What are the Odds of Biden Showing Up To Debate Trump?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Three more days to the Biden-Trump Debates... What are the odds China Joe ill be exposed to Covid1-19 and go into quarantine, slip on a banana peel, or get struck by lightening?
It's no secret that Pelosi is scared witless and certainly the DNC would love to back out of the Debates....
Or maybe just maybe he will be kidnapped by the alien Satan-worshiping pedophiles and demand to drink adrenochrome of newborns. #SaveTheChildren

In my view it's very doubtful that any meaningful topical discussion will be had in any debate between the two of them. And they're glad of it.

You need different debate moderators. Mods who are going to ask the critical questions.

You're not gonna get that. At all. Not even close.

Hi NC, Don't they have Fox news moderating? Should be okay for Trump with Fox controlling the flow.
In my view it's very doubtful that any meaningful topical discussion will be had in any debate between the two of them. And they're glad of it.

You need different debate moderators. Mods who are going to ask the critical questions.

You're not gonna get that. At all. Not even close.

Hi NC, Don't they have Fox news moderating? Should be okay for Trump with Fox controlling the flow.
I will be very surprised if Wallace asks Biden any hardball questions about Burisma and his son, for example.

In my view it's very doubtful that any meaningful topical discussion will be had in any debate between the two of them. And they're glad of it.

You need different debate moderators. Mods who are going to ask the critical questions.

You're not gonna get that. At all. Not even close.
Nobody cares if it's Donald Duck or Wolfgang Puck moderating.
We want to see how Donald Trump and Joe Biden will act in the same room together. The American people want to see the contrast between these two men in real time. No sound bites or teleprompters.

I think Joe Biden will show up with a mask on and will not make eye contact with the president or the cameras the entire evening.
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Hi NC, Don't they have Fox news moderating? Should be okay for Trump with Fox controlling the flow.

FOX consistently did dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded things when my guy was running. They'd put someone elses picture next to his name, even when he nailed all the delegates, put him at the bottom of the list on the screen, even when he got 80% of the delegates when they did choose to get it right, blacked him out all day long, screw FOX News. Buncha scoundrels, if you ask me. I have no respect for their integrity.

Don't even get me started with them. lol. FOX has one good guy. One!
FOX consistently did dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded things when my guy was running. They'd put someone elses picture next to his name, even when he nailed all the delegates, put him at the bottom of the list on the screen, even when he got 80% of the delegates when they did chhose to get it right, blacked him out all day long, screw FOX News. Buncha scoundrels, if you ask me. I have no respect for their integrity.

Don't even get me started with them. lol. FOX has one good guy. One!
Let me guess who 'your guy ' is.... Bernie Sanders ?
So Fox is the one who screwed him ?
In my view it's very doubtful that any meaningful topical discussion will be had in any debate between the two of them. And they're glad of it.

You need different debate moderators. Mods who are going to ask the critical questions.

You're not gonna get that. At all. Not even close.
Ask what critical question's ? Oh I know, "Joe are you critical, uh I mean terminal, uh I mean reliable, uh I mean understandable, uh I mean, ohhh you know what I mean don't you ??? Trump the winner, end of debate. MAG-Always.
Let me guess who 'your guy ' is.... Bernie Sanders ?
So Fox is the one who screwed him ?

No. What the heck, Angelo. Although I will say that Bernie voted with us quite a bit on various legislation. Even if it was for the wrong reason, it was still the right vote. Sometimes. Which is more than I can say for the fatcat neocons they march out on FOX all day long.
Yep, go ahead and keep telling yourselves that Biden won't show up. Hate to tell you, but he will show up, and will also eviscerate Trump on stage when he debates him.

Sorry, but the Cheeto in Chief won't be able to hold a candle to Biden, and the first debate is gonna show it. The next debates after that will only cement Biden as the smarter one, who knows how to handle things.

Trump doesn't.
What are the Odds of Biden Showing Up To Debate Trump?

I'd take Biden showing up despite any odds. I've always figured Biden needed this debate more than Trump. Lately all this talk about Biden not showing has up has seemed some sort of ruse the Democrats are playing. Perhaps their plan is to create doubt in effort for Trump to arrive less prepared?

Three more days to the Biden-Trump Debates... What are the odds China Joe ill be exposed to Covid1-19 and go into quarantine, slip on a banana peel, or get struck by lightening?
It's no secret that Pelosi is scared witless and certainly the DNC would love to back out of the Debates....

The reason chin puppet joe biden has been missing days from the campaign, one in every 3, is they are trying to get him adapted to a night time wake up. People with dementia, like china puppet joe biden suffer from "Sun Downing," which means as the day goes on their brain starts to decline...dramatically.......so they are trying to get him switched from 9am to 9pm schedule......they put him to bed in the morning and wake him up later in the evening ........
Yep, go ahead and keep telling yourselves that Biden won't show up. Hate to tell you, but he will show up, and will also eviscerate Trump on stage when he debates him.

Sorry, but the Cheeto in Chief won't be able to hold a candle to Biden, and the first debate is gonna show it. The next debates after that will only cement Biden as the smarter one, who knows how to handle things.

Trump doesn't.

You are so right.....just ask the 16 trained professional republican politicians and hilary clinton how they eviscerated Trump......and only hilary was suffering from a mental condition at the time.....

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, go ahead and keep telling yourselves that Biden won't show up. Hate to tell you, but he will show up, and will also eviscerate Trump on stage when he debates him.

Sorry, but the Cheeto in Chief won't be able to hold a candle to Biden, and the first debate is gonna show it. The next debates after that will only cement Biden as the smarter one, who knows how to handle things.

Trump doesn't.

Yeah...you know....the thing.........you dog faced pony soldier.....and those stupid bastard soldiers........

Three more days to the Biden-Trump Debates... What are the odds China Joe ill be exposed to Covid1-19 and go into quarantine, slip on a banana peel, or get struck by lightening?
It's no secret that Pelosi is scared witless and certainly the DNC would love to back out of the Debates....
Biden should insist on a nap-time break of two hours.

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