"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

Who was president when the Russians warned America about the older boy?

Does anyone know if there are reliable sources on how that went down?
Warning was in 2011:

FBI Warned About Boston Bombing Suspect - Business Insider

The FBI Needs To Explain Why It Failed To Monitor Boston Bombing Suspect Despite A Clear Warning

The FBI needs to explain in more detail why it failed to realize that the older Boston bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was a terrorism risk.
By the FBI's own admission, the FBI was warned about Tsarnaev in 2011 by a foreign government (presumably Russia).
The foreign government told the FBI that Tsarnaev had become "a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer and that he had changed drastically ... as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country's region to join unspecificied underground groups."

What do you expect from a President who thinks white, Christian Americans are more of a threat to the US than radical foreign born Muslims?

But hey, this is what we elected into office to protect us - a spineless liberal that's too concerned with being politically correct and "fairness" than to protect the nation with common sense policies.

The President?

First off this was under the FBI's jurisdiction. And they get thousands of warnings like this. Even according to the article, they interviewed the guy and researched his background.

Nothing came up. And basically there was nothing to indicate he would go apeshit like this.

You folks are something else.
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What we know...

1) The brothers had ties with radical sects outside of the U.S.
2) The FBI was warned about these two brothers in 2011.
3) The city of Boston financed a land deal with a radical cleric that both boys followed. This cleric is known for making anti-American, anti-Western rants and writings - yet Boston helped him attain a mosque to speak this garbage from.
4) Area peaceful Muslim mosques spoke to officials about this cleric prior to the land deal...they were ignored.
5) The older brother posted anti-Western quotes from radical clerics here and abroad.
6) He was kicked out of an area mosque for yelling radical statements during services.

More to come....in a nutshell...we were warned, we were told, we ignored and even helped them radicalize.

In this country..until you break the law..you are basically free to say anything you want.

Just ask the fellows at the westboro church.
Warning was in 2011:

FBI Warned About Boston Bombing Suspect - Business Insider

The FBI Needs To Explain Why It Failed To Monitor Boston Bombing Suspect Despite A Clear Warning

The FBI needs to explain in more detail why it failed to realize that the older Boston bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was a terrorism risk.
By the FBI's own admission, the FBI was warned about Tsarnaev in 2011 by a foreign government (presumably Russia).
The foreign government told the FBI that Tsarnaev had become "a follower of radical Islam and a strong believer and that he had changed drastically ... as he prepared to leave the United States for travel to the country's region to join unspecificied underground groups."

What do you expect from a President who thinks white, Christian Americans are more of a threat to the US than radical foreign born Muslims?

But hey, this is what we elected into office to protect us - a spineless liberal that's too concerned with being politically correct and "fairness" than to protect the nation with common sense policies.

The President?

First off this was under the FBI's jurisdiction. And they thousands of warnings like this. Even according to the article, they interviewed the guy and researched his background.

Nothing came up. And basically there was nothing to indicate he would go apeshit like this.

You folks are something else.

Bulshit, read my post two above yours.
Amazingly in less than a week we have learned all kinds of warning signs about these two - and this just what is reported to the press - imagine what we don't know.
Having said this - this administration doesn't have a clue. They can't even say the word terrorism without feeling guilty.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Me thinks you have little understanding of Islam. Since I'm in no better position than you to say what exactly is Islam, I will say that Jihad as you guys freely say on the forums is used for defense not offense. In addition only the Caliph can declare Jihad. I think if you were to discuss your inquiries with a learned scholar in Islam I think your perspective of Islam would be different.
Eh? I was born and raised in a Muslim country. I think I know a few things more than you.

Which country was that?
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

Muslims, Christians, Mormans and Jews are ALL indoctrinated into stupid ideas and actions.

You all think everyone else is wrong. I agree ...ALL organised religion is wrong. The world will be a better place when all willfully ignorant nonsense isn't passed on without question.
But those other organized religion have since reformed and aren't living in a medieval Neanderthal mindset as Islam's followers are, and, they don't want to drag the rest of the world through terror and mayhem back to 7th century barbarism either.

What we know...

1) The brothers had ties with radical sects outside of the U.S.
2) The FBI was warned about these two brothers in 2011.
3) The city of Boston financed a land deal with a radical cleric that both boys followed. This cleric is known for making anti-American, anti-Western rants and writings - yet Boston helped him attain a mosque to speak this garbage from.
4) Area peaceful Muslim mosques spoke to officials about this cleric prior to the land deal...they were ignored.
5) The older brother posted anti-Western quotes from radical clerics here and abroad.
6) He was kicked out of an area mosque for yelling radical statements during services.

More to come....in a nutshell...we were warned, we were told, we ignored and even helped them radicalize.

In this country..until you break the law..you are basically free to say anything you want.

Just ask the fellows at the westboro church.

And it is this attitude that will spawn further attacks.
There is a real, viable and proven threat worldwide from radical Islam. And yet -- the city of Boston helped a KNOWN radical anti-American Islamist get land to build a podium to spread his hate. Both brothers attended this mosque.
We have to weed out the growing radical sects building in this country. We are failing, in fact we help them.
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And yet -- the city of Boston helped a KNOWN radical anti-American Islamist get land to build a podium to spread his hate. Both brothers attended this mosque.
Once again, what is the name of the cleric and mosque in Boston you keep referring to?? ... :cool:

Sorry, I just saw it on live TV this morning. I believe this is new information just coming out.
I am sure it will be everywhere within the hour.
What we know...

1) The brothers had ties with radical sects outside of the U.S.
2) The FBI was warned about these two brothers in 2011.
3) The city of Boston financed a land deal with a radical cleric that both boys followed. This cleric is known for making anti-American, anti-Western rants and writings - yet Boston helped him attain a mosque to speak this garbage from.
4) Area peaceful Muslim mosques spoke to officials about this cleric prior to the land deal...they were ignored.
5) The older brother posted anti-Western quotes from radical clerics here and abroad.
6) He was kicked out of an area mosque for yelling radical statements during services.

More to come....in a nutshell...we were warned, we were told, we ignored and even helped them radicalize.

In this country..until you break the law..you are basically free to say anything you want.

Just ask the fellows at the westboro church.

And it is this attitude that will spawn further attacks.
There is a real, viable and proven threat worldwide from radical Islam. And yet -- the city of Boston helped a KNOWN radical anti-American Islamist get land to build a podium to spread his hate. Both brothers attended this mosque.
We have to weed out the growing radical sects building in this country. We are failing, in fact we help them.

It might. But the alternative sucks. Nazi Germany might have been great for Christian Germans..but not for everyone else living there.
A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., confirmed Saturday that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Chechen-born brothers suspected in the Boston marathon attacks, infrequently attended services at the small center that was a 10-minute walk from their apartment.

"In their visits, they never exhibited any violent sentiments or behavior. Otherwise they would have been immediately reported to the FBI," said the statement from the Islamic Center of Boston. "After we learned of their identities, we encouraged anyone who knew them in our congregation to immediate report to law enforcement, which has taken place."

Anwar Kazmi, a member of the mosque's board of trustees, told a USA Today reporter that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died early Friday morning after a shootout with police, was an infrequent attendee for about a year-and-a-half, while 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, who was captured hiding in a boat in Watertown on Friday night, attended only once.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was kicked out of the mosque three months ago after he interrupted a Friday prayer service to argue with the imam. The imam leading the service had enraged Tsarnaev by talking about Martin Luther King Jr. A congregant told the newspaper that Tsarnaev shouted, "you cannot mention this guy because he’s not a Muslim!”

Imam Suhaib Webb, of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the city's largest mosque, said in an interview that he had recently heard of the incident. "That's a sign right there that his views aren't mainstream," Webb said.

Boston Bomber Suspects Had Attended Cambridge Mosque, Officials Say
In this country..until you break the law..you are basically free to say anything you want.

Just ask the fellows at the westboro church.

And it is this attitude that will spawn further attacks.
There is a real, viable and proven threat worldwide from radical Islam. And yet -- the city of Boston helped a KNOWN radical anti-American Islamist get land to build a podium to spread his hate. Both brothers attended this mosque.
We have to weed out the growing radical sects building in this country. We are failing, in fact we help them.

It might. But the alternative sucks. Nazi Germany might have been great for Christian Germans..but not for everyone else living there.

And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.
And it is this attitude that will spawn further attacks.
There is a real, viable and proven threat worldwide from radical Islam. And yet -- the city of Boston helped a KNOWN radical anti-American Islamist get land to build a podium to spread his hate. Both brothers attended this mosque.
We have to weed out the growing radical sects building in this country. We are failing, in fact we help them.

It might. But the alternative sucks. Nazi Germany might have been great for Christian Germans..but not for everyone else living there.

And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.

That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.
A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., confirmed Saturday that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Chechen-born brothers suspected in the Boston marathon attacks, infrequently attended services at the small center that was a 10-minute walk from their apartment.

"In their visits, they never exhibited any violent sentiments or behavior. Otherwise they would have been immediately reported to the FBI," said the statement from the Islamic Center of Boston. "After we learned of their identities, we encouraged anyone who knew them in our congregation to immediate report to law enforcement, which has taken place."

Anwar Kazmi, a member of the mosque's board of trustees, told a USA Today reporter that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died early Friday morning after a shootout with police, was an infrequent attendee for about a year-and-a-half, while 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, who was captured hiding in a boat in Watertown on Friday night, attended only once.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was kicked out of the mosque three months ago after he interrupted a Friday prayer service to argue with the imam. The imam leading the service had enraged Tsarnaev by talking about Martin Luther King Jr. A congregant told the newspaper that Tsarnaev shouted, "you cannot mention this guy because he’s not a Muslim!”

Imam Suhaib Webb, of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the city's largest mosque, said in an interview that he had recently heard of the incident. "That's a sign right there that his views aren't mainstream," Webb said.

Boston Bomber Suspects Had Attended Cambridge Mosque, Officials Say

Exactly...as I stated, a peaceful mosque warned others about these two brothers. This is probably the same mosque that told Boston officials about the radicalized cleric before they helped him build a podium to speak from
It might. But the alternative sucks. Nazi Germany might have been great for Christian Germans..but not for everyone else living there.

And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.

That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.

mmm mmm - I suppose we should just do nothing and have the same problems that Russia, France and southern Europe has. Right - we shouldn't do anything until many more attacks happen.
A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., confirmed Saturday that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Chechen-born brothers suspected in the Boston marathon attacks, infrequently attended services at the small center that was a 10-minute walk from their apartment.

"In their visits, they never exhibited any violent sentiments or behavior. Otherwise they would have been immediately reported to the FBI," said the statement from the Islamic Center of Boston. "After we learned of their identities, we encouraged anyone who knew them in our congregation to immediate report to law enforcement, which has taken place."

Anwar Kazmi, a member of the mosque's board of trustees, told a USA Today reporter that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died early Friday morning after a shootout with police, was an infrequent attendee for about a year-and-a-half, while 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, who was captured hiding in a boat in Watertown on Friday night, attended only once.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was kicked out of the mosque three months ago after he interrupted a Friday prayer service to argue with the imam. The imam leading the service had enraged Tsarnaev by talking about Martin Luther King Jr. A congregant told the newspaper that Tsarnaev shouted, "you cannot mention this guy because he’s not a Muslim!”

Imam Suhaib Webb, of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the city's largest mosque, said in an interview that he had recently heard of the incident. "That's a sign right there that his views aren't mainstream," Webb said.

Boston Bomber Suspects Had Attended Cambridge Mosque, Officials Say

Exactly...as I stated, a peaceful mosque warned others about these two brothers. This is probably the same mosque that told Boston officials about the radicalized cleric before they helped him build a podium to speak from
There is No radical mosque lead by a radicalized cleric in Boston.

I know this from person experience.....because I have attended services at all of them.

True story.......... :cool:
And again you show exactly why we are failing. Political correctness is what these guys depend on to both get to this country, and stay in this country. To compare this to Nazi Germany is a stupid strawman argument that is laughable.
We must find and eliminate Islamic extremism in this country unless we want these kinds of attacks to dictate how we live.

That's what you are advocating. A system that rounds up folks that aren't like you.

It's been tried here..by the way. And failed miserably.

mmm mmm - I suppose we should just do nothing and have the same problems that Russia, France and southern Europe has. Right - we shouldn't do anything until many more attacks happen.

Of course there are things we can and should do. But it's not going to totally prevent attacks.

But instead of eliminating "people", which essentially puts in a "whack a mole" situation, wouldn't it be better to find "root cause" and act on that?

The IRA essentially went away because the root cause of the uprising was dealt with..
A mosque in Cambridge, Mass., confirmed Saturday that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Chechen-born brothers suspected in the Boston marathon attacks, infrequently attended services at the small center that was a 10-minute walk from their apartment.

"In their visits, they never exhibited any violent sentiments or behavior. Otherwise they would have been immediately reported to the FBI," said the statement from the Islamic Center of Boston. "After we learned of their identities, we encouraged anyone who knew them in our congregation to immediate report to law enforcement, which has taken place."

Anwar Kazmi, a member of the mosque's board of trustees, told a USA Today reporter that 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died early Friday morning after a shootout with police, was an infrequent attendee for about a year-and-a-half, while 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, who was captured hiding in a boat in Watertown on Friday night, attended only once.

The Los Angeles Times reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was kicked out of the mosque three months ago after he interrupted a Friday prayer service to argue with the imam. The imam leading the service had enraged Tsarnaev by talking about Martin Luther King Jr. A congregant told the newspaper that Tsarnaev shouted, "you cannot mention this guy because he’s not a Muslim!”

Imam Suhaib Webb, of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the city's largest mosque, said in an interview that he had recently heard of the incident. "That's a sign right there that his views aren't mainstream," Webb said.

Boston Bomber Suspects Had Attended Cambridge Mosque, Officials Say

Exactly...as I stated, a peaceful mosque warned others about these two brothers. This is probably the same mosque that told Boston officials about the radicalized cleric before they helped him build a podium to speak from
There is No radical mosque lead by a radicalized cleric in Boston.

I know this from person experience.....because I have attended services at all of them.

True story.......... :cool:

Ok then the Boston Islam foundation guy on the news is lying.

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