We forgot something about Biden. He's a nasty liar


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The left claimed that Trump lied 3000 times. On the other hand they are ho-hum about Biden who lies 100 times a day, and his lies are utterly preposterous:


We forgot something about Biden. He’s a nasty liar | Flopping Aces
Joe Biden has moments of lucidity and moments of confusion. He has to be in bed by 7 pm and doesn't get to the office before 9 am. He is clearly cognitively impaired. There has been a lot of focus on that and it is in order but we're sort of forgotten something along the way.
Biden is a galactic liar and he is a nasty person.
Oh, I know he put on the nice old grandpa schtick during the campaign but under that phony veneer he's a prick and a lying prick at that. His smears of late bring all that to mind.
Biden has a long history of lying going back decades and this clip captures the earlier, real Biden.

That mendacity ruined his first Presidential aspirations. He hasn't changed and he's just as nasty as ever.
Biden gave license to the worst instincts on the left with his repeated sneering references to all Republicans and especially Donald Trump. At one point, he actually accused Trump of letting immigrant children “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.
He said it in a room full of 30 supposed journalists and not a single one challenged him or even asked whether he meant it literally. In fact, not a single one challenged him on any of his falsehoods.
More from Mark Simone
Biden said in the September 12, 2019 debate: "We didn't lock people up in cages. We didn't separate families. We didn't do all of those things, number one. They did"
  • Not true, all those pictures you saw of the cages were taken in 2014 during his time in office.
Joe Biden has repeatedly said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.
  • There is absolutely no truth to this, as Biden was later forced to confess
Biden said on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show: “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.”
  • Not true. The NAACP has never endorsed any candidate
On September 3, 2019 in an NPR interview, referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  • Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war and voted for the resolution to go to war
On August 7, 2019 – Joe Biden claimed that Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  • He never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang members were doing that
Yes, the gentleman is a liar, plagiarist, mediocrity, and the very model of white privilege (as defined by Ms. Hillary),

But, by golly, he is sitting in the Oval Office, and The Donald is not.

So give him credit for (finally) achieving his goal of becoming President.

Of course, in his current mental (and physical) condition, he is putty in the hands of his "advisers" (AKA caregivers), so he probably does not remember most of the words that they tell him to say.

The 80,000,000 who (reputedly) voted for him do NOT care about him anyway. They are just delighted that The Donald is out and that the Dem left-wing elements are now in command.

Look for a lot of "interesting" changes coming during the next four years under Mr. Biden -- or under Ms. Harris.
He is also two faced about Anita Hill/Thomas and Ford/Kavanaugh use of the FBI in the investigations.

A big no the first time around (The FBI report doesn't support Hill at all) but a loud yes the second time around (Doesn't support Ford anyway) he is a partisan bigot.
The left claimed that Trump lied 3000 times. On the other hand they are ho-hum about Biden who lies 100 times a day, and his lies are utterly preposterous:


We forgot something about Biden. He’s a nasty liar | Flopping Aces
Joe Biden has moments of lucidity and moments of confusion. He has to be in bed by 7 pm and doesn't get to the office before 9 am. He is clearly cognitively impaired. There has been a lot of focus on that and it is in order but we're sort of forgotten something along the way.
Biden is a galactic liar and he is a nasty person.
Oh, I know he put on the nice old grandpa schtick during the campaign but under that phony veneer he's a prick and a lying prick at that. His smears of late bring all that to mind.
Biden has a long history of lying going back decades and this clip captures the earlier, real Biden.

That mendacity ruined his first Presidential aspirations. He hasn't changed and he's just as nasty as ever.
Biden gave license to the worst instincts on the left with his repeated sneering references to all Republicans and especially Donald Trump. At one point, he actually accused Trump of letting immigrant children “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.
He said it in a room full of 30 supposed journalists and not a single one challenged him or even asked whether he meant it literally. In fact, not a single one challenged him on any of his falsehoods.
More from Mark Simone
Biden said in the September 12, 2019 debate: "We didn't lock people up in cages. We didn't separate families. We didn't do all of those things, number one. They did"
  • Not true, all those pictures you saw of the cages were taken in 2014 during his time in office.
Joe Biden has repeatedly said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.
  • There is absolutely no truth to this, as Biden was later forced to confess
Biden said on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show: “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.”
  • Not true. The NAACP has never endorsed any candidate
On September 3, 2019 in an NPR interview, referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  • Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war and voted for the resolution to go to war
On August 7, 2019 – Joe Biden claimed that Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  • He never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang members were doing that

Joe's up to around 300 lies now, so he will have beaten Trump's record by year's end.
The left claimed that Trump lied 3000 times. On the other hand they are ho-hum about Biden who lies 100 times a day, and his lies are utterly preposterous:


We forgot something about Biden. He’s a nasty liar | Flopping Aces
Joe Biden has moments of lucidity and moments of confusion. He has to be in bed by 7 pm and doesn't get to the office before 9 am. He is clearly cognitively impaired. There has been a lot of focus on that and it is in order but we're sort of forgotten something along the way.
Biden is a galactic liar and he is a nasty person.
Oh, I know he put on the nice old grandpa schtick during the campaign but under that phony veneer he's a prick and a lying prick at that. His smears of late bring all that to mind.
Biden has a long history of lying going back decades and this clip captures the earlier, real Biden.

That mendacity ruined his first Presidential aspirations. He hasn't changed and he's just as nasty as ever.
Biden gave license to the worst instincts on the left with his repeated sneering references to all Republicans and especially Donald Trump. At one point, he actually accused Trump of letting immigrant children “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.
He said it in a room full of 30 supposed journalists and not a single one challenged him or even asked whether he meant it literally. In fact, not a single one challenged him on any of his falsehoods.
More from Mark Simone
Biden said in the September 12, 2019 debate: "We didn't lock people up in cages. We didn't separate families. We didn't do all of those things, number one. They did"
  • Not true, all those pictures you saw of the cages were taken in 2014 during his time in office.
Joe Biden has repeatedly said he was arrested with Nelson Mandela on the streets of Soweto during a trip to South Africa in the 1970s, when South Africa was under apartheid.
  • There is absolutely no truth to this, as Biden was later forced to confess
Biden said on May 22, 2020 in an interview on The Breakfast Club radio show: “The NAACP has endorsed me every time I've run.”
  • Not true. The NAACP has never endorsed any candidate
On September 3, 2019 in an NPR interview, referring to the Iraq War, "immediately, the moment it started, I came out against the war at that moment."
  • Not true. Biden fully supported the Iraq war and voted for the resolution to go to war
On August 7, 2019 – Joe Biden claimed that Donald Trump "asserted that immigrants would quote, ‘carve you up with a knife’."
  • He never said that about immigrants. He said that MS-13 Gang members were doing that

Joe's up to around 300 lies now, so he will have beaten Trump's record by year's end.

He was up to 300 lies his first day in office, like all those executive orders he signed. We are supposed to believe he authored them. He didn't even know what was in them. Yet, he signed them.
I'll take a Nasty Liar over your Ignorant, Arrogant, Amoral, Lying, Scheming, Incompetent, Inarticulate, Hateful Traitorous Orange Baboon-God any day. :cool:
It’s priceless that there seems to be a competition going on to see if President Biden will lie more than his predecessor...
I'll take a Nasty Liar over your Ignorant, Arrogant, Amoral, Lying, Scheming, Incompetent, Inarticulate, Hateful Traitorous Orange Baboon-God any day. :cool:

My my your partisanship is vivid here, the excuses already made for Biden's decades long lying is exposed. Try the brave idea of being objective and rational instead.....

When Joe catches up with Trump on lies let me know.

There you go again promoting this fiction that it is the NUMBER of lies as if all lies were equal, and not the SCOPE and SEVERITY of the lies that matter!
Most of Trump's so-called "lies" are simply where his opinion differed from the received leftwing wisdom.
...My my your partisanship is vivid here...
Incorrect... my aversion to your Orange Baboon-God is vivid here.

...the excuses already made for Biden's decades long lying is exposed...
Did I not just admit Biden to be a Nasty Liar in my first post within this thread?

...Try the brave idea of being objective and rational instead.....:cuckoo:
Already have... in my first post in this thread. :laugh:
When Joe catches up with Trump on lies let me know.

There you go again promoting this fiction that it is the NUMBER of lies as if all lies were equal, and not the SCOPE and SEVERITY of the lies that matter!
Most of Trump's so-called "lies" are simply where his opinion differed from the received leftwing wisdom.


The truth of the matter is that Trump was toooooo honest....that is a big reason lefties did not like him....the truth hurts them.
...You wallow in personal attacks because you have no fact or logic on your side.
This from the lightweight tool whose very choice of both topic and phrasing constitute a glaringly obvious 'personal attack' on the object-persona... :auiqs.jpg:

You Rumpian a$$holes are swinging after the bell... you backed the wrong horse... your boy lost the Presidency, the House AND the Senate for you...

Had enough "winning" yet? "Like you wouldn't believe?" "Bigly?" :abgg2q.jpg:
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