What do you understand about FDR? Did FDR want a war with Japan? For answers, check here

Robert W

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Sep 9, 2022
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)
Shssh, don't mention Pearl Harbour, some Americans think they joined WWII to win the war for the Allies, nothing to do with Japan attacking PH.
FDR was chomping at the bit to get into the war against Germany.
But the majority of US citizens didn't want to send American boys to fight another war in Europe.
Plus, there was a large voting block of German Americans that viewed Germany in a positive light that FDR didn't want to alienate.
So he concentrated on goading Japan with oil and steel sanctions because of their brutal invasion and war against China. In the hope we would eventually go to war with Japan, and by extension, get involved in the war against Germany.
After the Pearl Harbor attack FDR declared war on Japan.
Then 3 days later FDR got his wish, when Hitler surprised everyone by declaring war on America.
Even the top German generals were shocked, because they knew it was a huge mistake.
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Of course the racist son of a bitch fdr wanted any excuse to enter WWII, largely so he could help out his buddy Joe more directly.
Interesting take. I would think that FDR wanted to help his old buddy Churchill a lot more.
Given the implementation of FDR's 'Germany First' strategy--which put the war in the Pacific in a holding pattern--I would think this more likely.
Not that FDR didn't love him some Stalin--he did...it frustrated our govt. to no end...when the FBI and the OSS told him that Russia was flooding the US with agents and spies prior to the war's ending, FDR dismissed it. It was so bad that our intelligence services acted without telling FDR--in an attempt to get a handle on the influx.
Of course, as soon as Truman became President--our policy changed.
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)
THere is a new book I can't locate that paints FDR as a truly horrible man.

He seems to have done nothing for the Jews vis a vis the Nazis.
THere is a new book I can't locate that paints FDR as a truly horrible man.

He seems to have done nothing for the Jews vis a vis the Nazis.
Correct. FDR refused to allow a ship full of Jews to land in the USA because he said they probably are Nazis. That was very stupid on his part.
Ah, so all the liars and loons agree FDR was da Evulest Man In Da World. What a surprise! lol who else would attack those hapless innocent Japs and Nazis!!!
And that has what to do with fdr's treatment of American citizens?

But if we’re going to compare, the Japanese-American internment camps were nothing compared to what Japan did to its enemies, or to Nazi death camps or to Soviet gulags.

America and Britain were the good guys during that war and Japan and Germany were the bad guys. No amount of revisionism will ever change that
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)
I haven't read the book. But I have read A LOT of books on the subject. So I'll give my opinion with that understanding.

Most historians agree with the premise that FDR was not adverse to entering the war. In fact, much of the foreign policies he enacted was designed to put the US on a war footing.

Having said that, it's HIGHLY unlikely FDR would deliberately allow Pearl Harbor to happen.

First off, it wasn't necessary. Why would any leader who's seeking war allow the destruction of the only perceived effective offensive weapon to prosecute that war? At the very least send up the fighters. It still would have been Japan attacking the US.

Why would any leader allow the destruction of assets across the Pacific?

I seriously suspect this book as so many, is designed to sell copies by spouting conspiracy theories. Hard to sell just another history. But a good conspiracy theory. Now that sells.
No, because they were Jews. That scumbag fdr was a filthy bigot.

lol rubbish. He got Congress to expand their legal quotas to let more Jews make up the numbers from Germany and Austria in, you silly halfwit. You know shit about history, just more evidence you aren't a 'teacher', just troll.
lol rubbish. He got Congress to expand their legal quotas to let more Jews make up the numbers from Germany and Austria in, you silly halfwit. You know shit about history, just more evidence you aren't a 'teacher', just troll.
You seem totally ignorant of the ship from Germany that docked in the Caribbean because FDR refused to allow the Jews on the ship entry into the US based on his belief they were shills for the Nazis.
Have you wondered about Japan? Why would Japan dare attack Pearl Harbor? Think about that question.
Did they fear FDR? They did not fear FDR. Did they plan to invade the USA at California? We don't really know by what they did. We need more data from the Japanese to see what they intended. But for those who think FDR was caught by surprise, hear this. He was not caught by surprise. He planned to be attacked.

To start you to think over this, were you Japan and saw a threat in the Pacific Ocean, what would you do? Bear in mind the Japanese had a super huge military. Would you use it?

Did President Roosevelt and other high-ranking U.S. government officials know about Japanese plans to attack Pearl Harbor, and fail to warn U.S. Navy leadership? Drawing on recently declassified materials and revelations from other writers, this book traces the flow of intelligence and concludes the imminent attack was allowed to happen to win the support of the American public in a war against Japan. An epilogue describes the fate of Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, the intelligence he received from Washington before the attack, and the intelligence he did not.

Pearl Harbor Declassified: The Evidence of American Foreknowledge of the Attack Paperback – July 30, 2021​

by James M. D’Angelo (Author)

There was a comedy skit, maybe SNL, where they showed an alerted FDR drafted his Day of Infamy speech starting off "Yesterday, December 7th, or 14th, a day which shall live in Infamy"

"Here’s the paradox. The U.S. immigration system severely limited the number of German Jews admitted during the Nazi years to about 26,000 annually — but even that quota was less than 25% filled during most of the Hitler era, because the Roosevelt administration piled on so many extra requirements for would-be immigrants."

We should have a similar approach on the Southern border, no?
I haven't read the book. But I have read A LOT of books on the subject. So I'll give my opinion with that understanding.

Most historians agree with the premise that FDR was not adverse to entering the war. In fact, much of the foreign policies he enacted was designed to put the US on a war footing.

Having said that, it's HIGHLY unlikely FDR would deliberately allow Pearl Harbor to happen.

First off, it wasn't necessary. Why would any leader who's seeking war allow the destruction of the only perceived effective offensive weapon to prosecute that war? At the very least send up the fighters. It still would have been Japan attacking the US.

Why would any leader allow the destruction of assets across the Pacific?

I seriously suspect this book as so many, is designed to sell copies by spouting conspiracy theories. Hard to sell just another history. But a good conspiracy theory. Now that sells.
Navy Commander McCollum put together a 8 point plan to get Japan to attack the US. It is believed that FDR read it and put the plan into action. This is why the Navy Admirals at Pearl Harbor never were told to expect an attack by Japan. It is called a sneak attack but in truth it was done by executing McCollum's plan to the letter.

The McCollum memo, also known as the Eight Action Memo, was a memorandum, dated October 7, 1940, sent by Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum[1][unreliable source?] in his capacity as director of the Office of Naval Intelligence's Far East Asia section. It was sent to Navy Captains Dudley Knox, who had reservations with the actions described within the memo, and Walter Stratton Anderson. Robert Stinnett asserts this memo was part of a conspiracy by the Roosevelt Administration to secretly provoke the Japanese to attack the United States in order to bring the United States into the European war without generating public contempt over broken political promises.
"This attitude dovetails with what is known about FDR’s views regarding immigrants in general and Asian immigrants in particular. In one 1920 interview, he complained about immigrants “crowding” into the cities and said “the remedy for this should be the distribution of aliens in various parts of the country.” In a series of articles for the Macon (Ga.) Daily Telegraph and for Asia magazine in the 1920s, he warned against granting citizenship to “non-assimilable immigrants” and opposed Japanese immigration on the grounds that “mingling Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results.” He recommended that future immigration should be limited to those who had “blood of the right sort.”"

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