What do you think about Russian soldiers?

War is brutal, ugly, and extremely difficult. It should be avoided at all costs. But when invaded you need to be prepared with a highly motivated, effective and disciplined military.

Russian military is only partially motivated and not very disciplined. Effective? Considering that they have expended their best and most seasoned troops by blunder after blunder of high command...discipline is gone.

The Ukranians surprised the Russians Because their military had all three components....Russia was not expecting the bunch of farmers to actually put up an effective defense, be disciplined, and coordinate with excellent defense maneuvers. (Trained)

Wagner Group mercenaries made gains only because they treated their own troops as cannon fodder.

Where Ukranians have some "hot dog" YouTube Stars out there making messes out of the front lines by destroying OP-Sec with their videos played out for WWW consumption.....that isn't the norm for most of them.

American troops (Army, Navy, Marines) tend to be more highly disciplined than counterparts in Russia. (Airforce and spaceforce tend to be whiney brats...but they do get the job done eventually if they don't fratracide our own)

Currently we do need much better arms manufacturing capabilities...and we need a good sized update and enrollment of our Navy. (They have a better post service employment record too...nuclear specialists, aircraft services, helicopter services and dock naval services always pay better than the other services)
I appreciate the points. As for Ukraine’s defense how much of there success do you think is due to all of the American weapons that they’re getting.

This war sees different numbers from all sides whether it is Ukraine, America or Russia the casualty reports are different. I personally don’t even know what Russia’s objective in this war is I think only a few people in the Russian high command do. I think it’s only a guessing game when it comes to the rest of the world.

Russia is known for their artillery skills yes?

Another point about Ukraine what about the fact that it is a relatively young country. Looking at history at global history young countries tend to sometimes have civil wars or border disputes more so compared to older countries. So Ukraine was for the longest time a part of the Soviet Union and only is relatively independent recently.

Do you see any similarities between Ukraine’s resistance against Russia compared to the north Vietnamese resisting the Americans during the Vietnam war?

Do you see any similarity with regard to the way the media treats Russian soldiers in Ukraine compared to American soldiers in Vietnam. Like how for example American soldiers were called baby killers by various media outlets even in America. Of course we know that some Americans would spit on Vietnam vets when they returned home from war. We certainly are well aware of the anti-Vietnam war protests during the Vietnam war and the types of language used against American soldiers.
Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.
The Russians just have to go home and it’s all over. What of the Ukrainian soldiers?
I appreciate the points. As for Ukraine’s defense how much of there success do you think is due to all of the American weapons that they’re getting.

This war sees different numbers from all sides whether it is Ukraine, America or Russia the casualty reports are different. I personally don’t even know what Russia’s objective in this war is I think only a few people in the Russian high command do. I think it’s only a guessing game when it comes to the rest of the world.

Russia is known for their artillery skills yes?

Another point about Ukraine what about the fact that it is a relatively young country. Looking at history at global history young countries tend to sometimes have civil wars or border disputes more so compared to older countries. So Ukraine was for the longest time a part of the Soviet Union and only is relatively independent recently.

Do you see any similarities between Ukraine’s resistance against Russia compared to the north Vietnamese resisting the Americans during the Vietnam war?

Do you see any similarity with regard to the way the media treats Russian soldiers in Ukraine compared to American soldiers in Vietnam. Like how for example American soldiers were called baby killers by various media outlets even in America. Of course we know that some Americans would spit on Vietnam vets when they returned home from war. We certainly are well aware of the anti-Vietnam war protests during the Vietnam war and the types of language used against American soldiers.

The war in Vietnam and Korea were failures in a lot of ways.
Mostly because the politicians got in the way and flat out didn't do the jobs they were supposed to but instead worried about everyone else's job and micro managing them. (Of course politicians never accept blame for anything at anytime...even when caught red-handed)

Russia is having a free press blackout. Meaning any derogatory press is instantly jailed or shot or both. There have been over 150 public arrests already for being critical. Phones are tapped and rewards given to people for turning in their neighbors. Another round of these are expected soon.

Ukraine is a young country and as such was extremely vulnerable for every game Russia has played including the invasion of Crimea during Obama's tenure in office. But since losing Crimea Ukraine got smart very quickly and began isolating Russian infiltration settlements and politicians/oligarchs. When Russia really began its invasion over a year ago the Ukranians knew who to arrest and did. (Russian oligarchs) These were deportedback to Russia with their assets in Ukraine sized and exchanged for Ukranians taken as POWs.
The Israeli settlements in Palestinian lands either gave Russia the idea or vice versa...at any rate the lack of prosecuting Russia for their "secret invasion" beforehand gave them too much emboldening...and their successes in Crimea more so...to the point they are at where they are. Part of the mindset in that area is not to admit that Russia had done a number on Ukraine...they definitely were reticent to do so and thought that they could handle it all by thierselves. (They cut off almost all of Crimean fresh water supplies) Not to mention Obama's lack of doing anything about it made Putin almost sure that Biden wouldn't do anything either. He never thought that Trump would be reticent to do anything.

We, and the rest of the world could stand to do more to help Ukraine. They really aren't getting enough supplies yet. Now where the shipments have been slower...Ukraine has been hoarding for this Spring Offensive. (Nobody ever gets enough munitions during war)

So...if Ukraine's Spring Counter-offensive is a failure (which I doubt) Then the floodgates of troops and equipment from Poland, Finland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany will be entering the fight. And they aren't going to be nice about it.

Dirty little secret is that all the assistance we gave the UK during WWII just got finally paid off in 2020. (We bill everyone for assistance....just saying)

Ukranians sunflower seeds and oats are going to be on American breakfast tables for a long time coming.
Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.
Recently a video was published where a soldier of the AFU is being cut off alive, and just last week the Gulagnet telegram channel published an interview with a pardoned Zek from Wagner, who said that they were killing civilians in packs near Solidar. He admitted that he personally shot a 5 year old girl in the head. Also confessed that they were killing 90-95% of the POWs. The Russian soldier is engaged in mass torture, looting, terror, liquidation of civilians, while the Ukrainian soldier is engaged in protecting and liberating his land and his people from Nazis and monsters. If we talk about other conflicts, they were unstable from the beginning. Sudan is an unstable country with constant civil wars and humanitarian disasters, unlike Ukraine, where the country aspired to democracy and who, if not America and the whole West, should stand up for democratic values and freedom.
Let me see if I can spell it out for you.

You are making more of this than it is. Russia is not going anywhere. Feeling for nations in that area of the world is okay. That is their location and their history. We must have our enemies.
You are making more of this than it is. Russia is not going anywhere. Feeling for nations in that area of the world is okay. That is their location and their history. We must have our enemies.
They need to go back to Russia, it's where Russians belong.
You are making more of this than it is. Russia is not going anywhere. Feeling for nations in that area of the world is okay. That is their location and their history. We must have our enemies.
The funny thing is that the Russians and Putin himself say that Ukrainians are brotherly people, but at the same time on the federal channels and Z-publics call for the destruction of their nation completely. In fact, they even have their own SS Nazi units in the form of the Wagner and Nationalist Battalions, which are engaged in the extermination of Ukrainians in the occupied territories.
If they're loyal and patriotic and love their homeland and have the desire and courage to defend it ... then they're as good as anyone else's soldiers.
Recently they leaked the secret data of the American divide, and there was interesting data about the losses of the GRU special forces. They range from 90 to 95 percent. Do you think they have the will to fight? Wagner was recruiting prisoners, as well as ordinary and untrained people are being mobilized into the Russian army. I wonder if there is patriotism or loyalty in them?

If it had been not Russia, but the American army, Kiev would have really fallen in 3 days, and also definitely would not have suffered losses in the amount of 170,000
Democrats only know that their party supports the war, so they are for it.

You are trying to overthink things for people who never really think much about anything at all, other than what their party wants.

And, at the end of the day, Pennsylvania proves that the people democrats vote for in their party don't have to even have to have much cognitive function, like Fetterman who can't complete a thought, nor do they even have to be alive, as they elected an already known dead person to the state legislature.

All the DNC has to do is say jump, and then democrat voters ask how high?
I work with a guy who voted for Biden because our union "told him to". Whenever our Union sends out those automated recorded phone calls telling us who to vote for I hang up on them!
Considering that many Democrats and neoconservatives are giving over $100 billion to Ukraine including some of the most advanced weapons on the earth to kill Russians and kill fellow Christians. First of all what do my fellow Democrats think about this are they all about violence now and using guns and making people die?

“Haven’t you seen how horrible Russia is, don’t you see how evil they are for invading Ukraine ““

That’s what your typical Democrat or neo conservative will say^. Although historically Democrats have pushed back against this type of thing because they are about humanitarian values at least maybe they’re not with Russia? Maybe they think that Russians are subhuman just like the third Reich used to think

But what about all the wars Americas been involved in, well what about the war in Sudan going on right now? What about the fact that throughout human history there’s been many war he could say that humans are pretty violent. So what separates the Russian soldier from the American soldier? They’re both Christian they both seem to be into sports like Russians love hockey Americans football. I don’t hate the average Russian soldier it will be crazy to do so. I certainly oppose Russia only because we are involved in a military action with them even though I disagree with the military action….. it’s about standing by America even if you disagree with the war that happened during the Vietnam war …so many Americans who fought in the Vietnam war who were drafted did not agree with the war but they fought in it anyways and supported the cause.
Putin is an autocrat who controls the media in Russia and lies to the Russian people. He has closed most independent newspapers and thrown journalists out windows. Russians are no better or worse than any other people, they have been lied to for so long, they accept it. Bush lied and got us into Iraq. Trump lied and attacked the Capitol.
Putin is an autocrat who controls the media in Russia and lies to the Russian people. He has closed most independent newspapers and thrown journalists out windows. Russians are no better or worse than any other people, they have been lied to for so long, they accept it. Bush lied and got us into Iraq. Trump lied and attacked the Capitol.
So basically you're saying that Putin belongs in Washington, D.C. with all the American autocrat liars (like Biden) who sensor or arrest journalists (think Julian Assange) or the J6 political prisoners.

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