We Must Start Planning For a Permanent Pandemic

With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Progs are despicable people.
I fail to see how "progs" enter into a global pandemic.

I do however see climate change denial is a problem with future pandemics from a warming climate.

Well nobody has ever accused you of being too bright. You Progs live in deep fear. You lock down, we'll watch.

No, the ones who live in deep fear day are the ones who can't handle the reality of a pandemic so they continue to deny it to themselves every day. Normal mature ppl have accepted it, moved on, and are actively finding ways to deal with it. Meanwhile, those who can't have created an alternative reality to live in where 600,000 ppl didn't just die from a deadly virus, where they think Bill Gates is trying to microchip them with "his" vaccine, and where every goddam thing is now a conspiracy to kill humanity. These are the thoughts of unstable ppl who's fears have overidden whatever intelligence and logic they might have had at one point in their lives.
Must be awful to live in that much fear all the time.
With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Progs are despicable people.
What this says is when their power is complete and built on misinformation and stealing, that their policies in total power will not be good for the general public. Real rights will be very limited. Although we all will be able to ph uk anything that moves and even dead and does not complain.
Go back to school and this time pay attention.

Your unions won't allow them all to reopen.
With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Progs are despicable people.
I fail to see how "progs" enter into a global pandemic.

I do however see climate change denial is a problem with future pandemics from a warming climate.

Well nobody has ever accused you of being too bright. You Progs live in deep fear. You lock down, we'll watch.

No, the ones who live in deep fear day are the ones who can't handle the reality of a pandemic so they continue to deny it to themselves every day. Normal mature ppl have accepted it, moved on, and are actively finding ways to deal with it. Meanwhile, those who can't have created an alternative reality to live in where 600,000 ppl didn't just die from a deadly virus, where they think Bill Gates is trying to microchip them with "his" vaccine, and where every goddam thing is now a conspiracy to kill humanity. These are the thoughts of unstable ppl who's fears have overidden whatever intelligence and logic they might have had at one point in their lives.

Your ignorance is duly noted. The bug has less than 2% mortality rate and those that die have between 1-3 co- morbidities. Fears? I don't wear a mask, I'm not getting the "not a vaccine" , don't Social Distance and I go wherever I want. Reality suggests that you a frightened little beta boi who cowers in his home.
With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Progs are despicable people.
Bullshit. Mutations are far more likely to render a virus inert than more lethal. Has covid actually mutated into a more lethal strain? If it had it would be self-evident by now. Far as I'm concerned covid has become political agenda instead of an actual disease. Your mileage may vary. Ever read Andromeda Strain? Maybe you should.
Bullshit. Mutations are far more likely to render a virus inert than more lethal. Has covid actually mutated into a more lethal strain? If it had it would be self-evident by now. Far as I'm concerned covid has become political agenda instead of an actual disease. Your mileage may vary. Ever read Andromeda Strain? Maybe you should.
It mutated into Red COVID.

Red Covid
I do however see climate change denial is a problem with future pandemics from a warming climate.
I see the poor decisions liberals are embracing based on their unreasonable fear of global warming ad more damaging than the china pandemic
With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

Progs are despicable people.

It is fascinating that you could read that article and accompany study and come away with nothing but a partisan political statement.

and people wonder why our country is going down the shitter
With coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal.

For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”

This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?

Most epidemics disappear once populations achieve herd immunity and the pathogen has too few vulnerable bodies available as hosts for its self-propagation. This herd protection comes about through the combination of natural immunity in people who’ve recovered from infection and vaccination of the remaining population.

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, however, recent developments suggest that we may never achieve herd immunity. Even the U.S., which leads most other countries in vaccinations and already had large outbreaks, won’t get there. That’s the upshot of an analysis by Christopher Murray at the University of Washington and Peter Piot at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Progs are despicable people.
Ok...where you might once have had a point... you no longer do.

They have discovered a specific antibody that is good for several thousand variants. So now in about a year we will have vaccines that will promote those specific antibodies by our immune systems and we won't have much to concern ourselves with afterwards.

So...in about two years the pandemic will be over. It isn't about Americans getting sufficiently vaccinated as much as it is for places like India, Malaysia, Africa and etc. These are the cesspools of population centers which create these variants.

Once those are actually vaccinated the variants will stop.
It is fascinating that you could read that article and accompany study and come away with nothing but a partisan political statement.

and people wonder why our country is going down the shitter

Not at all, what is fascinating is easily you give in to tyranny.
Not at all, what is fascinating is easily you give in to tyranny.

then you further show your lack of any basic intelligence by suggesting my post supported tyranny in any fashion. Now your OP makes more sense.
So, calling the virus the china pandemic is out?

It's still the COVID-19 virus, but it now roams freely in red state a Merica.
AKA election infection or whatever else anyone with free speech wants to call it. I call it a hoax.
The entirely Scamdemic is the depopulation agenda, they will kill more as 95% by the 'vaccine' and lockdowns.
Covid-1994 Scamdemic has been planned for decades. All governments are lying to their people about the true purpose behind this "pandemic". mRNA 'vaccines' will kill you.
https://thecovidblog.com ; Discover the TRUTH about COVID-19 / Scientists are warning humanity!
Thanks Baron, Good Work!
This corona panic scam is a Divine Judgment. We been bad boys & girls.
There were 4 Heroic Black national Presidents that exposed the Drug bosses' panicfest. And they have all been bumped off.

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