What are your thoughts on the NRA?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
I'm debating a life membership at the moment and was curious as to everyone's thoughts on the NRA. Any life members here? Anyone completely against the NRA but recommends another gun rights association?
They just came out with a flex payment method for membership and I'm debating it now because its affordable both short and long term.
What are your thoughts?
I was a member for decades. Quit when their focus was shifted from safe enjoyable use of guns to anything it takes to sell more guns. Even the most adamant gun enthusiast knows there are some people who should never have a gun. The NRA fights every effort to protect the public from crazies with guns. I would hope that some day I can rejoin, but that doesn't look like it will be any time soon.
They were once a great organization, providing education and support to members. Heck, they even supported limited gun control back in the day. Now, they are simply the political wing of gun manufacturers, spreading fear among the ignorant to drum up more sales.
I'm debating a life membership at the moment and was curious as to everyone's thoughts on the NRA. Any life members here? Anyone completely against the NRA but recommends another gun rights association?
They just came out with a flex payment method for membership and I'm debating it now because its affordable both short and long term.
What are your thoughts?
They are too willing to compromise.
Gave up my membership more than ten years ago, more because I had not hunted or target shot in some years than because of its increasing looniness.

It is a highly effective lobby reaching out to some very irrational folks.

Well, there are fewer guns in fewer homes each year, so the end result is clear.
I'm debating a life membership at the moment and was curious as to everyone's thoughts on the NRA. Any life members here? Anyone completely against the NRA but recommends another gun rights association?
They just came out with a flex payment method for membership and I'm debating it now because its affordable both short and long term.
What are your thoughts?
I know lots of people that are members. Trust me...it's not a life changing experience.
I was a member for decades. Quit when their focus was shifted from safe enjoyable use of guns to anything it takes to sell more guns. Even the most adamant gun enthusiast knows there are some people who should never have a gun. The NRA fights every effort to protect the public from crazies with guns. I would hope that some day I can rejoin, but that doesn't look like it will be any time soon.
Just like any other association that represents a particular constituency or interest group, eventually politics and of course money creeps into the organization. They then become advocacy groups. Somewhere down the road, the aspect of politics and money takes over. At that point these groups often take a political stand that becomes inflexible and eschews common sense.
I was a member for decades. Quit when their focus was shifted from safe enjoyable use of guns to anything it takes to sell more guns. Even the most adamant gun enthusiast knows there are some people who should never have a gun. The NRA fights every effort to protect the public from crazies with guns. I would hope that some day I can rejoin, but that doesn't look like it will be any time soon.
Just like any other association that represents a particular constituency or interest group, eventually politics and of course money creeps into the organization. They then become advocacy groups. Somewhere down the road, the aspect of politics and money takes over. At that point these groups often take a political stand that becomes inflexible and eschews common sense.

Odd that they were able to avoid that for so long, and only changed as the right wing became so radicalized. It's a shame.
I'm debating a life membership at the moment and was curious as to everyone's thoughts on the NRA. Any life members here? Anyone completely against the NRA but recommends another gun rights association?
They just came out with a flex payment method for membership and I'm debating it now because its affordable both short and long term.
What are your thoughts?

It depends on what you're looking for in an organization, before you make your decision check out Gun Owners of America and The 2nd Amendment Foundation.
they are fine

they are no different than someone joining a union. But what's funny is the Union (higher ups/bosses/mafia) all vote Democrat and will wail over the NRA and they are bad bad bad, because their masters in Congress tells them they have to
Some of my friends were avid hunters and when I went to their house they usually showed me their guns. It was almost like a love affair the way they handled them pointing out the features that I had heard before. I had guns also but they were just tools, like a pair of pliers. Anyone encounter anything like that?
I like guns, like any well designed piece of machinery. A well designed can opener, the Chrysler building. A Streamlined train. Well fitted shoes. Guns, way down on the bottom of my list of necessities. I won't be joining the NRA any time soon.
Some of my friends were avid hunters and when I went to their house they usually showed me their guns. It was almost like a love affair the way they handled them pointing out the features that I had heard before. I had guns also but they were just tools, like a pair of pliers. Anyone encounter anything like that?

We all have hobbies, and enjoy sharing them with friends. As long as they are reasonable, and handle them in a safe way, good for them. If, on the other hand, they like to shock people by flashing them in inappropriate ways as some sort of macho display, they are probably not mature enough to have them.
As an avid hunter I used to belong..paid my dues loyally for about 12 years. Once they got too political, I quit. WHen I heard about how someone was going to take my guns year after year I became disgusted with that type of lying. And belonging to the NRA has nothing in common with joining a union as some other low info voter posted. If the NRA gets less radical, I may reconsider.
I am a Life Member.

They serve my interest pretty well but I wish they were a little more aggressive.

There is still an old school one shot hunting rifle "Fudd" (like in Elmer Fudd) constituency who don't support the more modern assault type weapons but their influence is getting lesser.

I was proud of them the other day when they were able to influence this M-855 ammo rule making to put it on hold.

Everybody that believes in the right to keep and bear arms should be a member because it is the strong voice of freedom in this country. Without them the anti gun nuts would take away most of our rights.
I'm debating a life membership at the moment and was curious as to everyone's thoughts on the NRA. Any life members here? Anyone completely against the NRA but recommends another gun rights association?
They just came out with a flex payment method for membership and I'm debating it now because its affordable both short and long term.
What are your thoughts?

I suggest looking into GOAL. (Gun Owners' Action League)

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