West Virginians are Mad at Manchin


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Mar 11, 2015
West Virginians are Disappointed in Joe Manchin

In mid-October, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a Democrat, announced he would forgo the prosperity of his constituents and their descendants by refusing to vote for a climate measure billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future. Read the full article.

That measure is the Clean Electricity Payment Program, or CEPP, a $150 billion plan that would incentivize utilities to switch to clean energy sources like solar, wind, and nuclear and penalize those continuing to burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Experts say it’s the nation’s best chance to meet the Biden administration’s climate goal of 80 percent clean electricity sources by 2030. The popular program is cited as the pillar for the Build Back Better Agenda—a $3.5 trillion plan to help working families and create green energy. Paid for by a fairer distribution of the tax burden onto corporations and wealthy Americans, the plan could be a historic investment in tackling the climate crisis, if Manchin would vote for it.

“I think the whole state is disappointed in Joe Manchin. Every Democrat I talk to is furious at Manchin, and I mean furious,” says Stewart Acuff, a retired labor organizer with the AFL-CIO who lives in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. “There is simply no rational explanation for what he’s doing on the Build Back Better plan than lining his own pockets.”

Joe Manchin is a coal money man and he wants to line his pockets. It's time W.Va. elected a new senator.
LOL!! Xiden didn't win one county is WV!!
WV is the reddest state in the USA
Manchin would be a hero if he just switched parties to the GOP like governor Jim Justice.
If the democrats are upset with Manchin, he does have a good option, switch parties to better represent his constituents.

Oh, as for "green energy" projects, we've seen that before, that was Solyndra.
The people of the state are mad at him and solyndra was not the only green company. We are looking at making the planet unlivable if you idiots get your way.
So, you think we are all going to end up like your neighbor?
LOL!! Xiden didn't win one county is WV!!
WV is the reddest state in the USA
Manchin would be a hero if he just switched parties to the GOP like governor Jim Justice.
If the democrats are upset with Manchin, he does have a good option, switch parties to better represent his constituents.

Oh, as for "green energy" projects, we've seen that before, that was Solyndra.

Green energy is the fastest growing industry on the planet. Bar none. Manchin won't switch parties because he would be primaried by a trumpling. West Virginians now are getting their eyes opened to what they voted for. Even their governor is vaccinating them faster than Israel is. Now that President Biden got them a stimulus check, and has showed them the child tax credit which puts another $300 a month in their bank accounts. Manchins ass is done. You're getting ready to find out the WV isn't quite as red as you think it is.

The overwhelming majority supports Bidens Build Back Better plan, and after 4 years of Trump bullshit that didn't help them one iota, they now see just how bad Republican policy sucks.

And so does the rest of the country. The republicans are in deep shit, and they know it. Their only hope is to pack the courts, pass voter suppression laws, and gerrymander voting districts. They know it. You know it. And now pretty much everybody else knows it.

Your side will end up stealing some elections in the short run, but you're done numbnuts. It's just a matter of time now, and that time is short.
"billed as the nation’s last-ditch effort to secure a livable future"

Joe Manchin is a coal money man and he wants to line his pockets. It's time W.Va. elected a new senator.
Then, by all means, start canvassing the state and tell them how stupid they are for voting for him.
Green energy is the fastest growing industry on the planet. Bar none. Manchin won't switch parties because he would be primaried by a trumpling. West Virginians now are getting their eyes opened to what they voted for. Even their governor is vaccinating them faster than Israel is. Now that President Biden got them a stimulus check, and has showed them the child tax credit which puts another $300 a month in their bank accounts. Manchins ass is done. You're getting ready to find out the WV isn't quite as red as you think it is.

The overwhelming majority supports Bidens Build Back Better plan, and after 4 years of Trump bullshit that didn't help them one iota, they now see just how bad Republican policy sucks.

And so does the rest of the country. The republicans are in deep shit, and they know it. Their only hope is to pack the courts, pass voter suppression laws, and gerrymander voting districts. They know it. You know it. And now pretty much everybody else knows it.

Your side will end up stealing some elections in the short run, but you're done numbnuts. It's just a matter of time now, and that time is short.
You are dreaming. Biden's approval rate is in the 30%s, and still dropping, and that was taken from Democrat polls. If Republicans were polled too, the number would be about 10%, and most of that from illegal aliens.

"The overwhelming majority supports Bidens Build Back Better plan" ? HA HA HA.
The republicans are in deep shit, and they know it.
You should probably wake up and stop listening to all Libbias, all the time. If not, 2022 is going to be one hell of a wake-up and that, to one hell of a hangover. The Dems, even their propaganda shills, are talking about catastrophe next year.
You should probably wake up and stop listening to all Libbias, all the time. If not, 2022 is going to be one hell of a wake-up and that, to one hell of a hangover. The Dems, even their propaganda shills, are talking about catastrophe next year.
It is hard to wake someone in a coma. That is what you are dealing with.
You should probably wake up and stop listening to all Libbias, all the time. If not, 2022 is going to be one hell of a wake-up and that, to one hell of a hangover. The Dems, even their propaganda shills, are talking about catastrophe next year.
I don't think that's going to happen. Name something republicans in this congress have done to earn the peoples vote. Bidens plan is popular nationwide and republicans will be seen as obstructionists to that plan. The only thing saving Sinema and Manchin is they wob't be up for re election in 2022.
The people of the state are mad at him and solyndra was not the only green company. We are looking at making the planet unlivable if you idiots get your way.
1. The vast MAJORITY of WV voters support Manchin's opposition to the dems' reckless spending plans.
2. The planet's temperature fluctuates, always has. If the problem is global warming, the US is only 15% of the problem, China and India are the real culprits. So put the "blame" where it belongs.
3. The science isn't clear as to the causes, there are natural explanations as well:
Green energy is the fastest growing industry on the planet. Bar none. Manchin won't switch parties because he would be primaried by a trumpling. West Virginians now are getting their eyes opened to what they voted for. Even their governor is vaccinating them faster than Israel is. Now that President Biden got them a stimulus check, and has showed them the child tax credit which puts another $300 a month in their bank accounts. Manchins ass is done. You're getting ready to find out the WV isn't quite as red as you think it is.

The overwhelming majority supports Bidens Build Back Better plan, and after 4 years of Trump bullshit that didn't help them one iota, they now see just how bad Republican policy sucks.

And so does the rest of the country. The republicans are in deep shit, and they know it. Their only hope is to pack the courts, pass voter suppression laws, and gerrymander voting districts. They know it. You know it. And now pretty much everybody else knows it.

Your side will end up stealing some elections in the short run, but you're done numbnuts. It's just a matter of time now, and that time is short.
1. Manchin could switch parties, that would guarantee him a win as governor
2. You have no clue WTF will happen in the 2022 mid-terms do you? You keep thinking that democrats buying poor folks votes is a winning game plan??
3. There is no "overwhelming support for Xiden's build back better program", that's just plain stupid shit right there.
4. A matter of time? Who do you have for 2024? Xiden or Kamala? LOL!!!

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