Wear a Mask in Public or Give Your Godvernment $500

If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.

Doesnt the flu do the same? So maybe we should protect people from the cost of social loss. The social cost of driving is awfully high, we should ban driving. Lots of people drown, let’s stop swimming. Add to that people that smoke, overeat, drink, we ban all of that then the social cost would drop considerably, wouldn’t it?
Exactly! There is a cost that we must bear as free citizens. Government can recommend. Here they've crossed the line.
You lost all credibility when you excused "protesters" and when we saw our governors marching shoulder to shoulder with the rabble while giving iut $1,000 tickets to church goers sitting in their own cars.
Mississippi churchgoers fined $500 for attending drive-in service

Churchgoers who attended a drive-in service at a church in Greenville, Mississippi, were fined $500 for reportedly violating a curfew order from the mayor.

You left out they were breaking a curfew. Which is the same reason Trump send in the police, and federal troops with tear gas to remove peaceful protesters from Lafayette park.
Never heard of that incident. I was specifically thinking of Kentucky and their new DEMOCRAT governor
Doesnt the flu do the same?
Didn't think i would hear someone compare it to the flu again. Apparently there is one in every crowd...

Love how you edited me and took it out of context.

If we wear masks 24/7/365 we will same more lives. The person I was responding to claim social loss for losing just one person to Covid-19. So if you are worried for one person losing his life to Covid-19, what about one person losing their life to the flu, is their life socially acceptable? If not according to your left wing bud, we should wear mask 24/7/365. You disagree with him?
You lost all credibility when you excused "protesters" and when we saw our governors marching shoulder to shoulder with the rabble while giving iut $1,000 tickets to church goers sitting in their own cars.
Mississippi churchgoers fined $500 for attending drive-in service

Churchgoers who attended a drive-in service at a church in Greenville, Mississippi, were fined $500 for reportedly violating a curfew order from the mayor.

You left out they were breaking a curfew. Which is the same reason Trump send in the police, and federal troops with tear gas to remove peaceful protesters from Lafayette park.

Isn’t that the church where the mayor looked like an asshole for trying to violate their Constitutional rights and he cancelled the fines and changed his order because the DOJ came down on him? Great mayor, I bet you’d vote for someone like him.

As far as the peaceful protest, that was wrong as well. However the left supports one and not the other. I guess some feel the Constitution is good for one group and not the other.
Of course, what is unconstitutional is making laws/EOs and then saying they don't apply to churches, because religion.
You lost all credibility when you excused "protesters" and when we saw our governors marching shoulder to shoulder with the rabble while giving iut $1,000 tickets to church goers sitting in their own cars.
Mississippi churchgoers fined $500 for attending drive-in service

Churchgoers who attended a drive-in service at a church in Greenville, Mississippi, were fined $500 for reportedly violating a curfew order from the mayor.

You left out they were breaking a curfew. Which is the same reason Trump send in the police, and federal troops with tear gas to remove peaceful protesters from Lafayette park.

Isn’t that the church where the mayor looked like an asshole for trying to violate their Constitutional rights and he cancelled the fines and changed his order because the DOJ came down on him? Great mayor, I bet you’d vote for someone like him.

As far as the peaceful protest, that was wrong as well. However the left supports one and not the other. I guess some feel the Constitution is good for one group and not the other.
Of course, what is unconstitutional is making laws/EOs and then saying they don't apply to churches, because religion.

Religious freedoms are a Constitutional Rights. Look up Supreme Court rulings throughout history. The group was a target of the mayor’s curfew, that is why the mayor collapsed so quickly.
Love how you edited me and took it out of context
Which changed the meaning in no way whatsoever. You are comparing this to flu and embarrassing yourself. Mightily.

Yeah it did, however you are just incapable of understanding logic. What is really strange is you believe dying from Covid-19 is worse than dying from other causes. Let me know if you want to speak rationally on the issue or you just want to troll. I’m not interested in your dishonesty.
Religious freedoms are a Constitutional Rights.
So what? Nobody told them they couldn't pray or believe whatever religion they like.

The curfew applied to gatherings. Congregations are gatherings. You are suggesting we should alter rules with respect to religion. Unconstitutional.
Religious freedoms are a Constitutional Rights.
So what? Nobody told them they couldn't pray or believe whatever religion they like.

The curfew applied to gatherings. Congregations are gatherings. You are suggesting we should alter rules with respect to religion. Unconstitutional.

No matter the mayor saw how stupid and unreasonable he was and backed off.
If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.

Doesnt the flu do the same? So maybe we should protect people from the cost of social loss. The social cost of driving is awfully high, we should ban driving. Lots of people drown, let’s stop swimming. Add to that people that smoke, overeat, drink, we ban all of that then the social cost would drop considerably, wouldn’t it?

Swimming is banned in certain locations. There are speed limits. We are expected to wear clothing in public. There are many social expectations that are enforced by laws and regulations. This is one that happens to affect others more than it affects the wearer.
Driving and being on a phone against the law! 75% still do it
Anyone who enters a store of other public arena without a mask and yells or coughs on any other person should be arrested and charged with an assault of a deadly weapon. If the victim within 14 days of the assault become infected, the charge should be update to Attempted Murder.
If you infect one person, the social cost will be higher than that. So I guess $500 is a bargain rate.
The social cost?

Infecting one person leads to others getting infected, such as the person's immediate family. It can result in tens of thousnds of dollar in co-pays. It can lead to children losing parents, and so on.
So can the flu. Are you trying to say that we all have to wear masks in public forever? BTW, that is not a social cost. A social cost is turning Nazi and turning freedom loving American's into the authorities for not doing what you claim you are 'just asking' people to do.
All laws and regulations are because of stupid actions by people. Put on your fucking mask!
I'm not a leftie so roiting ain't gonna happen. But I WILL remember, and I WILL work to throw the bitch out. Shes destroying the state.

I love it, everyone will need to wear a mask, if she enforces it. I think they should ticket a person 50 bucks everytime they get caught without a mask.
They should ticket someone everytime they express an opinion in public. $100
Nope just when they refuse to wear a mask.
Refusing to wear a mask is an opinion based in science.
No its not, its based on science but not an opinion. You wear shoes and shirts in a store don't you? So now wear a mask. I hate masks as much as the next con, but if you guys wear a mask the sooner we won't need to.
That's not how real life works.

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