Welcome Back Mr. Netanyahu!

I am aware of no mainstream political party in the United States which is more loyal to Israel than the US.

You might be blind then.
Perhaps I am.

Here is your chance to cure the blind.

What political party are you talking about?

And how does that political party manifest a stronger loyalty to Israel than the United States?

I'll give you a hint: they invited Netanyahu to come talk to them. I think they need his approval before they can do anything.

Why you're so afraid of hearing him speak? What's the worst that can happen? You decide he talks nonsense and ignore him?

I thought you guys spoke for freedom and Liberation and the right to speak up and all that crap.
They're afraid Netanyahu will pull out his pen and write an EO declaring war on Iran and another EO putting Obama in the booby hatch.
Hey, mebbe Bibi is gonna ask for a War Powers Authorization?

...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?
Coyote, did you hear about the dead-sea worksites crisis in Israel?

No - did you post it in IP?

Well, no.

Basically, it started about a few weeks ago; In Israel there's this huge 'company', Khil, which deals with producing minerals and chemicals. Among those there's the Dead-Sea factory, they dig in the dead-sea to produce salt, many of the Israeli dead-sea merchandise is thanks to the dead-sea factory. All those factories are managed by the Israeli Offer family. They own this huge project and they're one of the richest families in Israel.

Anyhow, weeks ago, they decided they start firing people randomly, in order to "Optimize" their worksites. Since most of the dead-sea factories were located in south, it caused a mass in the factory, people protested the heartless method of firing people without notice. They fired about 500-700 people in the south, and in a district that already has very little job-offerings, this was a hit below the belt.

So now the entire Khil factory, dead-sea works among them, opened stike, basically, any worker who belongs to one of those factories in southern Israel is striking, sympathizing with those who've been fired. So instead of about 600 people without a job, we're talking nearly 7000. Most of them people who've been already influenced by the previous war. The workers' organizations already threatened a strike in all state as response to the crisis in Khil.

Meanwhile, my dad is out of a job, and we don't know what's going to happen with that. So it's nice and all to talk about peace with the palestinians, but we have an entire district in working-crisis, and I think it's a little more important than peace, Iran, palestinians right now. But maybe it's just me.

No, it's not just you....all the other stuff is more esoteric, and this is immediate - jobs, infrastructure, local economies and families. I'm sorry to hear that :( In WV, we've had similar sorts of things - our economy is heavily dependent on coal and some of the clean-energy initiatives have contributed to the closing of some of the older power plants in my area. My friend's father lost his job after years there. I'm sorry for your father :(

What happened to your friend's father? did he find anything better?

One of the problems in Israel is that too many of the crisises (is the even a word?!) happen in the south. Again I go back to the same point as always, and it sounds sappy, but it still true. What Israel is tested every single day with, and fails most of the times, is how it treats the Negev. And I don't even talk about the conflice, with the rockets and everything, I'm talking day-to-day stuff, the rockets is what people hear because it's connected to the conflict, but the problem in the south is much more serious than that. It is seen with the factories, on to the fact that there are just not enough jobs here, and if there are, the community is escaping to Tel-Aviv or northern Israel or Jerusalem, and that's also due to the fact that things which pull you to come live in a certain place just cannot be found here. I don't think it's logical that in a district that has 1.7 million people, only has 3 hospitals. That doesn't make any kind of sense, whatsoever.

I don't think it's logical that you have to pay a proffesional doctor 80,000 shekels a month to make him want to treat southerners, because it's a fucking hellhole no-one wants to drive to or see people in. Now people talk about bringing factories to the south, which is useless because they either get closed or people give up on them because it's not convenient or worthy to invest in southern Israel. Did you know we have only ONE university in the district? It's one of the best, but it's limited, again, the issue is location.

As a southerner, personally, it leaves me a bit bittered, because it's my home and I see my future in here, I want to. But unless I also want to find a suitable job, matching my proffesion, and I want my future kids to actually have a good life, I have nothing to look for in here. Which is really sad. So again, another problem in need solving
Do they also choose bibi to run our foreign policy? I don't remember electing him.
I see no indication that Bibi is running our foreign policy.

That's because our president isn't a republican.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.
I see no indication that Bibi is running our foreign policy.

That's because our president isn't a republican.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

and you seem to be brainless.
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?
They offered to jump-in during Gulf War I (1991), and we told them 'No', because it might piss-off the Saudis, et al, whom we needed at the moment for forward bases.

It seems likely they were asked to sit-tight during the 2003-2004 fracas as well, for the same reason.
Speak for yourself. He has one thing on his mind, and its not Isis, but Iran.

and that's a bad thing?

I hope that's part of it. and The majority of Americans are glad to hear what he has to say. Except the traitors in the Democrat party

Yes as Israel has nukes but Iran has not. He is a war monger and wants Americans to fight war for him, were there any Israel ground troops in Iraq, no sir, just American. You may think its funny Americans fight for Israel but most of us are sick of it.
Israel has enough to handle Iran all by itself. They've only held off because the US has been pleading with Israel since 1990 to not retaliate. All bets are off now.

I see no indication that Bibi is running our foreign policy.

That's because our president isn't a republican.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

What am I not seeing, other than your vision of Bibi and/or Israel controlling the US Congress?
That's because our president isn't a republican.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

and you seem to be brainless.

Yet you can't see the obvious.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

and you seem to be brainless.

Yet you can't see the obvious.

Ohhh I can see alright!

That's the problem!
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?
That's because our president isn't a republican.
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

What am I not seeing, other than your vision of Bibi and/or Israel controlling the US Congress?

Well that is kind of a big thing.
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd
Why don't you move to Israel, since you're more loyal to their country, than you are to this one?
The United States goes its own way and forges its own foreign policy, regardless of which party has its mouthpiece in the Oval Office.

I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

What am I not seeing, other than your vision of Bibi and/or Israel controlling the US Congress?

Well that is kind of a big thing.
Oh, that's all, then... I thought maybe there was something else that I was overlooking.

What evidence do you have, that the United States Congress is controlled by Israel, or by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu?
Speak for yourself. He has one thing on his mind, and its not Isis, but Iran.

and that's a bad thing?

I hope that's part of it. and The majority of Americans are glad to hear what he has to say. Except the traitors in the Democrat party

Yes as Israel has nukes but Iran has not. He is a war monger and wants Americans to fight war for him, were there any Israel ground troops in Iraq, no sir, just American. You may think its funny Americans fight for Israel but most of us are sick of it.
Israel has enough to handle Iran all by itself. They've only held off because the US has been pleading with Israel since 1990 to not retaliate. All bets are off now.


It was talked through and through, the original source is not credible, and I honestly find it hard to believe. Even the far rightists in Israel believe it's pure nonsense.
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd
Why don't you move to Israel, since you're more loyal to their country, than you are to this one?
Did our colleague give any indication that he/she/it was being more loyal to Israel than to the United States? Link?
I'm pretty sure bibi owns congress right now.
Well, then, I bow to your impressive powers of prediction, because my own crystal ball has shown me no such thing.

That because you are blind.

What am I not seeing, other than your vision of Bibi and/or Israel controlling the US Congress?

Well that is kind of a big thing.
Oh, that's all, then... I thought maybe there was something else that I was overlooking.

What evidence do you have, that the United States Congress is controlled by Israel, or by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu?

They have brought him in so they can receive his orders.
...Well that is a problem then. Any good leader should want peace...
It's not a problem.

The primary role of any national leader is to ensure the survival of his nation, regardless of his personal desires.

All else - including peace - is secondary.

Also, it is also slightly difficult to make peace with those who have sworn to erase your nation from the face of the earth and to drown you and your people in the sea.

...Yes we give them free arms and we get what again?
Advance bases, a tripwire, and a bulwark against the savages of the Middle East. A buffer, and an ally that isn't too chickenshit to actually fight.

So we help them fight all their enemies. What a deal for them. How many troops they send against saddam?

Israel has its own enemies to fight. And it has about 7 million people. It's impossible to send troops to fight so far away, Israel doesn't have enough men. It can send people to fight in Iraq but how many will it have to defend Israel's backyard?

Are you seriously even pointing this out? don't you think? you compare a place of 300 million people to a tiny state of 7 million? are you sane, people?

Ok so what have they done for us then?

The Mossad is helping USA fight Islamic terror through wide intelligence and information. Now you can roll your eyes and say all kind of things about the Mossad, but this is what they know best of doing, and credit's when credits due
Dear Prime Minister:

The majority of Americans want to hear from you. We are looking forward to your speech as it will be refreshing to hear from a true leader and statesman as we sorely lack one. You are a great orator and thank you for taking this opportunity to speak to us. Hope you had a good flight today.

B. Kidd
Why don't you move to Israel, since you're more loyal to their country, than you are to this one?

You have got to be kiddin'.......I already answered that.

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