Freedom Lover
I am undertaking an endeavor in this chat room to educate as many as are interested to what some of the real issues in the presidential campaign are and to express an opinion from time to time on statements and positions taken by democrats that are patently lies and/or distortions.
I am undertaking this endeavor as one who has studied, taught and worked in government for over thirty years, and as one who posesses a master of science degree. Also, I am so angry at the way democrats and their comrades in the media, both print and electronic, are trying to shape this election without revealing what the true agenda is of the democrat party. Will domocrats ever tell the people what their real agenda is?
I will be taking an approach to this more along philosphical lines than minute non-issues the democrats prefer to campaign on. A presidential candidate's philosophy of government is more important to me than any specific program they propose. We have to remember that we are electing a Chief Executive Officer, not a chief legislator, no matter how good a legislator they may be. I want to know what they have done in a chief executive position to warrant consideration for the top post in what amounts to a two trillion dollar corporation. Case in point, how many run-of-the mill corporate board members ascend to the CEO position in their companies and are effective? Not many, I hazard to guess.
So, what do I think the real issues in this campaign for president are? (1.) Socialism vs. Capitalism; (2.) Tyranny of the federal courts; (3.) Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution; (4.)Clarification of the Senate's "Advise and Consent" responsibilites in the appointment of federal judges and the president's constitutional power to appoint these judges; (5.) Scope of government intrusion into the every day lives of the American People. Who wants to reduce it, restrict it or expand it? These are at least five of the philosophical issues that the voters should demand answers on from the candidates and expect from them at the outset of the campaign.
As we have come through some of the primary season, and how democrats have campaigned against President Bush rather than telling us what they stand for, it has led me back to a long held belief that democrats are willing to say anything, do anything, take any position in order to gain or retain power. This is their record, and this makes them dangerous to freeedom in this country. I am not going to get let them get away with it this time, as many of you, I hope, will not let them get away with it either.
This is a very important election to the extent that it could decide forever whether or not we have a more free society politically and economically, or we go the way of the European socialist countries, which in my view is what the democrats stand for. If you do not believe it read Ann Coulter's well documented book "Treason" for enlightenment on how the democrat's movement into socialism started with FDR and continues to this day.
Over the next couple of weeks I will provide my perspective on the five real issues outlined in this posting. Also, feel free to forward my postings to friends and family so that together we can form a mighty voice to counter the socialist media and socialist organizations like Perhaps a new organization can be formed called "we the" to counter these. It is not to late to spread the word!
I am undertaking this endeavor as one who has studied, taught and worked in government for over thirty years, and as one who posesses a master of science degree. Also, I am so angry at the way democrats and their comrades in the media, both print and electronic, are trying to shape this election without revealing what the true agenda is of the democrat party. Will domocrats ever tell the people what their real agenda is?
I will be taking an approach to this more along philosphical lines than minute non-issues the democrats prefer to campaign on. A presidential candidate's philosophy of government is more important to me than any specific program they propose. We have to remember that we are electing a Chief Executive Officer, not a chief legislator, no matter how good a legislator they may be. I want to know what they have done in a chief executive position to warrant consideration for the top post in what amounts to a two trillion dollar corporation. Case in point, how many run-of-the mill corporate board members ascend to the CEO position in their companies and are effective? Not many, I hazard to guess.
So, what do I think the real issues in this campaign for president are? (1.) Socialism vs. Capitalism; (2.) Tyranny of the federal courts; (3.) Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution; (4.)Clarification of the Senate's "Advise and Consent" responsibilites in the appointment of federal judges and the president's constitutional power to appoint these judges; (5.) Scope of government intrusion into the every day lives of the American People. Who wants to reduce it, restrict it or expand it? These are at least five of the philosophical issues that the voters should demand answers on from the candidates and expect from them at the outset of the campaign.
As we have come through some of the primary season, and how democrats have campaigned against President Bush rather than telling us what they stand for, it has led me back to a long held belief that democrats are willing to say anything, do anything, take any position in order to gain or retain power. This is their record, and this makes them dangerous to freeedom in this country. I am not going to get let them get away with it this time, as many of you, I hope, will not let them get away with it either.
This is a very important election to the extent that it could decide forever whether or not we have a more free society politically and economically, or we go the way of the European socialist countries, which in my view is what the democrats stand for. If you do not believe it read Ann Coulter's well documented book "Treason" for enlightenment on how the democrat's movement into socialism started with FDR and continues to this day.
Over the next couple of weeks I will provide my perspective on the five real issues outlined in this posting. Also, feel free to forward my postings to friends and family so that together we can form a mighty voice to counter the socialist media and socialist organizations like Perhaps a new organization can be formed called "we the" to counter these. It is not to late to spread the word!