What do Hillary haters want:

Hillary is also a lawyer - and a very smart one.

You base your feeling on her failure to pass the DC bar?

Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

Only dishonest, two-faced weasels vote on anything OTHER THAN principles under any circumstances. You being a two-faced weasel is not news.
A. Indictments?

B. Due process of law (legal fairness)?

C. Severe illness with long suffering?

D. Prison (regardless of guilt or innocence)?

E. Death?

F. Death to her entire family?

G. Psalm 109:8?

H. Other?

Just want her to go away. As have the Bushs.
So once she's "gone away" all the partisan witchhunting will cease right?

Concrete evidence that all you rightwing Republicans are nothing put hyper-partisan hacks, seeking to destroy a woman simply because she doesn't share your political views.
Lots of very smart people fail the bar on first try - much like CPAs.
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

Only dishonest, two-faced weasels vote on anything OTHER THAN principles under any circumstances. You being a two-faced weasel is not news.
I'd rather be a weasel than a fool if thats truly how you feel you fool.

Since Trump may be the Antichrist - we really need Hillary in White House.

Got news for you Chief. Where in the Bible does it say that the Anti-Christ is a man? In terms of "evil" - who is more evil than that bitch?

Yet you stupid fuckers follow her without question. Guess that makes you folks "demons".

Good point about Antichrist gender...


CHief shitting bull and his little pics. Never an original thought in his life.
oreo sezz what?
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL

Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.
A. Indictments?

B. Due process of law (legal fairness)?

C. Severe illness with long suffering?

D. Prison (regardless of guilt or innocence)?

E. Death?

F. Death to her entire family?

G. Psalm 109:8?

H. Other?

The reason for the Reich wing hate of Hillary Clinton, is that they know she's going to kick their ass's in November, so they had to come up with something to defeat her. Benghazi that has completely fallen apart with Ted Gowdy announcing no negligence. Now they're freaking out to find that there will be no FBI charges on the email--so they "hate" her.

But the hate mainly comes from Mr. Talent on Loan from Gaaawwww-d who has not stopped talking about the Clinton's for the last 25 years.

Oddly enough, Republicans who have worked with Hillary Clinton like her, and have praised her.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

Next news: Half of the women in the Republican party will not be voting for Donald Trump. They're starting to organize Republican women support for Hillary Clinton.
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
Republican women organize to support Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.

Well then let's look into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails also as they have the same email issues. Maybe you could find some jail cells for them also?
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts
There are no honest Hilary supporters.
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

Only dishonest, two-faced weasels vote on anything OTHER THAN principles under any circumstances. You being a two-faced weasel is not news.
I'd rather be a weasel than a fool if thats truly how you feel you fool.
Congratulations, you've achieved both with equal success.
They want to hate. They're scared shitless of a 5' 5" grandmother who has beat them at every turn and will soon be their President because given 8 years to find someone who could beat her, the stupid fucks picked Trump.
They're a laughing stock around the world.
The joke is one you, moron. You want a corrupt, lying incompetent hag as a leader. The world is much larger than you think it is.
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.
Who told you that?
What does Hillary supporter Madeleine Allbright want??

War over lies in the Middle East to help Israel, just like she did in the first Clinton Administration...

Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq

"Shelton sets the scene at a “small, weekly White House breakfast” that served as regular “informal” meetings that “encouraged brainstorming of potential options on a variety of issues.”

At one of my very first breakfasts, while Berger and Cohen were engaged in a sidebar discussion down at one end of the table and Tenet and Richardson were preoccupied in another, one of the Cabinet members present leaned over to me and said, “Hugh, I know I shouldn’t even be asking you this, but what we really need in order to go in and take out Saddam is a precipitous event — something that would make us look good in the eyes of the world. Could you have one of our U-2s fly low enough — and slow enough — so as to guarantee that Saddam could shoot it down?”

" If you eliminate Berger, Cohen, Tenet, and Richardson and look at the Cabinet members that remain, you’re sort of left where Elliott is: with Madeleine Albright.""

Hillary and Ms. Allbright need to answer the question

WHO is "we?"
I honestly support Hilary because Trump is a disaster looking for a place to happen.
And you Hilarybots are all driven by fear. Some of us will vote based on principle anyway....no matter what the rest of you phoney corporate sucking liberals do. If you don't care about the corrupting influence of corporate money in politics....then you don't care about anything that matters. You're just another dull witted follower.
Only fools vote on principal when faced with the circumstances. Now is not the time to vote a clown into office by having Trump win. If you vote for Trump you are a fool. If you dont vote for Hilary you are fool.

Only dishonest, two-faced weasels vote on anything OTHER THAN principles under any circumstances. You being a two-faced weasel is not news.
I'd rather be a weasel than a fool if thats truly how you feel you fool.
Congratulations, you've achieved both with equal success.
Stop projecting your circumstance onto me.
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.

Well then let's look into Colin Powell's and Condi Rice's emails also as they have the same email issues. Maybe you could find some jail cells for them also?
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

If Powell or Rice put classified info on a personal server then they have the same issues as Hillary.
If they deleted 30,000 government emails, instead of turning them over, then they have the same issues.
If they received or sent classified info in a non-government email, then they have the same issues.

Serve 'em all up.
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.
Who told you that?

The US government.
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.
Who told you that?

The US government.
Show me where Hillary did this and then tell me why Hillary is not in jail.
A. Indictments?

B. Due process of law (legal fairness)?

C. Severe illness with long suffering?

D. Prison (regardless of guilt or innocence)?

E. Death?

F. Death to her entire family?

G. Psalm 109:8?

H. Other?

Is that directed to the youth within your own party? Bernie supporters? I Ken she is hardly the unitet, whether it's across party lines or simply within her own.

As far as what should happen to Hillary. How about she be held accountable like any other government official found by the IG, of breaking federal policy in handling classified government emails. I mean if they weren't classified, as I seem to hear her trying to make that claim, then all of her emails would be open to Congress and she would be willing to be more transparent about them.

I hardly see someone unable to take classified information seriously as an individual who should be REWARDED into a position to handle even more classified information as president. That would be similar to promoting the operators who caused the Three Mile Island meltdown, in charge of training other nuclear operators to run their plant facilities the exact same way. Not the brightest of ideas.

Then again we had a community organizer with no leadership experience, no real foreign policy background at all to speak of, and no prior means to make decisions on a government budget as president. We've seen how that resume played out.
What does Hillary want??


"Because THAT ($650k) is what THEY (Goldman Sachs) offered (for a Hillary speech that Hillary refuses to release the transcript)"

Money to Hillary without accountability - THAT is what Hillary stands for...
Her well deserved jail time to begin. In a cell near Bill's.

To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime, and then evidence has to be provided proving the perpetrator committed a crime, then a trial to prove guilt, and then the judge decides the sentence.

For you to say simply that someone committed a crime doesn't really equate to jail time in this country--LOL


To be convicted of a crime, you have to have committed a crime

Mishandling classified info should be enough.
Who told you that?

The US government.
Show me where Hillary did this and then tell me why Hillary is not in jail.
You must be joking.

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