What all do you agree/disagree with on this list?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
In no particular order, here are what I see as the most important immediate goals for the country.

Build a Wall
Start Executing Prisoners
Reverse Roe vs. Wade
Eliminate remnants of Common Core
Eliminate remnants of Obamacare
Eliminate US Department of Education
Eliminate Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate National Endowment of Arts
Eliminate National Endowment of Humanities
Eliminate federal funding of the Public Broadcasting System
Eliminate any remaining federal funding of Planned Parenthood
Rework educational system (kindergarten to college), massively reducing spending on humanities and social sciences. This would save us tens of billions of dollars a year.
Deport all of the millions of illegal aliens
Increase Military spending
Increase ICE funding
Cut taxes and implement a flat tax
Lock crazy homeless people up in psych wards
Bring back work farms for sane homeless people
Financial aid for college should be massively reduced and awarded on basis of test scores
Eliminate all foreign humanitarian aid
Increase fossil fuel production
Eliminate ethanol mandates and subsidies. It is a failed industry.
Some of these agencies and endowments are a good idea, its just that lowlife filthy scum Dems have corrupted them. Dem's are a pox upon the land.
In no particular order, here are what I see as the most important immediate goals for the country.

Build a Wall
Start Executing Prisoners
Reverse Roe vs. Wade
Eliminate remnants of Common Core
Eliminate remnants of Obamacare
Eliminate US Department of Education
Eliminate Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate National Endowment of Arts
Eliminate National Endowment of Humanities
Eliminate federal funding of the Public Broadcasting System
Eliminate any remaining federal funding of Planned Parenthood
Rework educational system (kindergarten to college), massively reducing spending on humanities and social sciences. This would save us tens of billions of dollars a year.
Deport all of the millions of illegal aliens
Increase Military spending
Increase ICE funding
Cut taxes and implement a flat tax
Lock crazy homeless people up in psych wards
Bring back work farms for sane homeless people
Financial aid for college should be massively reduced and awarded on basis of test scores
Eliminate all foreign humanitarian aid
Increase fossil fuel production
Eliminate ethanol mandates and subsidies. It is a failed industry.
I agree with ALL of these things. Nice list!
These agencies should exist, but not given government money. Is should be funded as charities.:
Eliminate Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate National Endowment of Arts
Eliminate National Endowment of Humanities
Eliminate federal funding of the Public Broadcasting System
Eliminate any remaining federal funding of Planned Parenthood

Education should be Reading, Math, Language, Science and Content areas:
Rework educational system (kindergarten to college), massively reducing spending on humanities and social sciences. This would save us tens of billions of dollars a year.

Deport those who are not working and in Sanctuary Cities:
Deport all of the millions of illegal aliens
Increase ICE funding
Cut taxes and implement a flat tax
Financial aid for college should be massively reduced and awarded on basis of test scores

Can you imagine balancing our budget?
Build a Wall - No
Start Executing Prisoners - No
Reverse Roe vs. Wade - Yes
Eliminate remnants of Common Core - Yes
Eliminate remnants of Obamacare - Yes
Eliminate US Department of Education - Yes
Eliminate Environmental Protection Agency - Yes
Eliminate National Endowment of Arts - Yes
Eliminate National Endowment of Humanities - Yes
Eliminate federal funding of the Public Broadcasting System - Yes
Eliminate any remaining federal funding of Planned Parenthood - Yes
Rework educational system (kindergarten to college), massively reducing spending on humanities and social sciences. This would save us tens of billions of dollars a year. - No...Full privatization
Deport all of the millions of illegal aliens - No..There is some merit to DACA
Increase Military spending - No...Close overseas bases, bring the troops home, and cancel money-sucking weapons systems.
Increase ICE funding - No...Shut down agencies like BATF and move them to ICE if needed.
Cut taxes and implement a flat tax - No...No federal direct taxes on incomes.
Lock crazy homeless people up in psych wards - No...State issue.
Bring back work farms for sane homeless people - No...Ibid.
Financial aid for college should be massively reduced and awarded on basis of test scores - Make the schools supply funding or co-sign for the loans.
Eliminate all foreign humanitarian aid - Yes
Increase fossil fuel production -Yes
Eliminate ethanol mandates and subsidies. It is a failed industry. - Yes
Build a Wall -absolutely
Start Executing Prisoners - you bet
Reverse Roe vs. Wade -
Eliminate remnants of Common Core
Eliminate remnants of Obamacare - yeah
Eliminate US Department of Education - Yes
Eliminate Environmental Protection Agency - yes
Eliminate National Endowment of Arts - you bet
Eliminate National Endowment of Humanities - you bet
Eliminate federal funding of the Public Broadcasting System - yesterday
Eliminate any remaining federal funding of Planned Parenthood - absolutely
Rework educational system (kindergarten to college), massively reducing spending on humanities and social sciences. This would save us tens of billions of dollars a year. - wipe out the DC bureaucrats
Deport all of the millions of illegal aliens - amen
Increase Military spending - yes
Increase ICE funding - yes
Cut taxes and implement a flat tax - yawn
Lock crazy homeless people up in psych wards
Bring back work farms for sane homeless people
Financial aid for college should be massively reduced and awarded on basis of test scores
Eliminate all foreign humanitarian aid
Increase fossil fuel production - yes
Eliminate ethanol mandates and subsidies. It is a failed industry. - right now

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