What about us?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
I was watching the crisis at the border unfold on the news today, and my blood began to boil (not literally). Democrats are expecting us to be merciful and compassionate to those they are freely letting across our border with no intention of naturalizing them. That these people are fleeing hardship and violence.

How can I be merciful and compassionate to these people when the government that claims to protect me and my interests doesn't? When it seemingly shows more mercy and compassion to foreigners than to me or my fellow countrymen? I am expected to obey every letter of the law as a legitimate citizen of this country, but those illegal immigrants? Never. They'll get a privilege I never will: being immune to the consequences of my actions.

Mark my words: One day I will stop caring about the plights and hardships of others when they have no qualms about breaking our laws and showing no mercy or compassion to the people they impact by coming illegally.

I am a citizen, I have rights. I had to come into existence to be granted them. These people merely have to step one toe across the border and they are granted theirs. The policies I see being enacted are unfair and unconscionable. Drug cartels are using children as barter to manipulate our laws. Ripping them from the arms of their parents. Yes, the coyotes ripped these children from the arms of their parents long before they got here, yet you cared more about how "Trump did it".

I just can't anymore. Generosity and compassion are supposed to have limits, else it reaches the level of sheer blindness and others take advantage of it. Limits, so the one helping those in need does not come to want themself. And no, you don't care, either. You care about giving endless amounts of mercy and compassion while ignoring the impact such behavior costs the common man/woman.

There's a difference between mercy and compassion, and outright selfishness.

Remember, there will come a day when I stop caring; when I have no more mercy or compassion to give--because you had none for me--for us.
Have you made a list of what you need from other people to exist?

Yeah, I need other people to obey the law, respect my safety and that of my family. My existence hinges on a civil society; one that values obeying and and enforcing justly enacted law. A civil society that leftists seemingly wish to abandon by letting hundreds of thousands of COVID infected illegal immigrants come across the border, putting the health and safety of Americans at risk.

In short, my existence relies on not catching the virus and dying from it. That risk of exposure to me and my family is that much greater now thanks to the haphazard policy decisions of this administration.

Any more questions, wiseass?
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What about us?-TemplarKormac

Yep, you will also get $1400 Biden Bucks! I might buy a PS5 if I can find one, what about you?
As a Democrat since my family fought the Union, I'm proud of the way we've used mainstream media & politicians to distribute the level of misinformation we have, which has been key toward building our base.

Here's a real nice report showing how well my President Biden team carries that out. Team Biden offers alternative reality on border crisis with no plan to fix it
The Democrats in the North fought the Democrats of the South.

Oh my fucking heroes.

As a Democrat, I'm proud of the way we continue slavery of the black population who have bought into our rhetoric and in turn destroy their own cities inside our districts.

Imagine if you will living in a world, where the Democrats supported slavery & rejected Civil Rights to a large extent, only to be crowned favor by the black population who overwhelming vote Democrat.

All we have to do is project, threaten them with a bone every once in a while, and incite riots & protests on false pretenses during elections. That's fucking POWER.

Only my Democrats could pull that off, Republicans are incompetent.
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As a Democrat since my family fought the Union, I'm proud of the way we've used mainstream media & politicians to distribute the level of misinformation we have, which has been key toward building our base.

Here's a real nice report showing how well my President Biden team carries that out. Team Biden offers alternative reality on border crisis with no plan to fix it
The Democrats in the North fought the Democrats of the South.

Oh my fucking heroes.

As a Democrat, I'm proud of the way we continue slavery of the black population who have bought into our rhetoric.

Imagine if you will living in a world, where the Democrats supported slavery & rejected Civil Rights to a large extent, only to be crowned favor by the black population who overwhelming vote Democrat.

All while it's my Democrats sell they and our cities out. All we have to do is project and threaten to throw them a bone every once in a while. That's fucking POWER.

Only my Democrats could pull that off, Republicans are incompetent.
There was slavery of Native American Indians, women, children what makes you think that white males was that discriminating to just have black slaves?
The political parties in the US was the Republicans and Democrats and that was never any different during the Civil War
As a Democrat since my family fought the Union, I'm proud of the way we've used mainstream media & politicians to distribute the level of misinformation we have, which has been key toward building our base.

Here's a real nice report showing how well my President Biden team carries that out. Team Biden offers alternative reality on border crisis with no plan to fix it
The Democrats in the North fought the Democrats of the South.

Oh my fucking heroes.

As a Democrat, I'm proud of the way we continue slavery of the black population who have bought into our rhetoric.

Imagine if you will living in a world, where the Democrats supported slavery & rejected Civil Rights to a large extent, only to be crowned favor by the black population who overwhelming vote Democrat.

All while it's my Democrats sell they and our cities out. All we have to do is project and threaten to throw them a bone every once in a while. That's fucking POWER.

Only my Democrats could pull that off, Republicans are incompetent.
There was slavery of Native American Indians, women, children what makes you think that white males was that discriminating to just have black slaves?
The political parties in the US was the Republicans and Democrats and that was never any different during the Civil War

Neat moonglow, though your last sentence makes no sense.

Cool, yeah whites were slaves too. Shit blacks had blacks as slaves & still do. American Indians had other American Indian slaves, Jews were slaves, a slave for everyone. Why did you single out whites?

Nice work Moonglow, when defense doesn't make sense make it PROG-sense. You'll get a thumbs-up or two just because it sounds cool.
I was watching the crisis at the border unfold on the news today, and my blood began to boil (not literally). Democrats are expecting us to be merciful and compassionate to those they are freely letting across our border with no intention of naturalizing them. That these people are fleeing hardship and violence.

How can I be merciful and compassionate to these people when the government that claims to protect me and my interests doesn't? When it seemingly shows more mercy and compassion to foreigners than to me or my fellow countrymen? I am expected to obey every letter of the law as a legitimate citizen of this country, but those illegal immigrants? Never. They'll get a privilege I never will: being immune to the consequences of my actions.

Mark my words: One day I will stop caring about the plights and hardships of others when they have no qualms about breaking our laws and showing no mercy or compassion to the people they impact by coming illegally.

I am a citizen, I have rights. I had to come into existence to be granted them. These people merely have to step one toe across the border and they are granted theirs. The policies I see being enacted are unfair and unconscionable. Drug cartels are using children as barter to manipulate our laws. Ripping them from the arms of their parents. Yes, the coyotes ripped these children from the arms of their parents long before they got here, yet you cared more about how "Trump did it".

I just can't anymore. Generosity and compassion are supposed to have limits, else it reaches the level of sheer blindness and others take advantage of it. Limits, so the one helping those in need does not come to want themself. And no, you don't care, either. You care about giving endless amounts of mercy and compassion while ignoring the impact such behavior costs the common man/woman.

There's a difference between mercy and compassion, and outright selfishness.

Remember, there will come a day when I stop caring; when I have no more mercy or compassion to give--because you had none for me--for us.

Brother, what's taking you so long? Most off us stopped caring 20-30 years ago.....It's no longer OUR country, or haven't you noticed?

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