"What caused the two Boston bombers to do it""

Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

It doesn't matter whose 'god' is cited as the impetus, it still doesn't make killing innocents right.

Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki....

...who decides who is innocent? Were the mothers and children in these cities complicit in their regimes' wrongs?

I suppose considering the mothers gave birth to the soldiers and the children grow up to be soldiers, then it might be appropriate to wipe out entire populations. Will that change anything. Who would you kill, and for what reasons?
It doesn't matter whose 'god' is cited as the impetus, it still doesn't make killing innocents right.

Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki....

...who decides who is innocent? Were the mothers and children in these cities complicit in their regimes' wrongs?

I suppose considering the mothers gave birth to the soldiers and the children grow up to be soldiers, then it might be appropriate to wipe out entire populations. Will that change anything. Who would you kill, and for what reasons?

Of course, this is just the point, and exactly the reasoning anyone can use to attack anyone they want to.

Are you asking me whom I would kill and why, or was that the general "you"?
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

I find it hilarious that all over the media the PC people are scratching their heads asking "what radicalized them?"

As if they really don't know, or they think Americans don't either.

As if its the first time a Muslim became a jihadist terrorist and decided to slaughter the infidels". Gimmi a break!

You have no more knowledge about what motivated these two brothers than anyone else. The reasons will come out eventually. Why don't you wait til then to offer your stupid comments.

Who cares how they got there? They were radicalized Muslims, out to slaughter the infidels. Which has been happening all too often. The only purpose for finding out "what caused it" is to prevent future incidents of other Muslims doing the same. :cuckoo:
Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

Bingo. But leave the space for Allah as blank so they can fill in the word for whatever god leads their belief.
Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

These boys? They were men. The question is why do men so often commit themselves to extreme measures to express themselves? What is this male sickness?

It's called brainwashing.
Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

It doesn't matter whose 'god' is cited as the impetus, it still doesn't make killing innocents right.

I agree...it's senseless..period.
Spilling blood in the name of any religion has been happening since the dawn of man...what happened in Boston will happen elsewhere on this planet...in the name of 'God'.
It will be no surprise if it turns out that these boys were lead by some sort of extremist militant group bent on 'doing right by Allah'.

Bingo. But leave the space for Allah as blank so they can fill in the word for whatever god leads their belief.

Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

Muslims, Christians, Mormans and Jews are ALL indoctrinated into stupid ideas and actions.

You all think everyone else is wrong. I agree ...ALL organised religion is wrong. The world will be a better place when all willfully ignorant nonsense isn't passed on without question.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
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Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

Muslims, Christians, Mormans and Jews are ALL indoctrinated into stupid ideas and actions.

You all think everyone else is wrong. I agree ...ALL organised religion is wrong. The world will be a better place when all willfully ignorant nonsense isn't passed on without question.
But those other organized religion have since reformed and aren't living in a medieval Neanderthal mindset as Islam's followers are, and, they don't want to drag the rest of the world through terror and mayhem back to 7th century barbarism either.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"
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Any society that has a plurality of males between the ages of 19-35 without income, economic activity to engage in, education to occupy their minds, and reasonable hope for the future (including ANY hope of getting laid) is ripe for the plucking via whatever cult, religion, or radicalized politicization of either or both presents itself to offer meaning for their existence and / or economic opportunity to help their families. Hell, if you think about it hard enough :eusa_pray: you can see this at work right here at home.
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Me thinks you have little understanding of Islam. Since I'm in no better position than you to say what exactly is Islam, I will say that Jihad as you guys freely say on the forums is used for defense not offense. In addition only the Caliph can declare Jihad. I think if you were to discuss your inquiries with a learned scholar in Islam I think your perspective of Islam would be different.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam launched their own terrorist attacks?

I thought Islam turns you into a terrorist, so what of the millions of Muslims sitting at home right now? Are they also terrorists in waiting?
How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Me thinks you have little understanding of Islam. Since I'm in no better position than you to say what exactly is Islam, I will say that Jihad as you guys freely say on the forums is used for defense not offense. In addition only the Caliph can declare Jihad. I think if you were to discuss your inquiries with a learned scholar in Islam I think your perspective of Islam would be different.
Eh? I was born and raised in a Muslim country. I think I know a few things more than you.
Do you want the long or the short of it?

In one word: ISLAM.

After they became "devout" followers, it was just a matter of time.

So why haven't the millions of other devout followers of Islam launched their own terrorist attacks?

I thought Islam turns you into a terrorist, so what of the millions of Muslims sitting at home right now? Are they also terrorists in waiting?
You thought wrong. Ask yourself why is it only the followers of Islam today, that are killing innocent people like savage barbarians. When you are honest with yourself you will understand. Not all Muslims are terrorist, but most terrorists today are Muslims. That statement is 100% true. Many Muslims think like the terrorists, but just haven't acted upon their beliefs. That's why there is total silence if not celebration in some circles, when a Muslim slaughters infidels.

Now you know "what happened" with the two Islamic terrorist brothers.
Any society that has a plurality of males between the ages of 19-35 without income, economic activity to engage in, education to occupy their minds, and reasonable hope for the future (including ANY hope of getting laid) is ripe for the plucking via whatever cult, religion, or radicalized politicization of either or both presents itself to offer meaning for their existence and / or economic opportunity to help their families. Hell, if you think about it hard enough :eusa_pray: you can see this at work right here at home.
Your statement doesn't make any sense. There are many non Muslim countries that fall in that category. How come they aren't terrorizing and murdering people?
Let's not mince words here:

Islam caused it.

And the danger is that there are likely a huge number of similar dormant terrorists waiting patiently for an opportunity in the US and other Western countries to impose their Jihad on everybody.

How does "Islam cause it?"

I have devout Muslim friends at my university that are as American and devout and non-violent and as any law abiding citizen. There are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States. Surely if "Islam caused it" you'd here of more violence perpetrated by Muslims.
Islam causes it because Islam commands its followers to either force non Muslims to submit and become Muslims, or kill those that refuse. It also requires that all true Muslims follow Shariah Law which is the exact polar opposite of Western democracy.

These killers aren't really terrorists, they are true believers that are simply acting upon what Islam is telling them to do. Fight the non believers where you find them, be cruel and harsh, and show no mercy. Until the crescent moon and sword of Islam rule the world.

A few phrases from the terrorist manual:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us"

Again, it isn't the presence of these words printed on a page that kills, it is the choice of believing them.
What we know...

1) The brothers had ties with radical sects outside of the U.S.
2) The FBI was warned about these two brothers in 2011.
3) The city of Boston financed a land deal with a radical cleric that both boys followed. This cleric is known for making anti-American, anti-Western rants and writings - yet Boston helped him attain a mosque to speak this garbage from.
4) Area peaceful Muslim mosques spoke to officials about this cleric prior to the land deal...they were ignored.
5) The older brother posted anti-Western quotes from radical clerics here and abroad.
6) He was kicked out of an area mosque for yelling radical statements during services.

More to come....in a nutshell...we were warned, we were told, we ignored and even helped them radicalize.

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