We must BELIEVE the women!


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
good call
..in fact, if we want to be FAIR, we need an investigation committee--with Biden being interrogated
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.
By all means, have a hearing. Call witnesses. See if the not at all credible Ms Reade is willing to testify under oath.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.

Tara Reade is only a side show. A distraction.
No, that would be the smell of surrender. Americans have fully surrendered their Constitution and therefore soon their liberties.
There is no real opposition to the Marxist Revolution.

You must be ecstatic. Except you have no idea the suffering you are desperately bringing for yourself.
Your clue is the radical leftists who are now starving and dying in Venezuela, abandoned by their Marxist heroes they supported and swept into power.
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.

Tara Reade is only a side show. A distraction.
No, that would be the smell of surrender. Americans have fully surrendered their Constitution and therefore soon their liberties.
There is no real opposition to the Marxist Revolution.

You must be ecstatic. Except you have no idea the suffering you are desperately bringing for yourself.
Your clue is the radical leftists who are now starving and dying in Venezuela, abandoned by their Marxist heroes they supported and swept into power.
If Raede is just a distraction, she's your distraction :lol:

The rest of your post is tinfoil ridiculousness...
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.

Tara Reade is only a side show. A distraction.
No, that would be the smell of surrender. Americans have fully surrendered their Constitution and therefore soon their liberties.
There is no real opposition to the Marxist Revolution.

You must be ecstatic. Except you have no idea the suffering you are desperately bringing for yourself.
Your clue is the radical leftists who are now starving and dying in Venezuela, abandoned by their Marxist heroes they supported and swept into power.
The deal is Basic is that we must kill the alligator threatening our boat now,,,,IF Biden proves to be an alligator down the line we'll deal with that then Right now we need to put Trump Qanon and other republican sleeze back in the toilet bowl from whence they came
This is very true but if it's your argument that you should vote against hypocrisy that should give a huge boost to the alternative parties.
None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.

Except you didn't find anything like that for Ford. I think the worst thing you said about Ford is that she claimed to be claustrophobic, and you proved that she took a plane ride once.

Raede was proven to be a liar, grifter and nut pretty much right out of the box.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told

Can't be any worse than the clown show you guys stunk up the airwaves with....
If Raede is just a distraction, she's your distraction :lol:
The rest of your post is tinfoil ridiculousness...

100% expected response.
Explained simply by your conditioning.

You can't see the transformation because (at least for now) you agree with it.
Educated and perceptive people CLEARLY see that America is undergoing a Transformation.

The corrupt and woefully inadequate always point to those better equipped as "tinfoil" or "ridiculous"
They even said the same of MANY great scientists in their day. But you would not have a knowledge chest containing that.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
Yep, the Dim Dems ARE good at being hypocrites, aren't they? Just DREADFUL.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

So the dems and their media allies instituted a smear campaign to protect Fingers. Got it!
I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

So the dems and their media allies instituted a smear campaign to protect Fingers. Got it!
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
Believe women who insist on moral equality and doing unto others as others have done unto them, simply for the sake of morals!

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