I was watching the Pres. Debate last night and kept hearing something over and over. When given the question on how the canadites would resolve the "War on Terror and the Iraq situation" each one of them kept saying they would gho to the UN and internationalize this whole "War."
I just want to elaborate on this whole idea of internationalizing. It means that we give in to the will of the international comunnity(i.e the UN). That we give over all rights of security and inteligence to the international community. THe Dem's want to give over all the money that we have dumped into Iraq to the UN. They want to give the Contracts to the UN and allow the UN rites and resposibillity over our troops in Iraq. With out seeming to conservative, this is a bad idea.
The UN hasproven time and time again that it is incapable of doing peace keeping missions(or in the case of Iraq security missions). I would like to state that the UN has tried this "Nation Building" type of front before. They have never really been a trusted group of people(something about those blue helmets) so in response they get attacked. Now the job of a peace keeper is to make sure no shots are fired. Not to shot back to keep order. Some may think that the definition of a peace keeper is to use force to maintian peace. In this I would agree with you, However the UN seems to disagree. Every time they have run into problems they tuck tail and pull out in a blink of an eye. These people have been responsible for many atrocities across the world. Because of inaction or screwed up action(i.e Balkans, Somalia, Africa, basically anypalce they have taken jurisdiction) The UN has been unable to keep the peace or finish the Job. Usally the grunt work is picked up by foriegn armies(mostly US and NATO forces). We had to go back to the Balkans twice. THe UN also had a contingency(not military) in Iraq. The first time trouble came it's way they ran away. Because of it's nature the UN has not the cabablity to Manage Iraq. Even if they did do it(which is unlikely) it would be under a US lead force with a US comander and comand force. That's a;ready in afect there and we don't have to answer to France and Germany now.
THey would also give over the Oil money to the UN. Now I now most poeple would agree with me that the UN while in controle of "THe Oil for Food Program" from 91-03 is a shinning example of inefitioncy(spelling?). They were many violations on Saddam's half and on the half of the UN contractors(France was a major one ). To give over the Billions of Dollars that this comdity will bring to the UN is not a smart move. Yes in some eye's the UN is the beacon of humanitarian aid. But that is because the US leads the UN in donations to Humanitarian aid, and Disrpesion of those resources.
Now, We the US, had the foresight and leadership to put our foot down and say to the Terroist regimes that the US will not stand ideally by and let them dictate world policy. Since it is our troops dying over there. And our leadership which is helping these Iraqies deal with their new freedom. It is only right that the US take Sole responsibility of Reconstrution and secruity. All i have to say is that the US has a much better Nation building record than the UN. Germany and France and most of western Europe after WW2. Japan #2 economy in the world, Germany #3 in the world.
with time and determination Iraq and Afganistan will be the shinning light of a capitalist democracy in a region wich despritly needs it.
I just want to elaborate on this whole idea of internationalizing. It means that we give in to the will of the international comunnity(i.e the UN). That we give over all rights of security and inteligence to the international community. THe Dem's want to give over all the money that we have dumped into Iraq to the UN. They want to give the Contracts to the UN and allow the UN rites and resposibillity over our troops in Iraq. With out seeming to conservative, this is a bad idea.
The UN hasproven time and time again that it is incapable of doing peace keeping missions(or in the case of Iraq security missions). I would like to state that the UN has tried this "Nation Building" type of front before. They have never really been a trusted group of people(something about those blue helmets) so in response they get attacked. Now the job of a peace keeper is to make sure no shots are fired. Not to shot back to keep order. Some may think that the definition of a peace keeper is to use force to maintian peace. In this I would agree with you, However the UN seems to disagree. Every time they have run into problems they tuck tail and pull out in a blink of an eye. These people have been responsible for many atrocities across the world. Because of inaction or screwed up action(i.e Balkans, Somalia, Africa, basically anypalce they have taken jurisdiction) The UN has been unable to keep the peace or finish the Job. Usally the grunt work is picked up by foriegn armies(mostly US and NATO forces). We had to go back to the Balkans twice. THe UN also had a contingency(not military) in Iraq. The first time trouble came it's way they ran away. Because of it's nature the UN has not the cabablity to Manage Iraq. Even if they did do it(which is unlikely) it would be under a US lead force with a US comander and comand force. That's a;ready in afect there and we don't have to answer to France and Germany now.
THey would also give over the Oil money to the UN. Now I now most poeple would agree with me that the UN while in controle of "THe Oil for Food Program" from 91-03 is a shinning example of inefitioncy(spelling?). They were many violations on Saddam's half and on the half of the UN contractors(France was a major one ). To give over the Billions of Dollars that this comdity will bring to the UN is not a smart move. Yes in some eye's the UN is the beacon of humanitarian aid. But that is because the US leads the UN in donations to Humanitarian aid, and Disrpesion of those resources.
Now, We the US, had the foresight and leadership to put our foot down and say to the Terroist regimes that the US will not stand ideally by and let them dictate world policy. Since it is our troops dying over there. And our leadership which is helping these Iraqies deal with their new freedom. It is only right that the US take Sole responsibility of Reconstrution and secruity. All i have to say is that the US has a much better Nation building record than the UN. Germany and France and most of western Europe after WW2. Japan #2 economy in the world, Germany #3 in the world.
with time and determination Iraq and Afganistan will be the shinning light of a capitalist democracy in a region wich despritly needs it.