Wear a Mask in Public or Give Your Godvernment $500

If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.
So can the flu. Are you trying to say that we all have to wear masks in public forever? BTW, that is not a social cost. A social cost is turning Nazi and turning freedom loving American's into the authorities for not doing what you claim you are 'just asking' people to do.
All laws and regulations are because of stupid actions by people. Put on your fucking mask!
Stupid people like you who destroy freedom for no reason other than your own fears. There is NO law that can force Me to wear a mask or act against My own interests unless there is a compelling risk of loss of life.

This virus has less than 1/2 of 1% risk of death.

THAT is not a compelling risk of life.

If you want to keep society safe, stay the fuck home.

And wash your skanky ass and hands.
136K US deaths is a compelling number to me, but I'm not a self-centered puke like you.
Medical errors result in as many as 440,000 deaths a year.
Cancer results in 600,000 deaths per year
Heart disease results in 600,000 deaths per year.

Those are all AVOIDABLE, but it mean giving up your rights a a free human being to reduce these deaths

Reducing medical errors would reduce your rights? How?

Also, heart disease is contageous.
(sar) Heart disease means I can't eat Tex-ass BBQ everyday, and I have to excercise, both of which are a violation of my rights!
Why do you care if I don’t wear a mask while you are?
Same reason as if I was hunting with you. Even if I make sure my gun is rendered safe, I care if you walk around with one in the chamber, the safety off, and your finger on the trigger.
That’s stupid, what’s going to go off at you, and how do you get it? Why do I need a mask if you have one on?

Are you saying my air will penetrate your mask? Then that proves the mask useless right? Can’t be any other explanation.
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If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.
So can the flu. Are you trying to say that we all have to wear masks in public forever? BTW, that is not a social cost. A social cost is turning Nazi and turning freedom loving American's into the authorities for not doing what you claim you are 'just asking' people to do.
All laws and regulations are because of stupid actions by people. Put on your fucking mask!
Stupid people like you who destroy freedom for no reason other than your own fears. There is NO law that can force Me to wear a mask or act against My own interests unless there is a compelling risk of loss of life.

This virus has less than 1/2 of 1% risk of death.

THAT is not a compelling risk of life.

If you want to keep society safe, stay the fuck home.

And wash your skanky ass and hands.
136K US deaths is a compelling number to me, but I'm not a self-centered puke like you.
Medical errors result in as many as 440,000 deaths a year.
Cancer results in 600,000 deaths per year
Heart disease results in 600,000 deaths per year.

Those are all AVOIDABLE, but it mean giving up your rights a a free human being to reduce these deaths

Reducing medical errors would reduce your rights? How?

Also, heart disease is contageous.
(sar) Heart disease means I can't eat Tex-ass BBQ everyday, and I have to excercise, both of which are a violation of my rights!
How? You can do both. What’s stopping you, or better yet who is stopping you?
I've said it before and will again. It would be a huge mistake to expect the police to enforce this. They are already not well liked by a large percentage of half the country and if they started enforcing this they will be disliked by a large percentage of the other half also.
OSHA should enforce it. Two entities you NEVER FUCK WITH are OSHA and the IRS.

They better get to hiring.
Beside all the double standards Whitmer has, I also have a natural tendency to distrust someone with a forehead like a cave man. She could rent that thing out for advertising
If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.
So can the flu. Are you trying to say that we all have to wear masks in public forever? BTW, that is not a social cost. A social cost is turning Nazi and turning freedom loving American's into the authorities for not doing what you claim you are 'just asking' people to do.
All laws and regulations are because of stupid actions by people. Put on your fucking mask!
Stupid people like you who destroy freedom for no reason other than your own fears. There is NO law that can force Me to wear a mask or act against My own interests unless there is a compelling risk of loss of life.

This virus has less than 1/2 of 1% risk of death.

THAT is not a compelling risk of life.

If you want to keep society safe, stay the fuck home.

And wash your skanky ass and hands.
136K US deaths is a compelling number to me, but I'm not a self-centered puke like you.
Medical errors result in as many as 440,000 deaths a year.
Cancer results in 600,000 deaths per year
Heart disease results in 600,000 deaths per year.

Those are all AVOIDABLE, but it mean giving up your rights a a free human being to reduce these deaths

Reducing medical errors would reduce your rights? How?

Also, heart disease is contageous.
(sar) Heart disease means I can't eat Tex-ass BBQ everyday, and I have to excercise, both of which are a violation of my rights!

Perhaps, but it isn't violating the rights of others, like when a maskless infects store workers who are just doing their job.
Perhaps, but it isn't violating the rights of others, like when a maskless infects store workers who are just doing their job
How come you can’t explain how that would happen?

so far jc is batting 1000, demofks zip
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  • 108683907_10158238428131539_6325528953797318241_n.jpg
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So put on a mask...not a big deal. All private businesses here require a mask and there's no mandate stating as such.
View attachment 361767
No, no, you got it all wrong. The mask does not protect YOU, it protects other people.

The box was never meant to protect you and you alone.
Well, your wrong on two fronts. The mask doesn't protect you OR the other person.

But you should learn to do things right and not wear the box. It really exposes you to people's ridicule.
Can you blow out a candle from two feet away while wearing a mask? Distancing, six feet. Put your fucking mask on.
Can you even understand that masks don't work because we are not blowing out candles here? The same air that is breathed out without a mask is the same air that is breathed out with a mask. Before you fucking clowns started "asking" us to wear masks, no one coughed or sneezed on others unless they were deliberately doing so. That kind of behavior was frown on and in come cases, were considered criminal.

But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Masks do NOT fucking work.

So, you stop asking Me and I'll stop punching your face bloody.
But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Thus, the six foot distancing. The limiting of the number of people within an area.
And thusly no reason to wear a mask. That was even stated in the TX governors edict.
Except for: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/17/coronavirus-live-updates-us/

At this rate Texas, Arizona, and Florida are going to surpass New York and New Jersey numbers.
136k deaths from failed Democrat policy, but I didn't say compelling as in, "The total number is awful". I said an immediate threat that is compelling. The virus, the covid 19 virus, is less than 1/2 of 1% fatal and then that is based upon the "at risk" group of people.

So, not it is not compelling. Tragic maybe. But then, any death is tragic to the loved ones who have to suffer it. Not a valid argument for shutting down an entire country.
136K deaths because your smelly skidmark failed to act in time. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
So put on a mask...not a big deal. All private businesses here require a mask and there's no mandate stating as such.
View attachment 361767
No, no, you got it all wrong. The mask does not protect YOU, it protects other people.

The box was never meant to protect you and you alone.
Well, your wrong on two fronts. The mask doesn't protect you OR the other person.

But you should learn to do things right and not wear the box. It really exposes you to people's ridicule.
Can you blow out a candle from two feet away while wearing a mask? Distancing, six feet. Put your fucking mask on.
Can you even understand that masks don't work because we are not blowing out candles here? The same air that is breathed out without a mask is the same air that is breathed out with a mask. Before you fucking clowns started "asking" us to wear masks, no one coughed or sneezed on others unless they were deliberately doing so. That kind of behavior was frown on and in come cases, were considered criminal.

But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Masks do NOT fucking work.

So, you stop asking Me and I'll stop punching your face bloody.
But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Thus, the six foot distancing. The limiting of the number of people within an area.
And thusly no reason to wear a mask. That was even stated in the TX governors edict.
Except for: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/06/17/coronavirus-live-updates-us/

At this rate Texas, Arizona, and Florida are going to surpass New York and New Jersey numbers.
136k deaths from failed Democrat policy, but I didn't say compelling as in, "The total number is awful". I said an immediate threat that is compelling. The virus, the covid 19 virus, is less than 1/2 of 1% fatal and then that is based upon the "at risk" group of people.

So, not it is not compelling. Tragic maybe. But then, any death is tragic to the loved ones who have to suffer it. Not a valid argument for shutting down an entire country.
136K deaths because your smelly skidmark failed to act in time. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove my point.
They're all liars like you are.
So put on a mask...not a big deal. All private businesses here require a mask and there's no mandate stating as such.
View attachment 361767
No, no, you got it all wrong. The mask does not protect YOU, it protects other people.

The box was never meant to protect you and you alone.
Well, your wrong on two fronts. The mask doesn't protect you OR the other person.

But you should learn to do things right and not wear the box. It really exposes you to people's ridicule.
Can you blow out a candle from two feet away while wearing a mask? Distancing, six feet. Put your fucking mask on.
Can you even understand that masks don't work because we are not blowing out candles here? The same air that is breathed out without a mask is the same air that is breathed out with a mask. Before you fucking clowns started "asking" us to wear masks, no one coughed or sneezed on others unless they were deliberately doing so. That kind of behavior was frown on and in come cases, were considered criminal.

But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Masks do NOT fucking work.

So, you stop asking Me and I'll stop punching your face bloody.
But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Thus, the six foot distancing. The limiting of the number of people within an area.
Hence, the masks don't work. I can walk around any store and if you don't want to catch what I'm carrying, you walk a different way.

You see, its all on you. If people not wearing masks scare you, then stay the fuck home. Problem solved.

Enforce actions on things YOU can control. When you try to control Me, bad things are going to happen to you.
So what do you recommend?
What was recommended before this became political.

We have identified those who are at risk and stand a good chance of being severely affected by this virus, or even killed by it.

We isolate those people. We all have elderly that are at risk. We isolate them and care for them during this crisis until we reach a point where the majority of the population becomes a nonfactor in transmitting the disease. That is called "herd immunity". We already know that those who are naturally immune or who have contracted the virus are very likely to not transmit to anyone.

So, you do the shopping for the elderly, ensure that the provisions are cleaned and not a threat and if need be, provide money to them to keep them entertained. Vist them but maintain the social distancing recommended.

For those who are not elderly, but fall into the 'at risk' category because of their health, you isolate them and provide them with assurances that they won't lose their jobs for being isolated. You pass a law that makes it a crime for a company to fire someone who is at risk and isolated for their own life/health.

The rest of you people go back to work. If you get the virus, it is very likely that you won't even know beyond a sniffle or two. If you do get pretty sick, then follow recommendations of your local health authorities in-home treatment.

Whatever you do, do NOT let them put you on a ventilator. Those machines kill.

Fine people who act like Nazi's and report others who don't follow their idea of what should be done.

Open the Fucking country up and get back to work!
Open the Fucking country up and get back to work!

That's what the Republicans did in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Look what happened.
If Whitmer wasn't such an asshole, people would be more inclined to pay attention to her.
How was/is Whitmer an "asshole," and don't say "seeds" "boating" "traveling to your vacation home" which all have already been disproven.

Michigan is doing much better than most southern red states.
If it is our opinion that Whitmer and you are both assholes your only choice is to accept it, or stomp your feet like the little girl you are
I base my opinion on fact. If you want to have a factual debate, lets go. If you want to bloviate stupidity, go away foreigner.
Who the hell will enforce it as city dwelling idiots defund and dismantle the Police?
Demofks confused again
Murder, rape and robbery all up. Reckless driving and speeding is up in all states since the shutdowns and the freeways saw light traffic.
These idiots worry about frickin masks.

They wonder why no one takes them seriously.
Fuck em.
So put on a mask...not a big deal. All private businesses here require a mask and there's no mandate stating as such.
View attachment 361767
No, no, you got it all wrong. The mask does not protect YOU, it protects other people.

The box was never meant to protect you and you alone.
Well, your wrong on two fronts. The mask doesn't protect you OR the other person.

But you should learn to do things right and not wear the box. It really exposes you to people's ridicule.
Can you blow out a candle from two feet away while wearing a mask? Distancing, six feet. Put your fucking mask on.
Can you even understand that masks don't work because we are not blowing out candles here? The same air that is breathed out without a mask is the same air that is breathed out with a mask. Before you fucking clowns started "asking" us to wear masks, no one coughed or sneezed on others unless they were deliberately doing so. That kind of behavior was frown on and in come cases, were considered criminal.

But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Masks do NOT fucking work.

So, you stop asking Me and I'll stop punching your face bloody.
But if a person is breathing and you walk through the same space they just occupied, you're breathing the same air. Mask or no mask.

Thus, the six foot distancing. The limiting of the number of people within an area.
Hence, the masks don't work. I can walk around any store and if you don't want to catch what I'm carrying, you walk a different way.

You see, its all on you. If people not wearing masks scare you, then stay the fuck home. Problem solved.

Enforce actions on things YOU can control. When you try to control Me, bad things are going to happen to you.
So what do you recommend?
What was recommended before this became political.

We have identified those who are at risk and stand a good chance of being severely affected by this virus, or even killed by it.

We isolate those people. We all have elderly that are at risk. We isolate them and care for them during this crisis until we reach a point where the majority of the population becomes a nonfactor in transmitting the disease. That is called "herd immunity". We already know that those who are naturally immune or who have contracted the virus are very likely to not transmit to anyone.

So, you do the shopping for the elderly, ensure that the provisions are cleaned and not a threat and if need be, provide money to them to keep them entertained. Vist them but maintain the social distancing recommended.

For those who are not elderly, but fall into the 'at risk' category because of their health, you isolate them and provide them with assurances that they won't lose their jobs for being isolated. You pass a law that makes it a crime for a company to fire someone who is at risk and isolated for their own life/health.

The rest of you people go back to work. If you get the virus, it is very likely that you won't even know beyond a sniffle or two. If you do get pretty sick, then follow recommendations of your local health authorities in-home treatment.

Whatever you do, do NOT let them put you on a ventilator. Those machines kill.

Fine people who act like Nazi's and report others who don't follow their idea of what should be done.

Open the Fucking country up and get back to work!
Open the Fucking country up and get back to work!

That's what the Republicans did in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. Look what happened.
Yes, looting, rioting burning thugs got together and spread the virus.
Who the hell will enforce it as city dwelling idiots defund and dismantle the Police?
Demofks confused again
Murder, rape and robbery all up. Reckless driving and speeding is up in all states since the shutdowns and the freeways saw light traffic.
These idiots worry about frickin masks.

They wonder why no one takes them seriously.
Fuck em.
Actually, most people take it seriously. You have spent to much time in mutual taffy pulling sessions with your fellow cultists. You people are far outnumbered. Step outside the bubble for a sec and take a look.
Actually, most people take it seriously. You have spent to much time in mutual taffy pulling sessions with your fellow cultists. You people are far outnumbered. Step outside the bubble for a sec and take a look
I see no one like you

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