what does selling the Biden brand mean ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

It means that those who welch on bets are the scum of the earth.
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

but TRUMP employee # 2 said the Boss want's the server deleted...
CNN is trying to protect Joe and claims Hunter was selling the “ILLUSION” of access to Joe.

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Fucking CNN. They never disappoint.

CNN is trying to protect Joe and claims Hunter was selling the “ILLUSION” of access to Joe.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Fucking CNN. They never disappoint.

lol ! yeah i saw that ... like the oligarchs and shady multi millionaire's the Bidens dealt with for yrs were stupid enough to stand in line and get screwed over .. once one got screwed that would have been the end of the Biden brand for foreign money coming in .
It means that those who welch on bets are the scum of the earth.
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

It means that he sold sizzle, minus the steak.

Not illegal.
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

I find it interesting that the left will often bring up the Trump university settlement as proof that Trump committed fraud (even though it was just a settlement) but they don't seem to think what Hunter Biden did is fraud and Joe Biden was part of that fraud with 20 phone calls helping to sell the fraud.
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

I tmeans your Chinese or Ukranian company gets money or approval for something.

The ‘Biden Brand’ Racket

5 Aug 2023 ~~ By Andrew C. McCarthy

In one of American cinema’s most riveting scenes, Vito Corleone, the Godfather, rebukes a distraught undertaker whose once-beautiful daughter has been beaten to a pulp by two young men — one of them the son of a powerful politician. Though the case was a slam dunk, a corrupt judge had let the brutes off with no jail time. That the system is rigged against those who play by the rules suddenly dawns on the law-abiding undertaker, whom the film’s co-writer, novelist Mario Puzo, named Amerigo Bonasera — as in Goodnight, America, where threats lurk around every corner, and the rules turn out to be strings pulled by puppeteers.
Bonasera needs a godfather. So he goes to Corleone, sobbing about the good intentions that were behind his good citizenship, his reliance on police and the courts. The Don cuts him off, scoffing that while he’d opted for the faux protection of the law, true security — the godfather’s friendship — had been there all along if only Bonasera had asked. “And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies,” Corleone says, pausing and pointing at his supplicant, “and then, they would fear you.”
Nowadays, such Yale-educated professional glibsters as Devon Archer would call this Don Corleone’s “brand.” Such a nice word, brand. Not what we federal prosecutors in the Organized Crime Unit called it back in the Eighties. We were more inclined to say extortion. Or racketeering — say, running a protection racket, as in, “Nice business you have here, be a shame if anyone shut it down.”
Pols like Joe Biden and their hangers-on — like Archer, his son Hunter’s partner in slime — don’t like to think of their “brand” as extortion. They’re more in the mold of Don Corleone’s equally ruthless but more progressive son, Michael, who swore that any year now the family business would become “completely legitimate.” In such “completely legitimate” businesses, the muscle to do extortion is the family’s “brand.” The brand’s stock-in-trade is “influence,” an aura of intimidation to which beleaguered businesses — including foreign “partners” connected to corrupt and anti-American regimes — buy “access.” That’s what they expect will protect them from the metastasizing peril of, yes, “regulation.”
Joe Biden was the business.
Without the now-president, there would have been no Biden brand. Influence-peddling only pays when there is influence to be peddled. Access can only be sold if it is access to someone. Joe Biden is what Hunter Biden was selling. It is risible to hand-wring over whether Joe and Hunter “discussed business” when Joe’s status and the access to power it provided to those willing to pay was the business.
And sure, the business does occasionally call for some hands-on services — Shokin was fired because of pressure brought to bear on the reluctant Ukrainian government, as sure as Don Corleone arranged for his henchmen to put a whuppin’ on the attackers of Bonasera’s daughter; and when Hunter extorted his Chinese partner, Henry Zhao, invoking the name of Joe who (Hunter said) was sitting right there with him waiting for Zhao to call, the WhatsApp message read as if it were written by Mario Puzo himself.
But mostly, the business is just access to an air of intimidation that requires no action. As Hunter put it in dressing down his associate, Tony Bobulinsky, the Chinese partners wanted to be in business “with the Bidens.” They wanted the association with America’s vice president — the problems it could stave off as well as the doors it could open. Zlochevsky was under investigation by the Ukrainians, and $23 million of his fortune had just been seized by the British government. He needed a godfather — an association with a powerful figure who would discourage his tormentors, such as a public tie to the vice president of the United States globally advertised by the installation of the vice president’s son on his company’s board.

This is the most crystal clear explanation of what US politics is all about these days. Every politician, from city council level all the way up to President of the US wants to be at the table, not on the menu.
When Democratic Presidents appoint judges, you don’t actually believe they wil be impartial about their decisions like John Roberts said:”Roberts responded to the president in a statement, writing that the United States does not have “Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”
Archer testified today that Hunter put Joe on speaker phone more than 2 dozen times to sell the Biden brand ! well democrats since yall say the Bidens and the head of the family Joe [The Big Guy] Biden are honest people and not involved in shady dealings like influence peddling ... tell us what selling the Biden brand means ..

It means the xiden crime family gonna get rich. xiden's the brand and policy is the commodity. He got the Burisma prosecutor fired and according to Archer saved the company, kept the ex-wife of the former mayor of Moscow off the sanctions list and who knows what else.


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