“Democrat Messaging is Full of Sh*t!” – James Carville Goes Off on Democrats

It's just hilarious to watch the overwhelming denial amidst the Leftoids on US Message Board when even their own elites are trying to warn them that they're heading directly into an electoral woodchipper.

But I guess that's what will make Guy Fawkes day all the more rewarding.

None of these people will be anywhere to be found when it's TOO BIG, TO RIG.
I'm less worried about the Electoral woodchipper and more worried about the economic one.

The lefties are far too dangerous to allow in power. You can just listen to these fools to figure out how clueless they are. "Oh, we can just print more money". Yeah right. That's been tried. It never ends well. And meanwhile there's a lot of suffering and turmoil.
The Dems will refuse to listen to people like Carville and Maher and the rest, and the GQP will refuse to listen to people like Cheney and Kinzinger and the rest. The parties will instead just continue to push their division and grievance politics. That's the template. Tribalism.

And we keep heading down the drain, as the world (and our enemies) watch in amazement.

Coincidence? Nope.
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Isn't Carvelle the one that chose to be a Democrat political operative because "they will believe anything". Well, I guess that makes today's Democrat party the end result. MAGA
The Cajun is Ragin'.

And, as they used to say in "Family Guy", it may be difficult to handle Circus ugly -

....but it doesn't make his expertise any less relevant when it comes to the Louisiana Democrat who coined the phrase "It's The Economy Stupid!"

Well, it may as well be 1992 redux this year:


I wonder if Carville is under the impression that the "Walls are closing in"?

Well, perhaps.

But not in the way the Leftists would prefer.

Here you go...

I'm less worried about the Electoral woodchipper and more worried about the economic one.

The lefties are far too dangerous to allow in power. You can just listen to these fools to figure out how clueless they are. "Oh, we can just print more money". Yeah right. That's been tried.

Yeah, and besides:

If we can just print our way to eternal solvency, why even have taxes?

Here you go...

And once again, your own elites disagree with you:

Biden Needs More Empathy on the Economy, Democrats Say​

WASHINGTON—President Biden is facing calls from anxious Democrats to express more empathy over inflation and prices, as voters continue to reject the president’s positive rhetoric on the economy.

It's strange that some of your masters actually believe not calling voters "stupid" is a wise move.

Your mileage may vary.
Ask the family buying groceries, filling their car, paying their utilities, if the economy is good.
The economy is good. That doesn’t mean everyone benefits. Would you like to discuss how we get more of society’s benefits to those at the bottom? I am open to it but you guys run away when it comes to how to help the bottom:

  • Minimum living wages
  • Publicly funded healthcare for all
  • Increased taxes on rich to improve schools and infrastructure in poor areas
  • Publicly funded college so people at the bottom can attend
  • Publicly funded daycare so people at the bottom can work.
Let me guess. You’re not really worried about the bottom?
Lemme guess:

You are a bottom.
Let me guess: you don’t really care about anyone struggling in this strong economy?

And you couldn’t be further from accuracy regarding my situation just randomly typing words.

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