Zone1 What does it mean that Jews are "God's Chosen People"?

and that proves what? The actual Biblical flood happened way before sumer. The remnant of humans who became Sumer told the tale distorting it along the way till they came up with their flood narrative.

It was in the spring. The Tigress and Euphrates are very, very low by late summer. It happened in 2900 BC. See the king's list.
Maybe God saw among all the children of men some who were willing to believe in him and to follow his commandments. Maybe God decided that through these few people he would raise up a people who he could reveal his will so that it could eventually spread to all the children of the earth. Apparently through Abraham, Isaac, and then Jacob God did this very thing. Jacob's name was eventually changed to Israel and through his 12 sons he would attempt to raise up a righteous branch in the world. The Jews were only a part of the House of Israel. There were 11 other sons beside Judah who were also numbered among the House of Israel. So it is not just the Jews but the whole house of Israel. God has set them up as a chosen people but He allows all people to repent and to be adopted into the house of Israel today. The gathering of Israel is going on today to see who will come and be numbered among them. Going to heaven is based upon ones righteousness and willingness to follow God. By doing so one can be numbered among the chosen and find entrance into God's kingdom.
The flood myth (Noah) also comes from Sumer.

the event is universally passed down through history regardless sumer - for one, never read the event, paradisians know it by heart spoken or not as heavenly prosperity whether the goal is accomplished or not.

not the desert version made foolish as a nursery rhyme.
Nope. The king of Sumer was hauling grain, livestock and beer downriver on barges.

The rivers often overflowed their banks when snowmelt from the Zagros mountains combined with spring rains. That's what built the delta south of Basra. The whole area is very flat...and there is flood sediment.

there were no barges or any vessels at all, your account makes no sense it was the dawn of mankind - your romanticism, time frame serves no purpose whatsoever.
the event is universally passed down through history regardless sumer - for one, never read the event, paradisians know it by heart spoken or not as heavenly prosperity whether the goal is accomplished or not.

not the desert version made foolish as a nursery rhyme.

There have been local floods forever. People tended to live near rivers all over the world. There was no global flood.
there were no barges or any vessels at all, your account makes no sense it was the dawn of mankind - your romanticism, time frame serves no purpose whatsoever.

Dear God, they had sailboats before Adam and Eve.

Haven't you read any writings from ancient Sumer? Read Noah Samuel Kramer, History Begins at Sumer. He spent 50 years translating their ancient gliphs.

Shuruppak is the name of a grain storage city that flourished on the banks of the Euphrates until c. 2000 BCE. Grandsire Ubara-Tutu reigned 18,600 years and is said to be the last king of Sumer before the Flood, the last pre-dynastic king of the Early Bronze Age I—which ended around 2900 BCE—and the first Sumerian king to reign from the city of Shuruppak.

Then as now, river barges were used for transporting cargo on the Euphrates River. This cargo included livestock, beer, wine, textiles, lumber, stone, metals, dried fish, vegetable oil, and other cargo.
It was in the spring. The Tigress and Euphrates are very, very low by late summer. It happened in 2900 BC. See the king's list.
seriously you're going to go by a source written by people who claimed their kings lived for thousands of years?
It was in the spring. The Tigress and Euphrates are very, very low by late summer. It happened in 2900 BC. See the king's list.
God created the people who called themselves sumerian. They took the story and because they were separated further and further from God the creator they added their man inspired causes, reasons and details of an event that occured in their cultural past.
The flood myth (Noah) also comes from Sumer.
Calypso Jones

Shuruppak is the name of a grain storage city that flourished on the banks of the Euphrates until c. 2000 BCE. Grandsire Ubara-Tutu reigned 18,600 years and is said to be the last king of Sumer before the Flood, the last pre-dynastic king of the Early Bronze Age I—which ended around 2900 BCE—and the first Sumerian king to reign from the city of Shuruppak.

Then as now, river barges were used for transporting cargo on the Euphrates River. This cargo included livestock, beer, wine, textiles, lumber, stone, metals, dried fish, vegetable oil, and other cargo.
That probably was a dynasty not a single king that lived thousands of years.

Same problem in the old testament with people living 900 years.
Calypso Jones

Shuruppak is the name of a grain storage city that flourished on the banks of the Euphrates until c. 2000 BCE. Grandsire Ubara-Tutu reigned 18,600 years and is said to be the last king of Sumer before the Flood, the last pre-dynastic king of the Early Bronze Age I—which ended around 2900 BCE—and the first Sumerian king to reign from the city of Shuruppak.

Then as now, river barges were used for transporting cargo on the Euphrates River. This cargo included livestock, beer, wine, textiles, lumber, stone, metals, dried fish, vegetable oil, and other cargo.
The Biblical account is the original account of the Great Flood...anything else comes later and originates with the original biblical account.

The Biblical account is the original account of the Great Flood...anything else comes later and originates with the original biblical account.

Sorry. The accounts from Sumer and Dilmun and Babylon are a thousand years older .. the Canaanite fiction is a thousand years older from Ras Shamra... Before Abraham.
The Biblical account is the original account of the Great Flood...anything else comes later and originates with the original biblical account.

From the link

Thus, many of the dynasties listed as consecutive were in reality contemporaneous. He apparently divided the larger of his source lists into smaller dynastic units and interpolated them separately to try to ameliorate the large errors that obvious synchronisms between well known rulers would have exposed by strictly merging all the sources one after another. In most cases, however, he cut the individual lists for interpolation along dynastic groups.
seriously you're going to go by a source written by people who claimed their kings lived for thousands of years?

God created the people who called themselves sumerian. They took the story and because they were separated further and further from God the creator they added their man inspired causes, reasons and details of an event that occured in their cultural past.

The story of the primeval cataclysmic flood which wiped out all life on earth, save for one family, is found in different ancient Mesopotamian texts whence it reached the Biblical and Classical literary traditions.

The present book systematically collects the earliest attestations of the myth of the Flood, namely all the cuneiform-written Akkadian sources – from the Old Babylonian to the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian periods, including Tablet XI of the Epic of Gilgamesh –, presenting them in a new synoptic edition and English translation which are accompanied by a detailed philological commentary and an extensive literary discussion.

The book also includes a complete glossary of the Akkadian sources.
Calypso Jones

There was more than one king along the Euphrates River. There were various city states.

The mythos also existed during the Akkadian Empire.

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