What happens when a cataclysmic deadline hits an immovable object? Dems double-dare a dug-in McConnell on debt & Bernie calls out Mitch for hypocrisy!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the Dems are being very smug, not even Susan Collins likes what they're doing. be careful!


“At that time it was all four hooves and snouts in the trough," Connolly added. "So for Republicans to suddenly take a hands-off, ‘we don’t believe in debt’ posture, gives hypocrisy a bad name.”

Meanwhile, Senate Budget Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was carrying around a passel of old McConnell quotes on Monday, ready for the question.

“Look what I have right here: These are all the quotes of Mitch McConnell, who has said ‘we will never have America default.’ And he’s right," Sanders said. "At the end of the day, Republicans understand that in the midst of Covid and climate change, they’re not going to destroy the economy."

Some early Democratic polling has shown inflation to be a rising issue with voters, and many of the party's vulnerable lawmakers are privately concerned that voting for a $3.5 trillion social spending package could exacerbate the problem. And if Republicans aren’t forced to assist with the debt limit vote, moderate Democrats fear they could be forced to own it.

The very prospect of such a debacle is raising another age-old wish among Democrats: Get rid of the debt limit once and for all.

“What we ought to do is raise it a gazillion dollars. Just get rid of the damn problem,” House Budget Chair John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) said in an interview. “The debt ceiling is ludicrous. It’s a horrible law.”"
Democrats have never been shy about raising taxes.......except when it actually comes to raising them.
Democrats have never been shy about raising taxes.......except when it actually comes to raising them.
Democrats are always willing to raise taxes. They just want to make sure they have some useful twat like Romney to go along so they can spread the blame.
Democrats are always willing to raise taxes. They just want to make sure they have some useful twat like Romney to go along so they can spread the blame.

Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend
Democrats tax and spend
Republicans cut taxes and spend
And you’re fine with both? And don’t give me the we have to pay for it somehow shit because we’ve reached the point government spending is outpacing the entire gdp, 100% taxation on everyone can’t pay for it.
And you’re fine with both? And don’t give me the we have to pay for it somehow shit because we’ve reached the point government spending is outpacing the entire gdp, 100% taxation on everyone can’t pay for it.

I was fine with it till Reagan sold us on Supply Side Economics

Cut taxes but don’t have the guts to restrain spending.
We have been in a debt spiral ever since
I was fine with it till Reagan sold us on Supply Side Economics

Cut taxes but don’t have the guts to restrain spending.
We have been in a debt spiral ever since
And who’s fault is that? The democrats refuse to even consider a spending cut of any kind. Hell they lose their minds at calling for a spending freeze. Have you already forgotten the democrats shut down the government for cuts to spending on illegals.

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