on what you make, some pay more and some pay less. Today, those that pay 0 in taxes get Thousands of dollars in Refunds every year. And those that earn more, use loop holes to get out of paying taxes.

2. Why should I have to pay for someone else to own a cell phone. I have to pay for mine, and they should have to do the same. Why should I have to buy rubbers and birth control for others? That's their responsibility. This is how IDIOTIC we've become.

3. Why should we have the same job being performed by several Federal Agencies? One doing so is enough.

4. Why does the Federal Gov't need so much land, and continue to take more from the States? Perhaps because the Federal Gov't has forgotten that it is a servant of We The People, just like the States are servants of the citizens of that state.

5. Why do we allow Bankers to control our currency. They are not needed to sell bonds. The Treasury can do it without being charged a 6% fee.

And so on. Our Gov't needs to be on a leash. They've gone far beyond what they should have the authority to do. They borrow TRILLIONS to kick the can down the road for future generations, and it's time to end the cycle of Self Serving BS.

"1. Why should we not have a fair or flat tax? Or a consumption tax?"


Founding Fathers wanted to "Spread the Wealth"

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Business > Dean Calbreath -- 'Spreading the wealth' is nothing new to U.S.

As Jefferson explained: "The farmer will see his government supported, his children educated, and the face of this country made a paradise by the contributions of the rich alone, without his being called on to spend a cent from his earnings."

Adam Smith, who literally "wrote the book" on capitalism. In 1776, in The Wealth of Nations, Smith wrote:

"The necessaries of life occasion the great expense of the poor. They find it difficult to get food, and the greater part of their little revenue is spent in getting it....It is not very unreasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense, not only in proportion to their revenue, but something more than in that proportion."

" It worked before and adheres to the uniformity clause."


EVERYTHING else is just MORE right wing blather!
Dad2three makes the very common moonbat mistake of assuming that Libertarianism is Anarchy.
There you go, a poster who not only admits that Libertarianism won't work in a democratic society,

but one who would rather have the former than the latter.

A Libertarian autocracy...

...now there's a concept.

What I want is freedom, not rule by anyone. Rule by the majority is often just as tyrannical as rule by the minority. Not being ruled at all is what we should aim at.

Putting everything up for a vote does not make for a desirable society. The more things people vote on, the more society slides down the chute to tyranny and social unrest.

The Mob is a favored tool of a Tyrant. He can enact his despotic will behind the body shield of the Mob....and its difficult for the oppressed minority to cut the head off of a mob.

True, the TP/GOP is showing US that today :(
The only accurate word you wrote is the first one in your sentence, you sad sack of sophistry.
I believe in the enumerated powers of the Founding Fathers. aka a Leash on their power, and the power to take from one American and give it to another because it makes you feel good.

We give out more than we take in and that is a recipe for economic ruin. The founders looked into Ancient Greece and they screwed themselves. This is exactly why they created a Republic.

The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. It worked and somehow our country has continually tried to fix what wasn't broken. Which is leading us down the path of history. Like Greece. We cannot sustain the BS that has been passed. It's not possible. No matter how you cherry pick the data.

"The Founding Fathers were the 1st Libertarians. They wrote the Constitution. "


THE FOUNDERS WERE MANY THINGS, BUT THEY WEREN'T LIBERTARIANS.... As part of the right's newfound interest in all things constitutional, there's been a related push of late to recast the framers of the Constitution. Today's far-right activists, we're told, are the ideological descendents of the Founding Fathers.

The Washington Monthly

"The power of all corporations ought to be limited," wrote James Madison

Like fellow Federalists James Wilson and Alexander Hamilton, he saw the Constitutional Convention as an opportunity to craft a central government powerful enough to serve as an effective check on the states -- an entity that for all intents and purposes hadn't existed during the ill-fated tenure of the Articles of Confederation (THAT'S MUCH MORE LIBERTARIAN!!!)

...Jefferson, of course, is the Founding Father most often cited for his supposedly libertarian sentiments, perhaps due to his wariness of the national government with respect to its interference in the rights of states. .... "I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations,"

Daniel Cluchey: The Founding Fathers Were Not Libertarians

Baloney. Who said Libertarians don't want regulations. Commerce is in the Constitution you dope. There's a difference between interference and fair commerce. One gets the snap with no flags and the better team wins. The other gets a flag and a penalty of 15 yards for holding the receiver trying to run a business.

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States

When American colonists declared independence from England in 1776, they also freed themselves from control by English corporations that extracted their wealth and dominated trade. After fighting a revolution to end this exploitation, our country’s founders retained a healthy fear of corporate power and wisely limited corporations exclusively to a business role. Corporations were forbidden from attempting to influence elections, public policy, and other realms of civic society.

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these*:

Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.

Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.

Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.

Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.

Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.

Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
You see dad. This is how people like you treat businesses. You mug them before the ball is even near the receiver. In a Libertarian world that is still a penalty. In a liberal one, it's fair to mug the receiver before he the ball gets there. It's called open markets with limited intrusion. Yet you still get no flag or penalty if you play by the rules.


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