What happens to Adam Schiff Now? Will he be a Senator?

Wow, you are in for a rude awakening in November 2024. The senate map is very GOP friendly and a republican majority is a lock. That is one we can call now.
Have you seen the polls? The whole nation hates your party's authoritarian positions. You only survive by vote suppression, gerrymandering, and other types of cheating.

You've been trounced three elections is a row because you embraced Trump ... and your plan for 2024 is to embrace him harder.

Good luck with that. Make sure you scream about trans people a lot. You know, the newjews, according to the newnazis.

He betrayed his oath to the constitution with many lies.
Yet you can't show any lies, which leads everyone to correclty conclude that you're all lying for the glory of fascism and TheParty.

Go on. Sacrifice the last bits of your self-respect. Lie bigger than you've ever lied, turn reality completely on its head, and scream "The Russia thing was a hoax!". TheParty commands you to lie, so you must obey. You'll be kicked out of TheParty if you don't, and to herd animals like you, that would be like a death sentence.
Ha ha you are full of Schiff.

Wow, you are in for a rude awakening in November 2024. The senate map is very GOP friendly and a republican majority is a lock. That is one we can call now.

It is too early to predict the House of Representatives and POTUS elections. Likely keep the House of Representatives majority. POTUS? We'll see.

"Schiff will stay in the House and continue to uphold his oath to the Constitution..."

He betrayed his oath to the constitution with many lies.

It seems to me Republicans were A lock to win the Senate majority in 2022 and screwed that up and as I recall they should have won the House by 30-40 seats and barely got what they got. What are they going to do differently to win the Senate?
No other organization in the world has failed in the history of man as much as the GOP, hence they are the only reason democrats can still get elected.

It's almost as if the DNC runs them to get elected

I can trace the time period back to when Bush Sr allowed the John Birch Society back into the Republican Party and they changed their name but not their methods. I was one of the original Tea Party Members but saw it hijacked by these people. Those same people hijacked the Republican Party during Bush Jrs time.

This goes back to the 1957 time when the John Birch Society was formed. What most don't remember is that it was directly formed by the McCarthism. They got beat up pretty bad in 1958 and then tried again in 1964 and were defeated again.

How the GOP Surrendered to Extremism

Two names come up. William F. Buckley Jr. and Ronald Reagan whom both condemned the John Birch Society as a danger to America. Until Bush Sr took over the reigns of the Republican Party the JBS was persona non grata.

It's going to take time and pain to put that stopper back in that bottle but it will be done. The MAGAts are not Conservatives or Republicans at all. They are closer to the old DixieCrats with the while hoods and burning crosses. We need to get them back to the only that they had going for them for years and that's putting up those billboards "Get us out of the UN".
Schiff will be senator because the Left has no shame and Schiff is a central figure in the Left’s goal to change this country into a fascist police state. The Left will also do everything they can to make Trump the 2024 nominee to give their empty vessel Biden a fighting chance. that way they can squeal 24/7 about Trump as opposed to explain why the Biden presidency has been a catastrophic failure in every way possible.
Schiff will be senator because the Left has no shame and Schiff is a central figure in the Left’s goal to change this country into a fascist police state. The Left will also do everything they can to make Trump the 2024 nominee to give their empty vessel Biden a fighting chance. that way they can squeal 24/7 about Trump as opposed to explain why the Biden presidency has been a catastrophic failure in every way possible.

You guys are blaming Democrats because you're voting for Trump.

Just hilarious!
I think Adam Schiff is a traitor and a serial liar. But what I think does not matter.

Will he get Feinstein's senate seat in the November 2024 election?

If Diane Feinstein passes away before the election Gavin Newson will appoint a black woman (he has promised to do so) to fill that seat. The appointee will be the incumbent. Probably hard to beat.

If Newson wants Schiff to get that seat he would appoint an unpopular woman who would be easy to defeat in 2024. Put a stiff in that post short-term.

Nancy Pelosi and the DC swamp love this traitor. Schiff is smiling and bragging on Twitter.

Their agenda is clear- stop Donald Trump and MAGA by any means necessary. It doesn't matter if you lie, cheat, or steal, who gets libeled or slandered. Donald Trump and America First must be stopped.

Right now he is about even with a progressive woman (Katie Porter) in the polls. Is it likely that Porter will win the election?

Porter could win if voters dislike Schiff and are anti-establishment. Schiff is raising a lot of money but that might not be that important. There are many persons in history that had lots of money and lost elections. Jeb Bush in 2016 is an example.

Brass tacks- this censure may have been a mistake. He is trying to polish his brand with this action. The Ethics Committee is considering further punitive measures. Perhaps they should do nothing and wait until 2024-2025 to get this creep.

I am realistic and I understand that there is a chance that Schiff could be elected to the senate.

Interesting times. What say ye?
In a normal world Schiff would be OUT and barred from ever serving in government again. But this is clown world and shitlibs fail up everytime.
Shall I tell you about Republican Dennis Hof?

Widow succession has happened in both the Senate and the House. Almost happened when McCain passed, too.

You guys are blaming Democrats because you're voting for Trump.

Just hilarious!
Face it…if the GOP nominee is anybody but Trump, Biden loses in a massive landslide because there is no Trump for you guys to squeal about. Without Trump the left has to explain how Biden and the Democrats have managed to destroy so much of America and the world in record time.
Democrats always promote their best liars. He's a martyr now. He'll most likely end up being President some day.
It looks like Schiff had sex with an underage boy.

Inquiring minds want to know: did his payoff money come from the not so secret congressional slush fund for sex offenders?
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If any of the Trump cult losers could demonstrate how Schiff lied, they wouldn't come across as commie-cocksucking fascist cult traitors. But they can't, so they do.

Schiff was right. The Democrats were right. Trump cultists, you backed a gang of traitor criminals, and you attacked the decent people for revealing his crimes.

Unless they repent, publicly, the afterlife of each Trump cultist is going to be _interesting_. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
Look at how the Trump indictment was carefully choreographed. Democrats knew the document and voice recordings showing Biden being bribed (blatant proof of treason) as well as the Hunter plea deal were coming out soon, so they launched the classified documents indictment bullshit (something Biden is far more guilty of) as a diversion and to buffer the blow. These people are pure scum.
Face it…if the GOP nominee is anybody but Trump, Biden loses in a massive landslide because there is no Trump for you guys to squeal about. Without Trump the left has to explain how Biden and the Democrats have managed to destroy so much of America and the world in record time.
If it's anybody but Trump half of MAGADUMIA stays home.
UNLESS Trump decides to 3rd party it.
Then half of MAGADUMIANS vote for Trump.

But keep on blaming Dems for your own weakness, fear, and ignorance.
I do so love to laugh.

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