Greece's Dept Is A Problem That Won't Go Away


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2015
Recently many people think that Greece has become rather obnoxious and unruly to the members of the euro-zone who have continually loaned it the money to stave off default. It appears that at least inside Greece they have accepted the argument that they are the victims of lenders willing to allow the country to fall deeply in debt. It is clear the people of Greece have decided they no longer want an agenda of austerity and what they see as economic destruction.

Sadly, a conflict or problem exist within these policies because the Greeks deplore paying taxes to the government supplying these gifts. It appears those in power will again try to devise another way to kick the can down the road. Below is more details on why this is a problem that simply won't go away and a copy of the open letter to the German people written by Greece's new leader.
Greece is heading deeper into the abyss, sadly.For decades they chose a generous social state in an anemic economy. In doing so the drachma became virtually worthless, but then along came the Euro allowing the state to borrow without any control. Now that the chickens have come home, it seems that it's the fault of the Germans, the rich, multinationals, the banks, tax dodgers and pretty much anyone or anything save government spending,
They have accepted that they, the Greeks, are victims for accepting loans they couldn't pay back?


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