Mayor Johnson ejects Chicago residents from meeting amid heated clash over illegal immigrant funding


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) ejected residents from a city council meeting amid a heated clash over funding for illegal immigrants.

During Monday's meeting, several residents spoke against the mayor's handling of the immigration crisis and his proposed 2025 budget.

Despite the community's pushback, Johnson's budget proposal passed. It took the mayor six weeks to gather the narrow 26 votes necessary to approve the controversial plan.

One of the residents' primary concerns about the budget was the inclusion of a $40 million short-term loan, given that the city is already in debt.

Jessica Jackson, a resident wearing a "Chicago flips red" shirt, confronted Johnson during the public comment period.

"We gonna talk about this budget, about the strange things that's happening, because again, your name was on this executive order of May 2023, this executive order for immigration, migrants, and refugee rights," she stated. "You caused all this money to go to illegal immigrants."

Jackson called for an audit of the taxpayer funds used to address the sanctuary city's illegal immigrant crisis.

Sharon Abbott, a Chicago resident, accused Johnson of violating his oath of office by failing to protect the city from the illegal alien "invasion."

"No one appointed a monarch to rule over the people of Chicago. Rather, as mayor, your duty is to serve the public, and you are bound by the parameters of the Constitution only to act by the consent of the people," she said.

Another resident, David Mason, expressed frustration over the city's numerous taxes, noting that Johnson has previously voted to adopt higher charges.

"It's not a surprise that he [Johnson] wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt than what we already owe with the $1.2 billion deficit," Mason remarked.

"But it's your fault because you gave half the money to illegals," he continued. "It's lazy governing is what you call it, so let's not forget that we gotta watch these poli-tricks."

A fourth resident, who identified himself as "The Chicago Conservative," slammed Johnson for his poor management of the city's budget.

The resident reminded the mayor that incoming border czar Tom Homan had threatened to take legal action against local leaders who knowingly harbor illegal aliens.

"You spent over $574 million on illegal immigrants here in Chicago, Illinois, since 2022," he stated. "In my personal opinion, I don't think it's a good idea to challenge Tom Homan on this because he's trying to clean up our cities."

As the public comment period wrapped up, one resident in the audience began shouting out of turn.

"We will not accept a fascist America," the man yelled. "We refuse to let our immigrant brothers and sisters be rounded up and hauled off."

Others in the audience responded with boos.

Johnson stated, "Sergeant at arms, please remove these individuals from the chambers."

Last week, Homan said that he plans to begin President-elect Donald Trump's mass deportation efforts in Chicago.

"Chicago is in trouble because your mayor sucks and your governor sucks. And we're going to start right here in Chicago, Illinois," he declared. "Now, if your Chicago mayor doesn't want to help, he can step aside. But if he impedes us, if he knowingly harbors or conceals an illegal alien, I will prosecute him."

The people of Chicago lost control of their government long ago. Their opinions no longer matter. There is no going back, Chi town is far too corrupt to allow the people to have control ever again.
dimocraps be like --


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) ejected residents from a city council meeting amid a heated clash over funding for illegal immigrants.

During Monday's meeting, several residents spoke against the mayor's handling of the immigration crisis and his proposed 2025 budget.

Despite the community's pushback, Johnson's budget proposal passed. It took the mayor six weeks to gather the narrow 26 votes necessary to approve the controversial plan.

One of the residents' primary concerns about the budget was the inclusion of a $40 million short-term loan, given that the city is already in debt.

Jessica Jackson, a resident wearing a "Chicago flips red" shirt, confronted Johnson during the public comment period.

"We gonna talk about this budget, about the strange things that's happening, because again, your name was on this executive order of May 2023, this executive order for immigration, migrants, and refugee rights," she stated. "You caused all this money to go to illegal immigrants."

Jackson called for an audit of the taxpayer funds used to address the sanctuary city's illegal immigrant crisis.

Sharon Abbott, a Chicago resident, accused Johnson of violating his oath of office by failing to protect the city from the illegal alien "invasion."

"No one appointed a monarch to rule over the people of Chicago. Rather, as mayor, your duty is to serve the public, and you are bound by the parameters of the Constitution only to act by the consent of the people," she said.

Another resident, David Mason, expressed frustration over the city's numerous taxes, noting that Johnson has previously voted to adopt higher charges.

"It's not a surprise that he [Johnson] wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt than what we already owe with the $1.2 billion deficit," Mason remarked.

"But it's your fault because you gave half the money to illegals," he continued. "It's lazy governing is what you call it, so let's not forget that we gotta watch these poli-tricks."

A fourth resident, who identified himself as "The Chicago Conservative," slammed Johnson for his poor management of the city's budget.

The resident reminded the mayor that incoming border czar Tom Homan had threatened to take legal action against local leaders who knowingly harbor illegal aliens.

"You spent over $574 million on illegal immigrants here in Chicago, Illinois, since 2022," he stated. "In my personal opinion, I don't think it's a good idea to challenge Tom Homan on this because he's trying to clean up our cities."

As the public comment period wrapped up, one resident in the audience began shouting out of turn.

"We will not accept a fascist America," the man yelled. "We refuse to let our immigrant brothers and sisters be rounded up and hauled off."

Others in the audience responded with boos.

Johnson stated, "Sergeant at arms, please remove these individuals from the chambers."

Last week, Homan said that he plans to begin President-elect Donald Trump's mass deportation efforts in Chicago.

"Chicago is in trouble because your mayor sucks and your governor sucks. And we're going to start right here in Chicago, Illinois," he declared. "Now, if your Chicago mayor doesn't want to help, he can step aside. But if he impedes us, if he knowingly harbors or conceals an illegal alien, I will prosecute him."

The people of Chicago lost control of their government long ago. Their opinions no longer matter. There is no going back, Chi town is far too corrupt to allow the people to have control ever again.

Sire! The Peasants are Revolting?

Yes, and the smell as well!

Is Johnson going to go with "let them eat sanctuary status"?
Sire! The Peasants are Revolting?

Yes, and the smell as well!

Is Johnson going to go with "let them eat sanctuary status"?
Johnson will be protected by the criminal political powers that be in Chi town

He can rule and act as he pleases, which is why he dismissed the peasant revolt and spit on them as they leave.
Johnson will be protected by the criminal political powers that be in Chi town

He can rule and act as he pleases, which is why he dismissed the peasant revolt and spit on them as they leave.

It's hard to believe his constituents are allowing themselves to be treated like that. True slave mentality.
The open border is all part of the WEF/Democrat plot to intentionally collapse America and usher in the great reset.

Democrats = traitors


Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) ejected residents from a city council meeting amid a heated clash over funding for illegal immigrants.

During Monday's meeting, several residents spoke against the mayor's handling of the immigration crisis and his proposed 2025 budget.

Despite the community's pushback, Johnson's budget proposal passed. It took the mayor six weeks to gather the narrow 26 votes necessary to approve the controversial plan.

One of the residents' primary concerns about the budget was the inclusion of a $40 million short-term loan, given that the city is already in debt.

Jessica Jackson, a resident wearing a "Chicago flips red" shirt, confronted Johnson during the public comment period.

"We gonna talk about this budget, about the strange things that's happening, because again, your name was on this executive order of May 2023, this executive order for immigration, migrants, and refugee rights," she stated. "You caused all this money to go to illegal immigrants."

Jackson called for an audit of the taxpayer funds used to address the sanctuary city's illegal immigrant crisis.

Sharon Abbott, a Chicago resident, accused Johnson of violating his oath of office by failing to protect the city from the illegal alien "invasion."

"No one appointed a monarch to rule over the people of Chicago. Rather, as mayor, your duty is to serve the public, and you are bound by the parameters of the Constitution only to act by the consent of the people," she said.

Another resident, David Mason, expressed frustration over the city's numerous taxes, noting that Johnson has previously voted to adopt higher charges.

"It's not a surprise that he [Johnson] wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt than what we already owe with the $1.2 billion deficit," Mason remarked.

"But it's your fault because you gave half the money to illegals," he continued. "It's lazy governing is what you call it, so let's not forget that we gotta watch these poli-tricks."

A fourth resident, who identified himself as "The Chicago Conservative," slammed Johnson for his poor management of the city's budget.

The resident reminded the mayor that incoming border czar Tom Homan had threatened to take legal action against local leaders who knowingly harbor illegal aliens.

"You spent over $574 million on illegal immigrants here in Chicago, Illinois, since 2022," he stated. "In my personal opinion, I don't think it's a good idea to challenge Tom Homan on this because he's trying to clean up our cities."

As the public comment period wrapped up, one resident in the audience began shouting out of turn.

"We will not accept a fascist America," the man yelled. "We refuse to let our immigrant brothers and sisters be rounded up and hauled off."

Others in the audience responded with boos.

Johnson stated, "Sergeant at arms, please remove these individuals from the chambers."

Last week, Homan said that he plans to begin President-elect Donald Trump's mass deportation efforts in Chicago.

"Chicago is in trouble because your mayor sucks and your governor sucks. And we're going to start right here in Chicago, Illinois," he declared. "Now, if your Chicago mayor doesn't want to help, he can step aside. But if he impedes us, if he knowingly harbors or conceals an illegal alien, I will prosecute him."

The people of Chicago lost control of their government long ago. Their opinions no longer matter. There is no going back, Chi town is far too corrupt to allow the people to have control ever again.
Time for a recall of the tinpot dictator Mayor Johnson. This douche bag has actually made Lori Lightfoot look good.
Johnson will be protected by the criminal political powers that be in Chi town

He can rule and act as he pleases, which is why he dismissed the peasant revolt and spit on them as they leave.

The People of Chicago are quite aware of 'The Machine' in Chicago and have accepted it for a LONG time.

Fuck 'em. They deserve whatever happens.

IOW, you get the government you deserve. People think that government is the fault in these shitholes like Chit-Town, New Yawk, Philthydelphia, Bawstawn, Sang Frang, etc.

It isn't the government. It's the people. The people are shit. They are gutless, nutless, parasites dependent on the piles of feces that they pick the worms from to survive.

People are shit, not governments. If The People of Chicago wanted to, they could change the way that shithole is run -- Tomorrow. But they're perfectly happy living in a pile of shit. Because they, themselves, are shit.

Don't like it? Change it, do something about it, or shut the fuck up. But they won't. Because -- They are shit

The main reason I am thinking about leaving my home of 48 years in Florida is because the scum-sucking filth of America's shit-cities is moving in and soiling the Skyline with their ugliness. Their attitudes, their "Me-First", bump you out of line, cut you off, fuck-you, I-Only-Care-About-Me bullshit.

And we get the top, the best 5% of them!!!!

Maybe things will change with Trump. Believe it or not, I already see it. People are -- Happier. Everywhere. Everybody. There is "Hope' where there was none before.

We shall see

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) ejected residents from a city council meeting amid a heated clash over funding for illegal immigrants.

During Monday's meeting, several residents spoke against the mayor's handling of the immigration crisis and his proposed 2025 budget.

Despite the community's pushback, Johnson's budget proposal passed. It took the mayor six weeks to gather the narrow 26 votes necessary to approve the controversial plan.

One of the residents' primary concerns about the budget was the inclusion of a $40 million short-term loan, given that the city is already in debt.

Jessica Jackson, a resident wearing a "Chicago flips red" shirt, confronted Johnson during the public comment period.

"We gonna talk about this budget, about the strange things that's happening, because again, your name was on this executive order of May 2023, this executive order for immigration, migrants, and refugee rights," she stated. "You caused all this money to go to illegal immigrants."

Jackson called for an audit of the taxpayer funds used to address the sanctuary city's illegal immigrant crisis.

Sharon Abbott, a Chicago resident, accused Johnson of violating his oath of office by failing to protect the city from the illegal alien "invasion."

"No one appointed a monarch to rule over the people of Chicago. Rather, as mayor, your duty is to serve the public, and you are bound by the parameters of the Constitution only to act by the consent of the people," she said.

Another resident, David Mason, expressed frustration over the city's numerous taxes, noting that Johnson has previously voted to adopt higher charges.

"It's not a surprise that he [Johnson] wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt than what we already owe with the $1.2 billion deficit," Mason remarked.

"But it's your fault because you gave half the money to illegals," he continued. "It's lazy governing is what you call it, so let's not forget that we gotta watch these poli-tricks."

A fourth resident, who identified himself as "The Chicago Conservative," slammed Johnson for his poor management of the city's budget.

The resident reminded the mayor that incoming border czar Tom Homan had threatened to take legal action against local leaders who knowingly harbor illegal aliens.

"You spent over $574 million on illegal immigrants here in Chicago, Illinois, since 2022," he stated. "In my personal opinion, I don't think it's a good idea to challenge Tom Homan on this because he's trying to clean up our cities."

As the public comment period wrapped up, one resident in the audience began shouting out of turn.

"We will not accept a fascist America," the man yelled. "We refuse to let our immigrant brothers and sisters be rounded up and hauled off."

Others in the audience responded with boos.

Johnson stated, "Sergeant at arms, please remove these individuals from the chambers."

Last week, Homan said that he plans to begin President-elect Donald Trump's mass deportation efforts in Chicago.

"Chicago is in trouble because your mayor sucks and your governor sucks. And we're going to start right here in Chicago, Illinois," he declared. "Now, if your Chicago mayor doesn't want to help, he can step aside. But if he impedes us, if he knowingly harbors or conceals an illegal alien, I will prosecute him."

The people of Chicago lost control of their government long ago. Their opinions no longer matter. There is no going back, Chi town is far too corrupt to allow the people to have control ever again.
Afterwords the violent group of xenophobic white fuckups went to a Mexican restaurant to discuss sheets.
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) ejected residents from a city council meeting amid a heated clash over funding for illegal immigrants.

So, in short, another democrat elected to office as a representative of the people who doesn't represent the people but has them thrown out of the room for complaining about his poor service then takes their hard earned money and spends it on people who are not even citizens of the country, yet democrats still have no idea why they lost.
So, in short, another democrat elected to office as a representative of the people who doesn't represent the people but has them thrown out of the room for complaining about his poor service then takes their hard earned money and spends it on people who are not even citizens of the country, yet democrats still have no idea why they lost.
Sounds like maga in regard to common sense gun laws, abortion and climate change.

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